Timeline of Animal Extinction: Activity 2

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Activity 2: Timeline of

Animal Extinction

Submitted By: Villaflores, Joy A.

Creative Mexican Golden
Timeline of Dodo Bird Ezo Wolf Grizzly Bear Toad
Causes of Hunted by Considered as Manmade global
their the sailors Contagious pests by the warming which
Extinction for an easy epidemic farmers. They lead to chytrid
fungus that is
snacks diseases like were trapped , thought to thrive in
rabies shot and warmer and dries
poisoned climes

March 6, 1688 March 6, 1905 June 12, 1964 March 6, 1989

1688 1878 1905 1917 1964 1970 1989

June 10, 1878 March 9, 1917 Due to December 22, 1970

hunting of
Hunted tigers and
Lack of defense
their preys
and against its and also
Exterminat predators habitat loss
ed by man mostly due to
settlement of

Quagga Laughing its range

Owl Tiger

Dodo bird Quagga

 The Dodo bird is an extinct species  Quagga’s extinction attributed
of flightless bird that was native to generally to “ruthless hunting” and
the tiny island of Mauritius. Year even “planned extermination” by
back 1598, its population rapidly colonists. Wild grass eating animals
decreased and other sources confirm such as Quaggas perceived by the
that it was indeed hunted by the settlers as competitors for their
sailors for an easy snack since it goats, ships and other live stocks.
lacks of movement and easy to catch.
Ezo Wolf Laughing Owl__
 It is said to have become extinct in  The reason why Owls went to
1905 due to pandemic contagious extinction is that it had no defense
diseases like rabies that is something against its predators who were wild
that “reported sightings by mamals (hunters of beetles, birds
inhabitants of mountain villages and lizards). And even humans
around the turn of century of large hunted Owls for zoos and museums.
numbers of dead and ailing wolves”
apparently confirms.
Mexican Grizzly Bear Caspian Tiger

 With the expansion of cattle  Tigers were killed by the large

farming within Mexican of sportsmen and military
Brown Brear’s range the personnel who also hunted
animals increasingly come to tiger prey species such as wild
be considered by cattle pigs.
farmers as pests and were
trapped , shot and poisoned
Golden Toad
The Golden Toad was the species to
become extinct as a result of climate
change. And also its extinct is to be blamed
to humanmade global warming that is
leading biologists believed to be the toad’s
extinction. And this condition results of
climate change.
 Questions
 1.What mostly causes of extinction of the animals mentioned in the presentation?
 2. What local or global issue can arise from this situation?
 3. How can we avoid the number of extinct or endangered organisms?

 Answers
 1. Hunting by the humans is the mostly cause of animal extinction.
 2. Based on my presentation, the issue from this situation is that the people hunt animals that
cause of endangered or extinct animals that affects our ecosystem and it might not function
 3. Maybe the Government must implement laws that protects the endangered species. Like
protects them , don’t do environmental activities that destroys their habitats because they are
like us, they also need shelters to live with.
ACTIVITY 3: Extinct!
Submitted by : Villaflores, Joy A.
 Questions;
 1 What do you think the passenger of the pigeon felt about their extinction?
 2. As the human being , do you feel guilty about what happened to the extinction of passenger pigeons? Why?
 3.How does this relate to loss of biodiversity and interaction with the nature?

 Answers;
 1.I think, they felt sad and also pitty for themselves because they are gradually depleting because of what
 2. Yes, because as a human being, we should be the one that protects them but what is happening now is
contrary. We, humans are the one who were the cause of their extinction.
 3. Their extinction affects also the loss of biodiversity because ecosystem revolves around the interaction
between living and non living organisms. If one part of ecosystem is not envolve, it will not function well
especially We humans, benefits from their contribution in our ecosystem.

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