Week2 English10
Week2 English10
Week2 English10
Module in Writing
Informative, Persuasive
and Argumentative Essay
Lord, we offer to you our class today.
Before starting the module, set aside other tasks that will disturb
you in understanding
the lesson. Read the instructions below to successfully accomplish
the objectives of this
module. Enjoy learning and writing!
1. Follow the instructions given in every part of this module.
2. Take down important details so you will be reminded of them.
3. Accomplish all the activities given with enthusiasm and certainty.
4. Read articles and listen to news that relate to the activities you
need to perform.
5. Be patient in writing. Practice makes perfect.
In this module, you will use a variety of informative, persuasive,
argumentative writing techniques.
Specifically, this will help you to:
___2. This group of words is used to show connection and
sequence of ideas and information in writing.
A. phrases C. transitional devices
B. Conjunctions D. prepositions
____3. This element of writing shows sequence of ideas and
A. coherence C. mechanics
B. Unity D. content
____4. Persuading the readers to believe what you have written can
be done by ______.
A. building a logical and convincing argument to support your
B. using transitional devices showing contrast to organize your ideas
C. supporting your argument with facts and examples
D. giving your point of view about the topic
Writing is a form of communication that
allows students to express their thoughts
and feelings, to organize their knowledge
/ideas and beliefs into convincing
arguments, and to convey meaning through
well-constructed text.
• purpose
• audience
• clarity
• unity
• coherence
PURPOSE - When we talk about the purpose of a paragraph, we are talking about the reasons that
a writer
is writing a particular paragraph. For writers to stay focused on their topic, they must understand
purpose that they are trying to accomplish. The purpose is the goal the writer is trying to achieve.
The three most common goals of academic writing are:
• to inform the readers
• to persuade the readers
• to entertain the readers
AUDIENCE - The second element of good writing is to keep your audience in mind as you write.
The term audience refers to the readers. Good writers know who their audience is before they start
writing. Good writers keep their audience in mind as they write every sentence in their paragraph.
CLARITY refers to how easy it is for the reader to understand your writing. Good writers explain
their points clearly. Clear sentences are not vague or indirect; they get the point across to the
reader by
using specific, concise language.
Here are two ways that you can improve clarity:
• Use descriptive (or precise) words
• Use clear pronoun references
UNITY in a paragraph means that all the sentences are related to
the topic sentence and its controlling idea. Good writers stay on
topic by making sure that each supporting sentence relates to the
topic sentence.
The Introduction
The beginning, otherwise known as the introduction, is your opportunity to present your thesis statement and grab the attention of the
reader. Your thesis statement must be one sentence, making it very clear what the reader will be informed about.
The introduction can be anywhere from a paragraph to a page, depending on the requirements and circumstances. Use this opportunity to
introduce the main idea, provide any pertinent definitions, and briefly describe what will be covered. Above all else, the introduction must
clearly state what readers are about to explore. Be sure to steer clear of any evidence of your opinion on the topic.
Below, you'll find two informative essay introduction examples to help you brainstorm your own ideas.
Sample Introduction #1: This essay discusses the topic of donating blood.
When you woke up this morning, did you think today would be the day you save a life? In fact, it's quite easy to save a life and it only takes a
little bit of your time. You don't even need to be a paramedic or firefighter. All you have to do is set aside approximately one hour to donate
blood. This essay will explore how to donate blood, whom it benefits, and how often you can contribute to these life-saving measures.
Sample Introduction #2: This essay explores the history of Ireland from the perspective of its iconic castles.
Ireland is a country steeped in history. In fact, its history dates beyond 3,000 B.C, when the megalithic tombs were constructed in New
grange. Throughout the country's expansive evolution, the Irish fought time and again to maintain their independence as a sovereign
nation. Evidence of the rich history is clearly visible through its many castles, including Leighlinbridge Castle and Carlow Castle, two of
Ireland's oldest establishments.
The Body
The middle, otherwise known as the body, is your opportunity to expound upon the thesis statement and grab the attention of the audience with solid
facts, statistics, statements, and other supporting details.
The body will be several paragraphs long, comprising the bulk of the essay. This is where you'll provide further details about the main idea. Be sure you
delve deeply into every area previously outlined in the introduction.
The Conclusion
The end, otherwise known as the conclusion, is your opportunity to summarize the essay in a paragraph or two. It should spur the reader to want to learn
more about the topic. Be sure to reiterate the thesis statement clearly. In your introduction, you may have laid out what would be covered in the essay.
Offer a sentence or two reiterating what was learned about those topic areas.
After that, offer up a few closing remarks that gloss over the most important elements. End on a high note, encouraging your readers to learn more or
contemplate the most important elements of your essay. You may even pose a rhetorical question.
Below, you'll find two sample conclusions to help you brainstorm your own ideas.
Sample Conclusion #1: This concludes the essay example above on the topic of donating blood. Note how it emphasizes the simplicity of the process.
The process of donating blood is decidedly simple. Many folks carry out the process while reading a chapter from a new book or watching an episode of
their favorite TV show. Indeed, the infinitesimal amount of time it takes to donate blood can transfer into a lifetime of happiness for the recipient.
Remember to bring juice or something sugary to keep your glucose levels high at the end of the procedure. Then, hold your head up high, knowing there's
a life out there that's about to be saved by you.
Sample Conclusion #2: This conclusion to the Ireland essay example reiterates the "ferocity of its people."
If Ireland isn't an example of a rebel nation, what is? The ferocity of its people is clearly evidenced by the fact that Leighlinbridge Castle was built and
rebuilt three times before it was finally sacked by the Cromwellians. Carlow Castle's staggering history earmarks Ireland's triumphant history too, starting
as a mighty fortress and surviving numerous rebellions. Indeed, Ireland is a country storied in history and its many castles are the tellers of its tale.
A PERSUASIVE ESSAY is written to persuade
the reader. The writer attempts to get
the reader to agree with his point of view. He
presents arguments, research, and ideas
to convince the reader.
Today science and technology has come to pervade every aspect of our lives. Computer, television and radio
have almost replaced the newspaper and letter once dominated our lives. Accordingly, the issue about whether the
ability to read and write is more important today may attract our attentions. It is clear that classified views have
converged into two: some think reading and writing ability is more important today than in the past, while others deny
its importance. As I see it, I agree with the former view without any hesitation and my choice is based on a careful
consideration of the following reasons.
The main reason which may win most of people's support is that if lack the reading and writing ability, one
would be considered as illiterate who has been deprived of the most basic right of human beings in the 21st century. It
will be hard for us to imagine how somebody who can't read and write communicates with other people. A
case in point is that one of my neighbors who is an old man and cannot read and write may only talk with others face
to face. As for making friends by email and search information in newspaper, it is absolutely impossible.
P L The second reason I would like to point out is that people today who cannot read and write cannot even make
a living. Good jobs are difficult to find because of economic depression. Nearly all the jobs require people who can
A M read and write very well. Even if one just plans to be a driver, he must read the road sign and know where he is and
where he will go.
EX Furthermore, the ability to read and write could bring us lots of advantages. Suppose that people who have
tired out with a hard week's sweat and effort may get lots of benefits and relief from reading a short novel and
broaden his horizon by appreciating a nice poem. Many friends around me would believe reading and writing some
effective ways to relax themselves.
People today especially those children may find it easier for them to manipulate the mouse of the computer
than to write things down by hand. Watching TV instead of reading may still occupy someone's most leisure time. Yet if
all the factors I discussed above are contemplated and we are to minimize the losses and maximize the gains, it
will not be hard for us to realize that the ability to read and write is more important today than in the past.
The ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY requires the writer to
investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate
evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a
concise manner.
*In a persuasive essay, it is the writer’s job to convince the reader to accept a
particular point of view or take a specific action. Persuasive essays require good
research, awareness of the reader’s biases, and a solid understanding of both
sides of the issue. A good persuasive essay demonstrates not only why the
writer’s opinion is correct, but also why the opposing view is incorrect.
* An ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING approach is more formal and
academic. The writer must back up his or her argument with hard
evidence. Argumentative writing must dig a little deeper and refer
to scientific studies and quotes from experts.
_____4. Persuasive essay deals with facts, data, and hard evidence
rather than pure emotion about an issue.