BCL BBA 3rd Sem
BCL BBA 3rd Sem
BCL BBA 3rd Sem
Se L-T-P 40
me 303 4–0– Hour
ste 1 s
Course objectives:
•Knowledge: Basic and broad knowledge in
business laws in management. Ability to apply
concepts, principles and theories to understand
simple business laws.
•Global Perspective: Awareness of the different
business laws.
•Awareness of the global business laws and its
impacts on businesses
Unit – I
Indian Contract Act - essential elements of contract, offer and
acceptance, consideration, capacities of parties, free consent legality
of objects, contingent contract, discharge of contract. Special
Contract Act - Quasi - Contracts, indemnity and guarantee, bailment
and pledge, contract of agency.
Unit – II
Sales of Goods Act - introduction, conditions and warranties,
transfer ownership of property in goods, performance of the
conduct of sale, remedial measures.
Unit – III
Indian partnership Act - nature of partnership, formation of
partnership, relation of partners to one another, relation of partners
to third parties, reconstitution of a firm, dissolution of a firm.
Unit – IV
Negotiable Instruments Act - negotiable instruments - parties,
negotiation presentation, dishonor, Crossing and borrowing of
cheque, GATT (General agreement on tariffs and trade), FERA
(foreign exchange regulation act), Export Import exim policy.
Course Outcomes
•Explain the concepts in business laws with respect to foreign
•Apply the global business laws to current business environment
•Analyse the principle of international business and strategies
adopted by firms to expand globally
•Integrate concept of business law with foreign trade
1. Mercantile Law - N.D. Kapur,Sultan Chand.
2. Business Law - Tulsian TMH.
3. Business Law - P.R. Chandha, Golgotia.
Meaning of Business:
Business means all those activities that are related to the
production and distribution of goods and services with a
view to earn profit.