Module 1-Globalization

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The Contemporary

Module 1:
The most important challenges facing the world
in the 21st century are associated with
globalization, the growing interconnectedness
of people and places through converging
processes of economic, political, and cultural
change. Once distant regions are now
increasingly linked together through commerce,
communication, and travel.
This lesson introduces the various
definitions of globalization, understand its
key features, and familiarize you to a
variety of factors which have contributed
to the process of globalization, its benefits
and disadvantages.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
Develop a nuanced definition of globalization in order to
begin to understand the processes of globalization.

View a video and develop their own definition of


Understand the key features of globalization.

Identify the pros and cons of globalization.

I: The Meaning of

What does this term mean?
Below are the
definitions of
• the process of
interaction and
Shalmali integration among
Guttal people, companies,
and governments
•the geographic
Organization dispersion of
for Economic
Cooperation industrial and
service activities
• “the word used to describe
the growing interdependence
of the world’s economies,
Peterson cultures, and populations,
Institute for brought about by cross-
border trade in goods and
services, technology, and
flows of investment, people,
and information.”
• “the ability to produce any
good or service anywhere
in the world, using raw
Peter materials, components,
capital and technology from
Jay anywhere, sell the resulting
output anywhere and place
the profits anywhere.”
• increased
World Health and interdependence
Organization of peoples and
• “the inexorable integration of
markets, nation-states, and
technologies to a degree never
witnessed before – in a way
Thomas that is enabling individuals,
Friedman corporations and nation-states
to reach around the world
farther, faster, deeper, and
cheaper than ever before.”
•the process of
Robert J. interdependence
among countries
and their citizens
• a process in which
geographic distance
becomes less a factor in
Rudd the establishment and
Lubbers sustenance of border-
crossing, long distance
economic, political, and
socio-economic relations.
• “the intensification of
worldwide social
relations which link
Anthony distant localities in such a
Giddens way that local happenings
are shaped by events
occurring many miles
away and vice-versa.

relations and service

II: Converging Currents of Globalization
1. Global 2. Transnational
communication conglomerate
systems that link 3. International
all regions of the financial
strategies that
institutions that 4. Global
planet instantly have created
make possible 24- agreements that
and global global
hour trading with promote free
transportation corporations more new and more- trade;
systems capable economically
flexible forms of
of moving goods powerful than
monetary flow;
quickly by air, many nation-
sea, and land; states;
II: Converging Currents of Globalization
5. Market
economies that 7. An army of
6. An abundance
have replaced international
of planetary goods
state-controlled workers,
and services that
economies, and managers,
have arisen to
privatized firms executives, who
fulfill consumer
and services, like give this powerful
demand (real or
water delivery, economic force a
formerly operated human dimension
by governments;
III: Advocates and Critics of Globalization

Advocates Critics

corporate labor and

leaders and environmental
economists movements
Advantages of Globalization Disadvantages of Globalization

Productivity increases faster

when countries produce goods Millions of workers have lost
and services in which they have a their jobs because of imports or
comparative advantage. Living shifts in production abroad. Most
standards can increase more find new jobs that pay less.
Global competition and cheap
imports keep a constraint on Millions of workers fear getting
prices, so inflation is less likely laid off, especially at those firms
to disrupt economic growth. in import-competing industries.
Advantages of Globalization Disadvantages of Globalization

Workers face demands

An open economy of wage concessions
promotes technological from their employers,
development and which often threaten to
innovation, with fresh export jobs abroad if
ideas from abroad. wage concessions are
not accepted.
Advantages of Globalization Disadvantages of Globalization
Jobs in export industries Besides blue-collar jobs, service
tend to pay about 15 and white-collar jobs are
percent more than jobs in increasingly vulnerable to
import-competing operations being sent overseas.
Workers can lose their
Unfettered capital competitiveness when companies
movements provide workers build state-of-the-art factories in
access to foreign investment low wage countries, making them
and maintain low interest as productive as those in the
rates. developed countries.
• A number of experts argue that both the
anti-globalization and the pro-
globalization stances are exaggerated.
• Those in the middle ground tend to argue
that economic globalization is indeed
• They point out that even the anti-globalization
movement is made possible by the Internet and
is, therefore, itself an expression of
• They further contend that globalization can be
managed, at both the national and international
levels, to reduce economic inequalities and
protect the natural environment.

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