Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights
Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights
Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights
Animal Rights
Objective 4.01-4.02: Define
animal welfare and rights issues
Animal Welfare
Humane treatment of animals
Most animal producers and researchers
believe in animal welfare
support animal nutrition
oppose cruel treatment
Animal Welfare
Scientific information should be the basis
for decisions, laws, and regulations related
to animal welfare
It is difficult to assess animal comfort
because they do not talk and there are no
universally accepted measures to use
Animal Welfare
In Western society the idea is that humans
are dominant creations and have the right
to dominate other creatures
In Eastern society, people view humans as
equal to other species and therefore feel
they should not be allowed to harm any
Animal Rights
Animal should not be used by humans
The issues of animal welfare and animal
rights date back thousands of years to the
ancient Greeks
Sometimes controversial such as PETA, etc…
Animal Rights
Believe that animals should not be used
by humans for any reason