Concept of Intake Interview Shiba .
Concept of Intake Interview Shiba .
Concept of Intake Interview Shiba .
Social casework – working with individuals
• Name – Alisheeba sanjay Wakdey
• Roll no – 58
• Specialization – FCW
• In today's world we see that mental distress, mental stress, is increasing a lot.
So for this type of
• An intake interview is your first appointment with a therapist. During this initial
appointment, he or she will ask various questions in order to make, or come
closer to making a diagnosis and to create a personalized treatment plan for you.
• The questions your therapist asks depend on a variety of factors. –
• He or she may ask you the questions directly and/or give you a diagnostic test on
paper or online.
• Intake interviews are the most common type of interview in clinical psychology.
• They occur when a client first comes to seek help from a clinician.
Causes –
• Relationship issues,
• Anxiety to depression,
• Phobias to addictions,
• Loss of identity to gender identity issues,
• PTSD to Bipolar Disorder
• Patient OR Disturb Person Thinks That I need help
• Finally they need help for improve there condition and then they call
therapist. Later that Therapist calls for intake interview.
Include all years up to the present. Please do not include details. List immediate
family members (childhood and current) and ages of siblings.
Birth experience: (i.e. mother anesthetized? cord around the neck? induced? c-
section? other?)
LIST the following types of events. Please include ages, as best you recall.
Surgeries and/or injuries of any sort? (i.e. car accidents? back injuries? stitches
and where?,tonsillectomy? bicycle spills? etc.?)
Critical incident-type events? (This can include physical abuse, sexual abuse,
witnessing of a horrifying event that occurred to others, etc.)
Usually, the clinician diagnoses the patient using criteria from the
first two DSM axes. Some intake interviews include a mental status
During the intake interview, the clinician may determine a treatment
plan. In some cases, particular clinician may feel that he or she lacks
the expertise to best help the client. It is during the intake interview
that the clinician should refer the client to another source.
• During the intake interview, both parties form opinions about one
another that can be either positive or negative
Referred by
Referred for
Family constellation
Personality of client
Identification data
Referred for
Associated problem
Problem which facing now by the client
Family constellation
Medical history
If client take treatments before this interview with any other agency
then his or her experience.
Intake is the meeting with client to understand and be sensitive towards the feeling of client.
Because of this client speak openly about problem.
Awareness of agency’s functions and services
The intake interview is a guided interview to ask only relevant questions like history of problem .
Intake worker should be balance between fact finding and recognition
of feeling.
• For many a client talking with someone who listens with a non
judgmental understanding instead of criticizing or admonishing is
unique experience
• This relationship with person who does not ask anything for himself personally
but focuses on clients problem and help with advise or treatment.
• Because of this relationship client easily speak about problems and interviewer
understand very well.