Mamun Act 360
Mamun Act 360
Mamun Act 360
Md Jubair Al Roman 1530847030
Abdullah Al Mamun 1521681630
Jubair Ahmed 1520877030
Mohammad Younus 1631798030
Fahim Ahmed 1520235630
Md. Naimur Rahman Lizon 1632015030
Manufacturing process
Step 1: For manufacturing the product first we purchase all the
materials like glasses, white stones, coloured stones, head cover,
wallpaper, coloured light, tree, glue etc.
Step 2: After that we made the aquarium frame with the glasses we
Step 3: Then we pour water in the glass frame to check if there is any
outflow. If it is fine then we clean the frame carefully.
Step 4: Later cleaning is done then we fit the wallpaper in the backside
of the aquarium.
Step 5: Then we set up the lights& we put the stones, tree.
Step 6: Finally, we fit the head cover and our product is ready for sale.
Working Hours
Fixed MOH:
• Factory rent = 12000
• Supervisor salary = 8000
• Design = 3000
• Marketing = 2000
• Factory maintenance cost = 5000
• Total Fixed MOH = 30000 Tk
Support Cost
• HR Salary = 15000
• IS Department = 5000
• Total Support Cost = 20000
Selling Cost
• Shop rent = 9000
• Shop keeper Salary = 8000
• Telephone bills = 300
• Electricity bill = 800
• Miscellaneous Cost = 1000
• Internet Bill = 600
• Total Selling cost = 19700
Analysis of costs
Glue Indirect, Variable
Selling Cost
Shop Rent Indirect, Fixed
DM 307200 800
DL 57600 150
HR IS Sales Manufacture
Cost incurred 15000 5000 19700 405840 445540
Allocation of HR (15000) 3000 3000 9000
(15000×1/5; 1/5; 3/5)
Allocation of IS (8000) 1846 6154`
Sharpless stone No of unit produced 384 units 2500 6.5 per unit
Glue No of unit produced 384 units 7040 18.33 per unit Glue consumed
by Unit produced
Water supply No of labour hour 192 DLH 500 2.6 per DLH Water consumed
by labour hour
Electricity No of labour hour 192 DLH 1000 5.21 per DLH Electricity
by labour hour
Factory Rent Square feet 1200 sq. Feet 12000 10 per sq. feet Rent increased by per sq. feet of space
Supervisor salary No of unit produced 384 units 8000 20.83 per unit Supervisor
Salary consumed
by production
Design 3000 -
Marketing Revenue 2000 5% 5% of seals revenue
Factory Maintenance No of unit produced 384 units 5000 13.02 per unit Maintenance
Cost increased
by Production unit
Total 405840
Unit production cost under ABC costing
Activities Activity rate Total taka
DM 800 per unit 800
DL 300 per DLH*0.5 DLH 150
Sharpless stone 6.5 per unit 6.5
Glue 18.33 per unit 18.33
Water supply 2.6 per DLH*0.5 1.3
Electricity 5.21 per DLH*0.5 2.61
Factory Rent (10@1200 Sq. feet)/384 31.25
Supervisor salary 20.83 per unit 20.83
Design - 7.81
Marketing 5% 100
Factory Maintenance 13.02 per unit 13.02
Total 1151.65
Our unit production cost under simple and ABC costing is same.
Product line profitability analysis
• Selling price per unit is 1700tk
Income statement under simple costing
sales (370 units @1700) 629000
production Budget
Budgeted sales 370 units
+ Targeted ending inventory (10% of sales) 37 units
Coloured light (1* 407 units) 407 pieces @ 120/ pieces 48840
Head cover 1 pieces (1 * 407 units) 407 pieces @110 tk/pieces 44770
Oxygen pump 1 pieces (1 * 407) 407 pieces @ 152.5tk/ pieces 62067.5
Pipe 2.5 feet (2.5 feet @ 407 units) 1017.5 feet @ 5tk/ feet 5087.5
Total DM to be used 325600
Direct material purchase budget
DM to be used 325600
Targeted Ending Inventory (12%
of the usage)
DM 370Units@800 296000
DL 370units*0.5*6*50tk 55500
Comment: Margin of safety (MOS) help a business to find out the risk level
of the business or product. High MOS indicate low risk level and lower MOS
indicate higher risk level of the product. Our margin of safety is 510667Tk
and MOS percentage is 81.19%. Means, if our sales decline by 81.19% from
our budgeted sale, then still we will be in our Break-even point. So, as a new
product our product ‘Artificial Aquarium’ is in good position.
Sensitivity Analysis
Degree of Operating Leverage (DOL)= CM/NOI
= 716.69/582.36
= 1.23 times
Operating leverage is also known as Risk-return trade off. OL determine the
effect that fixed cost have on changes in operating income with the changes
of contribution margin and unit sold. Business with high fixed cost have high
Operating leverage. The result of OL 1.23 times means change of 1% in sales
and contribution margin will result only 1.23% changes in operating profit.
From this result we can conclude that on our operating income there is more
influence of variable cost then fixed cost.
Scenario: (A)
15% increase in the demand of the product
% change in profit = % change in sales * DOL
= .15*1.23
= .1845 or 18.45%
If our demand increases by 15% then our profit will increase by 18.45%.
Scenario (B)
20% decrease in demand of the product
% change in profit = % change in sales * DOL
= (.20) * 1.23
= (.246) or 24.6%
If our demand decreases by 20% then our profit will also decrease by 24.6%.