2) Multiple Effect Evaporators A) Forward Feed Multiple Effect Evaporators
2) Multiple Effect Evaporators A) Forward Feed Multiple Effect Evaporators
2) Multiple Effect Evaporators A) Forward Feed Multiple Effect Evaporators
General principles
Effect 1 Q1 = U1A1ΔT1, where ΔT1 = (T0 − T1), To = inlet steam temp., T1 = temp of effect 1
Effect 2 Q2 = U2A2ΔT2, where ΔT2 = (T1 − T2), T1 = temp of D1, T2 = temp of effect 2
Effect 3 Q3 = U3A3ΔT3, where ΔT3 = (T2 − T3). T2 = temp of D2, T3 = temp of effect 3
Neglecting the heat required to heat the feed from Tf to T1, the heat Q1 transferred across A1 appears
as latent heat in the vapor D1 and is used as steam in the second effect, and:
Q1 = Q2 = Q3
So that: U1A1ΔT1 = U2A2ΔT2 = U3A3ΔT3
If the individual effects are identical,
A1 = A2 = A3, and: U1ΔT1 = U2ΔT2 = U3ΔT3
This, however, represents a simplification, since:
(a) The heat required to heat the feed from Tf to T1 has been neglected, and
(b) The liquor passing from (1) to (2) carries heat into the second effect, and this is responsible for
some evaporation; similarly for the third effect
The latent heat required to evaporate 1 kg of water in (1), is approximately equal to the heat obtained
in condensing 1 kg of steam at T0. Thus 1 kg of steam fed to (1) evaporates 1 kg of water in (1).
Again the 1 kg of steam from (1) evaporates about 1 kg of water in (2). Thus, in a system of N
effects,1 kg of steam fed to the first effect will evaporate in all about N kg of liquid.
The total capacity is: Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = U1A1ΔT1 + U2A2ΔT2 + U3A3ΔT3
Ex: 4 kg/s (14.4 tons/hour) of a liquor containing 10 per cent solids is fed at 294 K to the first effect
of a triple-effect unit. Liquor with 50 per cent solids is to be withdrawn from the third effect, which is
at a pressure of 13 kN/m2 (0.13 bar). The liquor may be assumed to have a specific heat of 4.18 kJ/kg
K and to have no boiling point rise. Saturated dry steam at 205 kN/m2 is fed to the heating element of
the first effect, and the condensate is removed at the steam temperature in each effect as shown in
Figure above. If the three units are to have equal areas, estimate the area, the temperature differences
and the steam consumption. Heat transfer coefficients of 3.1, 2.0 and 1.1 kW/m 2 K for the first,
second, and third effects respectively, may be assumed.
Solution: L3
From steam table at 205 kN/m2 the temp. To = 394 K and at 13 kN/m2 the temp. T3 = 325 K
Since the feed is cold, it will be necessary to have a greater value of ΔT1 than given by this
It will be assumed that ΔT1 = 18 K, ΔT2 = 17 K, ΔT3 = 34 K.
If the latent heats are given by λo, λ1, λ2 and λ3, then from the Steam Tables in the Appendix:
For steam to 1: To = 394 K and λo = 2200 kJ/kg
c) Parallel feed multiple effect evaporators: also the calculations are similar to (a) & (b).
Evaporation Tutorial
Q.1: Calculate the boiling temperature and boiling point elevation (BPE) of 45 o Bx orange juice
concentrate at the pressure of 20 kPa. Assimilate the concentrate to a 45% (w/w) solution of glucose
(MW = 180) and assume ideal solution behavior.
Q.2: A single-effect continuous evaporator is used to concentrate a fruit juice from 15 o Bx to 40o Bx.
The juice is fed at 25°C, at the rate of 5400 kg/h (1.5 kg/s). The evaporator is operated at reduced
pressure, corresponding to a boiling temperature of 65°C. Heating is by saturated steam at 128°C,
totally condensing inside a heating coil. The condensate exits at 128°C. Heat losses are estimated to
amount to 2% of the energy supplied by the steam. Calculate:
a. the concentration ratio R
b. the required evaporation capacity V (kg/s)
c. the required steam consumption S (kg/s), and steam economy
The heat capacity of the solution is given by: CP = 4.187(1 – 0.7x)
Q.3: A backward feeding, double-effect evaporator is used for concentrating an aqueous solution
from 2% to 20% soluble solids. The system, shown in Figure below, consists of two identical
evaporation units, each with a heat exchange surface of 100 m2. The first effect receives saturated
steam at 120°C. The second effect is connected to the condenser where the vapor condenses at the
saturation temperature of 40°C. The feed solution is introduced into the second effect at 40°C. An
overall heat transfer coefficient of 2500 w /m2K is assumed for both effects.
Calculate the evaporation capacity and steam consumption of the system.
Assume λ in each effect = 2407 kJ/kg