Lvpei Q3
Lvpei Q3
Lvpei Q3
Patient’s aspect. Many patients didn’t know the There are several non-profit organization which
CVDs’ symptoms, so they only go to the doctor provide donation in CVDs, as like Indonesia Heart
after the situation worsens. It is also about Foundation and several company which provide CSR
patient’s ability to pay the treatment due to its budget in CVDs, as like Pelindo III which provide IDR
expensive treatment. 600 million.
In 2016, India reported 63% of
total deaths due to Non-
communicable Disease (NCDs),
of which 27% were attributed
to Cardiovascular Diseases
Meanwhile, Indonesia reported
73% of total deaths due to
NCDs, of which 35% were
attributed to CVDs
Source : World Health Organization - Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD) Country Profiles, 2018
Proposed Pyramida Model for Cardiology
Center of Excellence
Provide Cardio Tertier facilities plus conduct research. Top Management set up the heart
CoE care policy.
Cardio Tertier
Provide Cardio care facilities plus cardiovascular surgery, complete cardiovascular
rehabilitation, cardiovascular specialist, supported specialist, Intensive coronary care
Cardio er
Terti unit, complete medicine for CVD.
Cardio Care
Provide Cardio center facilities plus caridovascular specialist, intensive care
unit, essential medicine for cardiovascular disease.
Care Cardio Center
Provide general practitioners, essential medical equipment as like
Electrocardiogram and Chest X- Ray, basic medicine for
cardiovascular disease.
Cardio r
Cente Cardio Guardians
Social worker trained with basic knowledge related
cardiovascular disease, facilitated with basic medical
equipment as like tensimeter.
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