A 6-Year-Old Girl With A Long-Standing History of Severe Asthma and Eczema
A 6-Year-Old Girl With A Long-Standing History of Severe Asthma and Eczema
A 6-Year-Old Girl With A Long-Standing History of Severe Asthma and Eczema
NCM 109.1
Related Learning Experience
Case Presentation
Clinical Instructor:
Mrs. Frances Carmi D.
Gonzales, RN, MAN
Name: Patient A
Age: 6 y.o
Sex: Female
Weight: 23.89 kg/m2 [the 98th
percentile for age]
Family History:
The patient has a long-standing history of severe asthma
and eczema presented.
-Network of cells called neurons that coordinate actions and transmit
signals between different parts of the body.
-Major controlling, regulatory, and communicating
system in the body.
-Together with the endocrine system, the nervous system
is responsible for regulating and maintaining
-MAIN FUNCTION: To coordinate and control the various
body functions.
-Divided into two regions: CNS & PNS
Central Nervous System
-Composed of the Brain and Spinal cord.
-Broadly subdivided into lower centers, including the spinal cord and
brain stem, that carry out essential body and organ-control functions
and higher centers within the brain that control more sophisticated
information processing, including our thoughts and perceptions.
-Main Function: To process the information received from the
peripheral nervous system.
- The patient was followed up in the clinic approximately every 3 months, owing to the complexity of
her condition.
- The patient has increased weight, and she was referred to a dietitian for weight loss strategies.
- The patient was referred to a pediatric otolaryngologist for consideration of nocturnal
polysomnography (NPSG) or an adenotonsillectomy.
- The possible medications for narcolepsy are stimulants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs) or serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), tricyclic antidepressants, and
sodium oxybate (Xyrem).
Ideal and Actual
-Medical attention - Medications are ordered
for the complexity for the manifested signs
of manifestations and symptoms.
such as asthma and - Bronchoscopy
eczema - Follow up every 3
- Medications for months
narcolepsy - Dietary interventions
- Tests for -Physical examination
diagnosing the - Referred to NPSG or
condition adenotonsillectomy
Medical Management
Polysomnogram (PSG) and Multiple Sleep
A collaborate with otolaryngologist, a NPSG demonstrates the following:
Latency Test (MSLT)
A respiratory disturbance index and an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) of 6.2 per hour
Sleep latency of 0.5 minutes and rapid eye movement (REM) latency of 0.5 minutes
A sleep efficiency of 87.5%
18.2% of total sleep time in stage N1, 36.4% in N2, 29.9% in N3, and 15.5% in
REM sleep
An arousal index of 18.6
A periodic leg movement index of 6.3
Multiple periods of wakefulness scattered throughout the night and six REM periods
Otolaryngologist notes:
Not tolerated nasal fluticasone well
A chronic mouth breather
Tonsils are enlarged (3+)
Generic Brand Dosage Frequency Indications Contraindica Side Adverse Special Nursing
Name Name tions Effects Effects Precautions Considerati
Fluticasone Flonase, 88 µg BID Management of Treatment of Severe or Adrenal Advise the pt 1. Look for
flovent the nasal status ongoing suppression to practice the signs of
symptoms of asthmaticus or nosebleeds; ff: sensitivity to
the medication.
perennial other acute Posterior Check your
nonallergic episodes of Noisy subcapsular progress at 2.Observe the
rhinitis in adult asthma or breathing, cataracts on regular visits level of
and pediatric COPD where runny nose, prolonged with your symptom
patients aged 4 intensive crusting use physician. severity to
years and older. measures are around your determine if the
required; nostrils, Oral If symptoms medication is
Indicated for the redness; candidiasis do not effective or if
maintenance Hypersensitivity improve the dose can be
treatment of to any of the Sores or Hoarseness within a few
asthma as ingredients of white of voice days or if they 3.Taking
prophylactic these patches in become fluticasone for
therapy preparations your mouth Throat worse, check long term
or throat; irritation with your treatment
doctor. places one at
Fever, chills, risk for a nasal
body aches, Make sure infection or
sores in the
blurred your doctor
vision, eye knows if you
pain; have had 4.Advise the
nose surgery, patient that the
Seeing a nose injury, hypothalamic-
halos or an infection pituitary-adrenal
around in your nose (HPA) axis
lights; suppression
Check with can occur when
your doctor fluticasone for
immediately long term
if there are treatment
signs of
Frequency Indications Contraindic
Side Effects Adverse
Albuterol Proventil 180 µg PRN Treatment and Hypersensitivi Headache, CNS: Advise the pt Tell your patient
Sulfate HFA, Ventolin prevention of ty to milk fever, headache, to practice the that the
HFA, Proair bronchospasm protein and dizziness, dizziness, ff: medication
HFA, (acute or albuterol nausea, nausea,
severe) . formulations vomiting; vomiting; 1.Consult causes
and your doctor wheezing and
Treatment for adrenergic Chest pain, Respi: and difficulty
wheezing and amines; nervousness, wheezing, pharmacist if breathing
shortness of muscle throat you are
breathing Has history to aches, irritation, allergic to Maintain a beta-
problems such any of its tachycardia; nasal albuterol and adrenergic
as asthma component of irritation, any other blocker
albuterol; Sore throat, cough, sinus medications; beta-blocker,
runny nose, pain, runny such as
Conditions wheezing, nose; 2. Do not stop atenolol, should
with trouble taking the be used with
overactive breathing; CV: anti- respiratory
thyroid gland, tachycardia, inflammatory distress
diabetes, high Nasal chest pain, medicine,
blood irritation; irregular even if your Administer
pressure; breathing; asthma
inhalation drug
Skin rash, seems better, forms during
hives, GU: unless your second half of
burning, Increased doctor tells inspiration
chills; incidence of you to Read
leiomyomas the instructions
3. Tell your that come with
GI: upset patient that respiratory
stomach, the inhalant
constipation; medication Report any
inhalation adverse effects
Skin: Hives, sometimes in respond to
skin rash, causes usual dosage
redness of wheezing and
skin; difficulty
Generic Name Brand Dosage Frequency Indications Contraindic Side Adverse Special Nursing
Name ations Effects Effects Precaution Considerati
Ipratropium Atrovent, 34 µg PRN Treatment of Contraindi Dry mouth; CNS: Advise the pt to
practice the ff:
Protect solution
for inhalation from
Bromide Atrovent HFA reversible headache,
bronchospasm cated with Cough; dizziness, 1. Do not use
associated with hypersensit nausea, more of it and do nebulizer
not use it more mouthpiece
chronic ivity to Headache; vomiting;
often than your instead of face
atropine or Nausea; Respi:
doctor ordered.
Also, do not stop
mask to avoid
blurred vision or
disease its paradoxical using this aggravation of
medicine without narrow-angle
(COPD). derivatives, Dizziness; bronchospas telling your doctor. glaucoma.
soy bean or Difficulty nasal 2.Keep the spray
mix albuterol in
bromide is peanut breathing; dryness; or solution away nebulizer for up to
from the eyes 1 hr.
indicated, when allergies epistaxis
used (nasal spray) 3.Do not keep this Ensure adequate
(aerosol). medicine inside a hydration, control
with inhaled Use GU: buccal
car where it could
be exposed to
temperature to
beta2-agonists, cautiously ulceration extreme heat or prevent
for treatment of with
cold. hyperpyrexia.
reversible GI:
airways narrow- constipation
4. Do not poke
holes in the
the patient void
obstruction as angle canister or throw before taking
in acute and it into a fire, even medication to
glaucoma, if the canister is avoid urinary
chronic asthma. empty. retention
hypertroph 5.Do not keep
y, bladder medicine or
medicine no
neck longer needed.
Generic Brand Dosage Frequency Indications Contraindi Side Adverse Special Nursing
Name Name cations Effects Effects Precaution Considerati
s ons
Montelukast Singulair OD Prevention and Contraindicated Body aches or CNS: Suicidal Advise the pt to 1. Encourage
chronic treatment in: pain Behaviors/Thoug practice the ff: patient and
of asthma, Hypersensitivity. hts, agitation, family to be alert
Management of Difficulty in aggression, Use Cautiously for emergence of
seasonal allergic breathing anxiety, attention in: Acute attacks signs of adverse
rhinitis, Prevention disturbance; of asthma; effects especially
of exercise-induced Dryness or Phenylketonuria( during early
bronchoconstriction soreness of the Fatigue, chewable tablets antidepressant
in patients 6 yr and throat hallucinations, contain therapy.
older. headache, aspartame);
Loss of voice insomnia, Hepatic 2. Assess
irritability, impairment(may symptoms on a
Pain or
memory need lower day-to-day basis
impairment; doses); as changes may
around the eyes
be abrupt. If
and cheekbone Restlessness, Reduction of these symptoms
sleep walking, corticosteroid or rash occurs
Pain, redness, or
weakness; therapy(may notify health care
swelling in the
increase the risk professional.
ear EENT: of eosinophilic
nosebleed, otitis conditions); OB,
stomach pain
(children), Lactation, Pedi:
Stuffy or runny sinusitis Pregnancy,
nose (children). -Resp: lactation,or
cough, children. 1 yr
rhinorrhea. (safety not
GI: abdominal
pain, diarrhea, Do not confuse
dyspepsia, Singulair with
nausea Sinequan
Generic Brand Dosage Frequency Indications Contraindic Side Adverse Special Nursing
Name Name ations Effects Effects Precaution Considerati
Diphenhydramine Benadryl 25mg PRN Relief of Hypersensitivit Drowsiness; CNS: Advise the pt to Administer with
symptoms y to depression, practice the ff: food if GI upset
associated with diphenhydrami Dizziness; dizziness, occurs.
1.This should be
perennial and ne headache, stored at room Administer syrup
seasonal allergic hydrochloride sedation; temperature in form if the
rhinitis; and other stomach upset, paradoxical its original patient is unable
vasomotor antihistamines blurred vision; stimulation in container. to take tablets.
rhinitis; allergic of similar children;
conjunctivitis; chemical Dry 2. Excessive 3. Monitor
EENT: dryness humidity should patient response,
mild, structure. mouth/nose/thr
of mouth, be avoided. and arrange for
uncomplicated oat adjustment of
urticaria and Hypersensitivit thickened 3. This drug may dosage to lowest
angioedema; y; neonates, respiratory not be a good possible effective
lactation. secretion, choice for you if dose.
Amelioration of blurring of you have certain
allergic reactions vision; medical Take as
to blood or conditions. prescribed; avoid
plasma and GU: urinary excessive
retention dosage.
m; adjunctive Take with food if
therapy in GI upset occurs.
and blood Avoid alcohol;
dyscrasias serious sedation
could occur.
Advise patient
that there are
side effects that
may occur. Take
drug with meals
and use frequent
mouth care.
Generic Brand Dosage Frequency Indications Contraindi Side Adverse Special Nursing
Name Name cations Effects Effects Precaution Consideration
Hydrocortisone Hydrocort, PRN Anaphylaxis; Viral/fungal Acne or CNS: Advise the pt to Monitor signs of
Alphosyl, infections; pimples; depression, practice the ff: thrombophlebitis
Aquacort, euphoria, and
Blistering, 1. Wash your thromboembolism.
Cortef, headache, hands with soap
Acute asthma; burning, Notify physician or
Cortenema,Sol increased and water before nursing staff
Tubercular or crusting,
uCortef intracranial and after using immediately, and
syphilitic dryness, or pressure this medicine. request objective
lesions; flaking of the
Adrenocortical (children tests if thrombosis
insufficiency; skin; only): 2.Do not is suspected.
bandage or
Irritation; EENT: otherwise wrap
Bacterial the skin being
Monitor and report
infections cataracts, signs of peptic
Tendonitis; Itching, treated unless
unless used in increased directed to do so
ulcer, including
conjunction intraocular by your doctor
heartburn, nausea,
severe vomiting blood,
with pressure.
redness, tarry stools, and
Small joint appropriate 3.Stop using this
soreness, or Derm: acne, medicine and loss of appetite.
arthritis for local chemotherapy. swelling of the
decreased check with your
infiltration; skin; Report persistent or
wound doctor right
away if you or increased
Redness and your child have musculoskeletal
ecchymoses, pain to determine
scaling around a skin rash,
Juvenile fragility, presence of bone or
the mouth; burning,
idiopathic hirsutism, stinging, joint pathology.
arthritis; Thinning of the petechiae. swelling, or
skin with easy irritation on the Monitor personality
Endo: adrenal skin. changes, including
suppression, depression,
Inflammation; especially
hyperglycemia 4.Do not use euphoria,
when used on cosmetics or restlessness,
the face or other skin care hallucinations
where the skin products on the
Replacement folds together; treated areas
Generic Brand Dosage Frequency Indications Contraindi Side Adverse Special Nursing
Name Name cations Effects Effects Precaution Considerat
Triamcinolone Cinolar, PRN Maintenance Hypersensitivit Burning, CNS: Euphoria, Advise the pt to 1. Be aware that
headache, practice the ff: postural
Kenalog, treatment of y (product itching, insomnia,
Triderm asthma as contains irritation, hypotension may
confusion, 1. Keep this accompany
prophylactic chlorofluorocar dryness, psychosis.
medication in the sodium loss and
therapy. bon folliculitis; container it weight loss.
CV: CHF, edema.
propellants came in, tightly
May decrease and alcohol) Hypertrichosis, GI: Nausea, closed, and out 2. Adhere to
requirement for acneiform vomiting, peptic of reach of drug regimen; do
or eliminate use Acute attack of eruptions, ulcer.
children. not increase or
of systemic asthma/status hypopigmentat Musculoskeletal: decrease
corticosteroids in asthmaticus. ion, perioral Muscle weakness,
2. To protect established
delayed wound young children regimen and do
patients with dermatitis;
healin; from poisoning, not discontinue
asthma. always lock
Allergic abruptly.
Endocrine: safety caps and
contact Cushingoid immediately 3. Discuss
dermatitis, features, growth
place the adequate diet
maceration of suppression in
children, medication in a with dietitian,
the skin, carbohydrate safe location – patient, and
secondary intolerance, one that is up physician to
infection; hyperglycemia. and away and counter
out of their sight natriuresis,
Special Senses:
Skin atrophy, Cataracts.
and reach. negative
striae and nitrogen
3. Do not let balance, with
miliaria. Hematologic:
Leukocytosis. anyone else use weight loss in
your medication most patients.
Skin: Burning,
itching, folliculitis,
hypertrichosis and
Generic Brand Dosage Frequency Indications Contraindi Side Adverse Special Nursing
Name Name cations Effects Effects Precaution Considerati
Pimecrolimus Elidel PRN Indicated as Contraindicate Severe burning Skin: Mild burning Advise the pt to Monitor the patient
or warm feeling of practice the ff: if there are possible
second-line d for use in of treated skin, treated skin; drug interactions
therapy for the children less warts, rash or 1, You should not
short-term and than 2 years of skin lesions; swollen hair use Elidel if you are Follow the
follicles; allergic to directions on your
non-continuous age
Blistering or pimecrolimus or if prescription label
chronic treatment acne or warts; you have a bacterial carefully
of mild to oozing, or viral skin
moderate atopic burning pain or burning, stinging, infection Apply pimecrolimus
tingling; tingling, or soreness cream exactly as
dermatitis in non- of treated skin 2. Before using directed. Do not
immunocomprom (especially during Elidel Cream, tell apply more or less
Worsened skin the first few days of your doctor if you of it or more than.
ised adults and
symptoms, treatment); have skin cancer or
children 2 years
swollen any type of skin Encourage the
of age and older CNS: Headache; infection, patient not to start
glands, sore
who have failed Netherton's or change the
throat; Respi: Cold syndrome. dosage of the
to respond symptoms such as medication before
adequately to Fever, chills, stuffy nose, 3. Avoid applying checking in with the
other topical body aches, sneezing; Elidel Cream to an healthcare
prescription area that may be provider.
and flu GI: Upset stomach; affected with skin
treatments, or symptoms cancer. Notify the physician
when those Musculo: muscle about the
treatments are pain; or feeling 4. Elidel can lower medication that they
more sensitive to the blood cells that are taking which
not advisable. hot or cold help your body fight may cause possible
temperatures infections. interaction.
Generic Brand Dosage Frequency Indications Contraindi Side Adverse Special Nursing
Name Name cations Effects Effects Precaution Considerati
s ons
Mupirocin Bactroban, PRN Indicated for the Hypersensitivit Blistering, CNS: nasal only: Advise the pt to Watch for signs and
headache. practice the ff: symptoms of
Bactroban treatment of y to any of its crusting, superinfection
Nasal, and secondarily components irritation,
EENT: nasal Avoid itching or
Centany infected and for itching; only: cough, scratching the
Discontinue the
drug and notify
traumatic skin ophthalmic itching, affected area.
Reddening of physician if signs of
lesions due to use. pharyngitis, Patients should contact dermatitis
susceptible the skin, rhinitis, upper avoid contact develop or if
isolates of canker sores, respiratory tract with other exudate production
cracked; congestion. individuals (e.g., increases.
aureus (S. other athletes) Always wash hands
Dry, scaly skin, GI: nausea nasal during the active thoroughly and
aureus) and and altered
pain, swelling, phase of the disinfect equipment
Streptococcus taste.
tenderness, infection.
pyogenes (S. Use universal
warmth on the Derm: topical
pyogenes) Check that the precautions or
skin; only: burning, isolation procedures
patient and as indicated for
itching, pain, family or
Sores, ulcers, stinging.
specific patients.
or white spots caregivers
understand Monitor any upper
on the lips or respiratory tract
tongue or application irritation,
inside the inflammation,
procedures, cough, or
mouth. adhere to the congestion
recommended following nasal
dosing schedule, administration.
and wash hands
thoroughly after Report severe or
prolonged skin
applying the drug
reactions to the
topically physician
An adenotonsillectomy is a surgery done to remove the
adenoids and tonsils. An adenotonsillectomy is often
done to patients with obstructive sleep apnea and
Assess past patterns of sleep in normal environment. Monitor patients
sleep pattern and amount of sleep achieved over the past few days
Assess patients’ perception of cause of sleep difficulty and possible
relief measures to facilitate treatment
Evaluate effects of medications that can disrupt sleeping pattern
Instruct patient to follow consistently a daily schedule for retiring and
arising as possible
Increase daytime physical activity
Discourage pattern of daytime naps
Suggest use of soporifics such as milk at night or before bed time
Recommend an environment conducive to sleep or rest
Provide nursing aid such as comfortable position and relaxation
Teach about possible causes of EDS or disturbed sleeping
patterns and optimal ways to treat them
Taking full medical history, including the review of medications,
and conducting a physical exam to rule out causes of symptoms.
Ideal: (Collaborative)
Consultation to dietician and nutritionist for nutrition promotion and proper activity and exercise
Patient need to be referred to a sleep specialist for further evaluation of condition.
Patient may be referred to a pediatric neurologist.
Patient was referred to a pediatric otolaryngologist for consideration of nocturnal
polysomnography (NPSG) or an adenotonsillectomy. The otolaryngologist notes that she has not
tolerated nasal fluticasone well, that she is a chronic mouth breather, and that her tonsils are
enlarged (3+). An NPSG is ordered to help clarify matters.
March 15, 2021 “The symptoms Fatigue related to Fatigue is a After 8 hours of Ascertain the Using an -Patient verbalized
of fatigue, poor physical subjective complaint nursing patient belief about appropriate feelings
excessive condition and with both acute and intervention, what is causing quantitative of increased
The NPSG chronic conditions. It
demonstrates the daytime nonrestorative the patient will: his/her fatigue.: scoring scale, 1 to energy and
sleepiness is the self-recognized
following: sleep pattern. severity, changes in 10 for example, improved
(EDS), and lack state in which an -Verbalize
severity over time, can aid the patient wellbeing.
- A respiratory of attention in individual increased
experiences an aggregating factors or to formulate the
disturbance index and school developed energy and
an apnea-hypopnea Deficient overwhelming alleviating factors and amount of fatigue
over a 1- to 2- Knowledge, improved the frequency. experienced. It is
index (AHI) of 6.2 per sustained sense of -Patient
month period, related to drug wellbeing. important to
hour exhaustion and demonstrates a
and action and side conclude if the
decreased capacity -Be more active more positive and
- Sleep latency of 0.5 effects. for physical and patient’s level of happier attitude
minutes and rapid eye her weight fatigue is constant
mental work that is than before the
movement (REM) started to Risk for Injury, -Be able to or if it varies over
not relieved by rest. interventions were
latency of 0.5 minutes increase rapidly related to know the cause time.
However, it is applied
despite the drowsiness of fatigue.
-A sleep efficiency of important to know
dietary secondary to that fatigue is not the
87.5% -The patient or
intervention.” effects of drug same as tiredness.
legal guardian Assess the patient’s Fatigue can
-18.2% of total sleep Tiredness is -Patient is able to
will ability to perform restrict the
time in stage N1, 36.4% temporary. Fatigue is Demonstrate identify factors
in N2, 29.9% in N3, “daytime associated with a ADLs, instrumental patient’s ability to that aggravate and
knowledge of
and 15.5% in REM sleepiness variety of physical activities of daily participate in self- relieved
drug therapy
sleep seemed to be living (IADLs), and care and do his or
and psychological and side effects. her fatigue.
progressive, and conditions. An demands of daily her role
-An arousal index of she would fall
18.6 overwhelming, -The patient living (DDLs). responsibilities in
-A periodic leg
asleep suddenly sustained sense of will be able to the family and
even when she exhaustion and verbalize the -Patient is able to
movement index of 6.3. society, such as
wanted to be decreased capacity risk of injury record aggravating
during the state working outside
-,Multiple periods of awake.” for physical and factors that led
of drowsiness the home.
wakefulness scattered mental work at the to determining
throughout the night usual level. relieving factors
and six REM periods.
Determine presence of sleep disturbances Fatigue can be a consequence of sleep deprivation.
Observe physiological reaction to activities such as any alterations in BP, Tolerance varies significantly, depending on the phase of the disease progression,
respiratory rate, or heart rate nutrition condition, fluid balance, and quantity or sort of opportunistic diseases
that patient has been subjected to.
Evaluate need for individual assistance. Established realistic activities with the patient and encourage forward movement.
Assess the patient’s nutritional ingestion for adequate energy sources and Fatigue may be a symptom of protein-calorie malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, or
metabolic demands. iron deficiencies.
Assess the patient’s typical level of exercise and physical movement. Increased physical exertion and inadequate levels of exercise can add to fatigue.
Assess the patient’s sleep patterns for quality, quantity, time taken to fall Changes in the patient’s sleep pattern may be a contributing factor in the
asleep and feeling upon awakening and observe alteration in thought development of fatigue. Numerous factors can exacerbate fatigue, together with
processes or behaviors. sleep deprivation, emotional distress, side effects of drugs, and progressing CNS
Assess the patient’s routine recommendation and over-the-counter drugs. Fatigue may be a medication side effect or an indication of a drug interaction. The
nurse must perform particular notice to the patient’s utilization of beta-blockers,
calcium channel blockers, tranquilizers, alcohol, muscle relaxants, and sedatives.
Aid the patient with developing a schedule for daily activity and rest. A plan that balances periods of activity with periods of rest can aid the patient
Emphasize the importance of frequent rest periods. complete preferred activities without contributing to levels of fatigue
Encourage verbalization of feelings about the impact of fatigue. Acknowledgement that living with fatigue is both physically and emotionally
challenging helps in coping.
Aid the patient develop habits to promote effective rest/sleep patterns. Promoting relaxation before sleep and providing for several hours of uninterrupted
sleep can contribute to energy restoration.
March 17, Parents report Narcolepsy is a Within 8 Assess sleep Each individual The client will
2021 that the client Disturbed chronic sleep hours of pattern has different be able to
does not Sleep Pattern disorder nursing disturbances and pattern of identify
awaken during
r/t lifestyle
characterized by interventions, help develop a sleep. appropriate
the night. No overwhelming child will sleeping plan. Information interventions
snoring, disruption identify
evidenced by daytime about this topic to promote
choking, drowsiness and appropriate provides sleep
snorting, fallen asleep at interventions
school and sudden attacks of baseline data
gasping, or sleep. People to promote for evaluating The patient
apnea, and dropping of sleep
grades with narcolepsy means to responses to
She sleeps an
average of 9-
often find it improve the intervention
Having 10 hours per difficult to stay patient’s sleep. and actions
difficulty night but is awake for long performed
focusing and restless and periods of time,
staying awake in tosses and regardless of the
circumstances. Review The patient’s
the clinic.. turns
frequently in Narcolepsy can psychologic perception may
her sleep. cause serious assessment, noting differ from the
disruptions in individual and objective
your daily personality evaluation.
routine. characteristics.
Assist with diagnostic testing (EEG, sleep studies) EEG is used to measure the electrical activity of the brain. EEG can help diagnose
a number of conditions like sleep disorders.
Observe and obtain feedback from client/ SOs regarding usual bedtime To determine usual sleep pattern and provide comparative baseline.
routines, number of hour of sleep, time of arising and environmental needs.
Listen to subjective reports of sleep quality. It vary and differ from objective report for sleep quality
Observe physical signs of fatigue Disrupt sleep duration and quality adds distress and tension
Arrange care to provide for uninterrupted periods of rest, especially allowing To help client have undisrupted, longer sleep
for longer periods of sleep at night when possible. Do as much care as possible
without waking client.
Provide quite environment and comfort measure. A lot of people sleep better in cool, dark, quite environment
Discuss/implement effective age-appropriate bedtime rituals (favorite to enhance client ability to fall asleep, reinforce the bed is a place to sleep and
blanket/toys) promote sense of security for a child
Recommend limiting intake of chocolate/milk specially prior to bedtime. to reduce need for night time elimination
Referred to sleep specialist/laboratory for treatment when indicated. This might help when the clients snore or gasp for air while she sleep. Have a hard
time falling asleep or staying asleep Throughout the night. Feel tired during the
day even if she slept the night before. Can’t perform her daily activities because
she’s too tired.
Home management
• Instruct patient as well as the attending family members to follow the proper administration of the regiments and
treatment plan at home. (In giving health teaching include the five rights of medication administration.)
• Advice patient to maintain a regular sleep/wake schedule and follow strict health diet plan as advice by a
• Advice patient to schedule naps during the day. (20-30 minutes) and encourage to spend time to exercise
regularly- at least 20 minutes per day.