Imrad PPT For Defense
Imrad PPT For Defense
Imrad PPT For Defense
• Social media influencers (SMIs) are independent third party endorsers who
use social media networks to shape his or her audiences. This research aims to
known the impacts and influence of social media influencers on the decision
making of the youth. This study aims to know the main reasons why does
people rely their decision making to their favorite SMIs, and to understand the
positive and negative impacts and consequences of SMIs to the youth decision
• The researchers use the research design phenomenology which refers to the
life based experiences of the participants. In addition, the researchers use the
sampling technique purposive sampling wherein they choose their participants
based on inclusion criteria of the said research. Furthermore, to gathered and
conducted an interview the researchers asked a letter of approval to the
Senior High School principal as well as to our researcher adviser and
coordinator. After, the said approval the researchers choose their participants
and give them an informed consent wherein signed by their guardians and
parents. The participants of the said study, was composed of four (4) students,
and one (1) teacher.
After, the said interview the researchers found out that
SMIs gives a lot of life lessons, motivation and advices
that could generate and apply to our lives. In addition,
the researchers also found out that SMIs are both having
a good and bad impacts and consequences in dealing
with the decision making of the youth.
Overall the researchers found out that SMIs nowadays is
very influential in influencing the people especially the
youth in terms of their decision making. In addition, the
researchers also found out that social media and its
users has a capability to influence and rely themselves
on others especially when it comes to dealing with their
decision making.
is independent third party endorsers who use social media
networks to shape and influences his or her audiences.
Social media is consists of several online-based platforms that
allow consumers to search for, interact with and share
information about anything and everything as stated by (Alves, et.
al, 2016)
According to (Uzunoǧlu et. al, 2014), social media influencers
(SIMs) are referred as a third-party individual with high social
status and strong social influence. Forbes (2016) claims that a
social media influencer (SMI) can shape the attitudes, opinions,
actions as well as purchase decisions of its followers.
SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS are also known to have the ability
to master the E-WoM, which has been found to have a great
impact on the purchase decisions of consumers (Freberg et al,
TWO STEP FLOWS THEORY (Lazarsfeld et. al, 1944).
-It is a flow of information and influence from the mass media to
their audiences involves two steps, the first one is from the media
(opinion leaders) to certain individuals and from that individual to
the public.
which refers into how media of communication affects human
perception, understanding, feeling, value, and decision-making.
explain that framing as a theory of mass communication, suggests
that how something is presented to the audience (called “the
frame”) influences the choices, decisions and perception of the
people that makes about how to process that information.
(SMIS) (Lazarsfeld Marshall
et. al, McLuhan
1944) (1972)
Figure 2: Theoretical
Framework of the study.
The main focus of this research is to find out how does social media
influencers (SMIs) influences the decision-making of the youth and what are
positive and negative consequences that influencing them. This research
specifies, to answer the following questions:
1. Why most of the youth rely their decisions to their favorite social media
influencers SMIs?
2. What are the reasons why SMIs influence youth in their decision- making?
3. What are the positive and negative consequences or impacts of social
media influencers SMIs in our daily life?
4. How do social media influencers SMIs influences the perspective of the
5. How does social media influencers SMIs affects the decisions made by
youth in daily life?
The main objectives of this research are:
1. To discover what is the main reasons why does
the social media influencers can influence the
decision making of the youth.
2. To understand the impacts of SMIs to the youth
decision making.
3. To discover and to know what are the both
positive and negative impacts and consequences of
SMIs in the youth’s decision making.
According to (Crotty, 1998) phenomenology
research is a descriptive research focuses on
seeking realities not pursuing truth, it is in the
form of manifestation of phenomena as it is in
the form of life world made of interconnected,
lived experiences subjectively.
The participants of the study are composed of 3 female students and 1
male student and 1 teacher who were selected using purposive sampling.
He is a Senior High School Teacher, and
25 years old in age and current
teaching Empowerment Technologies,
Media and Information Literacy and
Creative Writing.
Participant A said that, most of the youth rely their decisions to
their favorite influencers, because, “it motivates the person’s mind
to be optimistic”. In addition, participant A used social media for
only one hour in watching videos and checking her accounts. In
addition, both participants B and C states that, “inspirations” serve
us reasons why youth rely their decisions to their favorite social
media influencers. As participant B said, “inspirations” are causes
of relying of the youth in SMIs. Participant B use social media for 2
hours. Similar to participant B, participant C also said that, “we rely
on them because we see them as our role model and inspirations”.
“Yes, SMIs are good influencer, because they give a inspirations,
besides they are also trusted and reliable”. She uses social media
for one and half hour.
The participants A and C said that, the causes of affecting youth’s decision in
daily life it is because of the continuously growth of SMIs and the large number of
netizens who used social media. As per participant A, “social media and SMIs are
the reasons why they affect the decision making of people”. Participant C also
answered that the “it is because of continues growth of SMIs in our generation
today, in just one click you can easily search and find something interesting”. Both
of participants B and D stated that, SMIs affects the decision making of people
because of their own word of wisdom or their E-WOM. As per participant B, it is
because of the “words of wisdom which is the primary causes that make them
easily to believe and making them to influence their decision making”. According
to participant D, “it is because we can easily apply their wordy words or E-WOM in
our lives especially in terms of our decision making”. Participant E said that, “he
cannot answer the question it is because he is dealing with his own decision
making although he watched some of the blogs of them. He added that,” he
embraces the life lessons that he gathered in the social media influencers and
teach that lessons to his currently students”. The results fall, under the Media
Ecology Theory of McLuhan and the framing theory of Gregory Bateson.
The researchers, gather their results from the
answers of their participants, were it is the basis
of their discussion. The discussion, will gives
focus on the research questions of the study
which all referring in the impacts of social media
influencers in the decision making of the youth
In previous interview, the researchers found that
some of reasons why people rely their decisions to
their favorite SMIs it is because of they can motivates
persons mind to be optimistic, they serves as a
inspirations, they can give life lessons and experiences
and they are trusted and trustworthy people and
influencers. It affirms the study of Houser (2016) that
aside, from being trustworthy of social media
influencers, they also help to increasing connection,
information and positively influencing relationships. It
also affirms the study of (Khalid et. al, 2018) that SMIS
help them to driven their personal motivation to reach
their self-fulfillment.
Based on the interview conducted by the
researchers, some of the reasons why SMIs
influence peoples decision making are because they
serves as a role model, they are rich and popular,
because of their words of wisdom and because they
are credible and trusted sources. It affirms the
study of (Lim et. al, 2017) SMIs are being credible,
gives inspirations, trustworthy, and knowledgeable
due to their amiability with its consumer. It also
affirms the previous statistics conducted by Twitter
last 2016, it shows that 40% of respondents have
made a purchase after seeing it used by an
influencer, because of their fame and popularity.
This also affirms in the study of Gashi
(2017) where she discuss that Electronic
Words of Mouth (E-WOM) of SMIs are the
proven reason why most of the people
especially the followers suddenly purchasing
and making their own decisions. However, it
was negate the statistic conducted of
MuseFind (2016) that around 92 % of people
and consumers nowadays trust an influencer
more than advertisement or traditional
celebrity endorsement.
In the recent interview, the researchers found out
that some of the POSITIVE IMPACTS OR
CONSEQUENCES of SMIs in our daily lives are they gives
information, gives motivation, gives inspirations, make
us happy and satisfied us as well. This affirms in the
study of (Khalid et. al, 2018) that one of the good
influence of SMIs in the youth is, it help them to driven
their personal motivation to reach their self-fulfillment.
In addition, it also supported by Lucy Hart, a head of
influence and advocacy at MISCHIEF PR, she explained
that the reasons why consumers are drawn to SMIs
because consumers or followers feel as though they
are friends who gives inspiration and motivation from
these influencers.
It was also supported by (Laroche et. al,
2012) that the said increasing connection,
increase information sharing and lessons,
are positively influencing the relationship
of an influencer and its followers. It was
also, supported by
(Hsu et. al, 2013) that it also gives an
opportunity to have a closer connection,
life advices, inspiration, and relationship to
the influencers.
With the connection, the researchers found out
based on the previous interview that some of the
our daily lives are they can posts something
sensitive and depressive through their social media
accounts, makes us believing them too much,
cannot forget to watch their videos, lose our bonds
and keeps in our family, and lack of knowledge and
awareness about they are posting in their social
media accounts and applications.
It affirms the study of, (Booth and Matic,
2011) that social media influencers are now
an influential powerhouse of “somebodies”
who hold “immense growth and increasing
power in manipulating once decisions” It was
negate the statement of Njoroge (2013) that
influencers can be the authorities of the
internet because they can control, influence
both good and bad and can manipulate its
follower and audience’s decisions.
It also supported by (Boateng and Okoe, 2015) that
SMIs have been proven to have a great impact on
purchase decisions of consumers as they, due to
curiosity, easily embrace information other content
that come from reliable and unreliable sources.
It was disaffirm by (Livingstone et. al, 2005) that
influencers can be seen as a reason of diverse
influences and impact to individual. In addition, this
can result into developing anxieties about the
solitary nature of media that creates and affects the
loss of community’s traditions and values.
Based on the interview, they found out that
SMIs can influence the perspective of people
due to posting something in their social media
accounts, over use of social media, large
growth of SMIs nowadays and SMIs capacity
as a good speaker and influencer. This affirms
the report from Aimia, that shows that 31% of
consumers say they’re using social media to
browse for new items to buy.
Furthermore, it also affirms Forbes statistic that
shown that 78% of consumers’ purchases are
impacted by companies social media posts. It was
negates the statistics of Nielson Global Trust in
Advertising Survey, it shows that 92% of the
consumers worldwide trust electronic word-of-
mouth (E-WOM) of SMIs recommendations more
than any other advertising form. This agrees the
social learning theory of Bandura, that Electronic
Word of Mouth (eWOM) encourages consumers to
share their opinions with other consumers. Word of
mouth is known to be one of the most credible and
trusted sources of marketing.
In the recent interview, researchers found
out that social media, SMIs growth, and SMIs
words of wisdom or flowery words are the
reasons in affecting the decision of people in
their daily life. This was affirm by (Jaakonmäki
et al, 2017) that electronic word-of-mouth (E-
WOM), is the powerful tool that can persuade
consumers or followers to follow specific
influencers and buy a certain product they are
It was contradict the statement of (Chukwuere
et. al, 2017) that SMIs influences the daily
lives of people it is because of the use of social
media platforms such as facebook, twitter,
instagram, youtube and other social
networking sites. However, it was also negate
by Burke (2017) that social media influencers
(SMIs) use social media networks to shape
and influences his or her audiences.
According to Hubspot data, 71% of
people are more likely to make a
purchase online if the product or service
comes recommended by others. This
contradicts the statistics by ION
published on Forbes that around 71% of
consumers are more likely to make a
purchase based on a social media
The following are the conclusions drawn from the findings:
1. To the youth, learn to stand firmly to your decisions, and not rely it other people
especially to your favorite SMIs. Because, not everything that you see and you loved can
benefit you successfully. Also learn to look to both positive and negative impacts of
watching blogs of your SMIs.
2. To students, learn to appreciate the consequences and impacts of decisions you made
to your life. Learn to firmly stand in your decisions and not rely it to others.
3. To school, learn to facilitate and empower to teach the students regarding the positive
and negative impacts of SMIs and social media into the lives of your students.
4. To parents, learn to educate and your children and start it by yourselves. In addition,
teach them in choosing good decisions and teach them to accept the impacts nor
consequences of their decisions.
5. To future researchers, this research will strongly benefits you to study and conduct
more researches regarding the impacts and influence of the SMIs to youth’s decision