Public Debt, Public Investment and Economic Growth
Public Debt, Public Investment and Economic Growth
Public Debt, Public Investment and Economic Growth
The problem of mexican economy: underdeveloped and the authorities have not found a way to
overcome this. The problems as diverse as poverty, informality, low productivity, insecurity, unemployment
and a chronic phase of economic stagnation. Of all indicated problems, the one that gives most concern
relates to the low rates of economic growth. Attempts have been made to fix this and various strategies
proposed, the most common being the increase in public spending, particularly concerning investment.
This work establishes that sub-national governments hire debt for the purpose of financing public investment
projects that complement private investment to translate into greater economic growth and jobs, which
ultimately result in greater well-being for the citizens.
From which contracted debt becomes sustainable and there is no risk for their
finances. The problem is the debt of the states or sub-national, which has grown
significantly from 2% of GDP in 1994 to 3.1% in 2013. So, The primary objective
of this article is to answer the following two research questions:
“Has the growing public debt of state governments promoted increased public
investment? If the answer is yes, then does any increase in public investment lead
to more growth in the Mexican states?”
Literature Review
Barro, R. On the determination of
Rodríguez, A.; Azamar, A. (2013)
public debt (1979)
Description of data is presented in the tables. The variabeles of interest are public debt,public invesment,and
production per person. The production per person increased by little more than 4000 pesos between 1993 and
2012,a modest increase in 20 years (42%),inequalities between states with more and less income reported
increased ,which can be seen when analyzing the positive change in the standart deviation. The main feature of the
behavior of output per person is its meager growth and geograohich concentration.
1. Origin and characteristic of data
In this article, using Dynamic Models with panel data and the GMM, there has been evidence to
confirm that between public investment and public debt of the Mexican states, there is a positive
correlation, which is in line with the findings of other researchers. Moreover, it has been shown that public
investment is a positive determinant of economic growth, with which it can be stated that the debt that has
been hiring does have a relatively favorable impact on state economies. However, there are some points
that need to be made.
In light of the results presented, it is recommended to increase public investment and monitor the
effectiveness of multiplier effects; it is not only quantity, but as in many other areas of the economy, it is a
matter of quality. It is also recommended that its funding comes from taxes and not exclusively from debt,
an issue long debated in Mexico, since states are highly dependent on resources received via the
federation: today, of every 100 pesos received by states, 97 pesos come from the federation and only three
pesos are collected internally. Tax reforms should aim at giving the states greater tax powers and
strengthen the legal framework to ensure that public finances are handled more transparently and citizens
may have total certainty over the government’s use of its resources.
The main conclusion of this work is that the public debt
may be an option to finance public investment, as long
as it is intended fully for this area and not diverted for
01 other purposes, which is always likely due to the
configuration of the incentives of the political class in