C Sharp (C#) : Benadir University

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C Sharp(C#)

Course: C#

Class: Batch13

Lecturer: Eng. Hassan Abdi Arale (Arale)

Faculty of Computer Science and IT
C Sharp(C#)

Chapter Three

Processing Data
• 3.1 Reading Input with TextBox Controls
• 3.2 A First Look at Variables
• 3.3 Numeric Data Type and Variables
• 3.4 Performing Calculations
• 3.5 Inputting and Outputting Numeric Values
• 3.6 Formatting Numbers with the ToString Method
• 3.7 Simple Exception Handling
• 3.8 Using Named Constants
• 3.9 Declaring Variables as Fields
• 3.10 Using the Math Class
• 3.11 More GUI Details
3.1 Reading Input with TextBox
• TextBox control
– a rectangular area
– can accept keyboard input from the user
– locates in the Common Control group of the
– double click to add it to the form
– default name is textBoxn
where n is 1, 2, 3, …
The Text Property
• A TextBox controls Text property stores
the user inputs
• Text property accepts only string values,
textBox1.Text = “Hello”;
• To clear the content of a TextBox control,
assign an empty string(“”)
textBox1.Text = “”;
3.2 A First Look at Variables
• A variable is a storage location in memory
• Variable name represents the memory
• In C#, you must declare a variable in a
program before using it to store data
• The syntax to declare variables is:
DataType VaraibleName;
Data Types
• A C# variable must be declared with a
proper data type
• The data type specifies the type of data a
variable can hold
• C# provides many data type known as
primitive data types
– they store fundamental types of data
– such as strings and integers
Variable Names
• A variable name identifies a variable
• Always choose a meaningful name for
• Basic naming conventions are:
– the first character must be a letter (upper or
lowercase) or an underscore (_)
– the name cannot contain spaces
– do not use C# keywords or reserved words
String Variables
• String is a combination of characters
• A variable of the string data type can hold any combination of characters,
such as names, phone numbers, and social security numbers
• Value of a string variable is assigned on the right of = operator surrounded
by a pair of double quotes:

productDescription = “Italian Espresso Machine”;

• The following assigns the productDescription string to a Label control

named “productLabel”:

productLabel.text = productDescription;

• You can also display a string variable in a Message Box:

String Concatenation
• Concatenation is the appending of one string to the end of another
• C# uses + operator for concatenation:

string message;
Message = “Hello “ + “world”;

• Concatenation can happen between a string and another data type

–int and string
–double and string

12 + “ apples”;
“Total is “ + 25.75;
Declaring Variables Before Using
• You can declare variables and use them later
private void showNameButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Declare a string variable to hold the full name.
string fullName;

// Combine the names, with a space between them. Assign the

// result to the fullName variable.
fullName = firstNameTextBox.Text + " " + lastNameTextBox.Text;

// Display the fullName variable in the fullNameLabel control.

fullNameLabel.Text = fullName;
Local Variables and Scope
• A local variable belongs to the method in which it was declared
• Only statements inside that method can access the variable
• Scope describes the part of a program in which a variable may be
• Lifetime of a variable is the time period during which the variable
exists in memory while the program is executing
private void firstButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string myName;
myName = nameTextBox.Text;

private void secondButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

outputLabel.Text = myName; ERROR!
Rules of Variables
• You can assign a value to a variable only if the value is compatible with
the variable’s data type

string employeeID;
employeeID = 125;

• A variable holds one value at a time

• In C#, a variable must be assigned a value before it can be used. You
can initialize the variable with a value when you declare it.

string productDescription = “Chocolate Truffle”;

• Multiple variables with the same type may be declared with one

string lastName, firstName, middleName;

3.3 Numeric Data Types and
• If you need to store a number in a variable and use the number in a
mathematical operation, the variable must be of a numeric data type
• Commonly used C# numeric data types:
– int: whole number in the range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
– double: real numbers including numbers with fractional parts
• Numeric literals is a number that is written into a program’s code:
int hoursWorked = 40;

double temperature = 87.6;

• The value cannot be surrounded by quotes

The decimal Data Type
• In C#, the decimal keyword indicates a 128-bit
data type
• Compared to double types, it has more precision
and a smaller range, which makes it appropriate
for financial and monetary calculations.
• Be sure to add the letter M (or m) to a decimal

decimal payRate = 28.75m;

decimal price = 8.95M;
Explicit Conversion with Cast
• C# allows you to explicitly convert among types,
which is known as type casting
• You can use the cast operator which is simply a
pair of parentheses with the type keyword in it

int wholeNumber;
decimal moneyNumber = 4500m;
wholeNumber = (int) moneynumber;

double realNUmber;
decimal moneyNUmber = 625.70m;
realNumber = (double) moneyNumber;
3.4 Performing Calculations

• Basic calculations such as arithmetic calculation can be

performed by math operators

Operator Name of the operator Description

+ Addition Adds two numbers

- Subtraction Subtracts one number from another

* Multiplication Multiplies one number by another

/ Division Divides one number by another and gives the quotient

% Modulus Divides one number by another and gives the remainder

Rules for Performing Calculations
• A math expression performs a calculation and gives a value
int x = 5, y = 4;
• Be sure to follow the order of operations and group with
parentheses if necessary
result = (a + b) / 4;
• In a calculation of mixed data type, the data type of the result is
determined by:
– When an operation involves an int and a double, int is treated as double
and the result is double
– When an operation involves an int and a decimal, it is treated as
decimal and the result is decimal
– An operation involving a double and a decimal is not allowed.
Integer Division
• When you divide an integer by an integer in C#, the result is always
given as an integer. The result of the following is 2.

int x = 7, y = 3;
MessageBox.Show((x / y).ToString());

• This is a known issue. A solution is:

int x = 7, y = 3;
MessageBox.Show(((double) x / (double) y).ToString());
3.5 Inputting and Outputting
Numeric Values
• Input collected from the keyboard are considered combinations of
characters (or string literals) even if they look like a number to you
• A TextBox control reads keyboard input, such as 25.65. However,
the TextBox treats it as a string, not a number.
• In C#, use the following Parse methods to convert string to numeric
data types
– int.Parse
– double.Parse
– decimal.Parse

• Examples:

int hoursWorked = int.Parse(hoursWorkedTextBox1.Text);

double temperature = double.Parse(temperatureTextBox.Text);
Displaying Numeric Values
• The Text property of a control only accepts string literals
• To display a number in a TextBox or Label control requires you to convert a
numeric data to string type
• In C#, all variables work with ToString method that can convert variables’
values to string:

decimal grossPay = 1550.0m;

grossPayLabel.Text = grossPay.ToString();

int myNumber = 123;


• Another option is “implicit string conversion with the + operator”:

int idNumber = 1044;
String output = “Your ID number is “ + idNumber;
3.6 Formatting Numbers with
the ToString Method
• The ToString method can optionally format a number to
appear in a specific way
• The following table lists the “format strings” and how they
work with sample outputs
Format Description Number ToString() Result
“N” or “n” Number format 12.3 ToString(“n3”) 12.300

“F” or “f” Fixed-point scientific format 123456.0 ToString("f2") 123456.00

“E” or “e” Exponential scientific format 123456.0 ToString("e3") 1.235e+005

“C” or “c” Currency format -1234567.8 ToString("C") ($1,234,567.80)

“P” or “p” Percentage format .234 ToString("P") 23.40%

3.7 Simple Exception
• An exception is an unexpected error that happens while a program is
• If an exception is not handled by the program, the program will abruptly halt
• C# allows you to write codes that responds to exceptions. Such codes are
known as exception handlers.
• In C# the structure is called a try-catch statement

try { }
catch { }

• The try block is where you place the statements that could have exception
• The catch block is where you place statements as response to the
exception when it happens
Throwing an Exception
• In the following example, the user may entered invalid data (e.g.
null) to the milesText control. In this case, an exception happens
(which is commonly said to “throw an exception”).
• The program then jumps to the catch block.
• You can use the following try
to display an exception’s double miles;
double gallons;
default error message: double mpg;

miles = double.Parse(milesTextBox.Text);
catch (Exception ex) gallons = double.Parse(gallonsTextBox.Text);
{ mpg = miles / gallons;
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); mpgLabel.Text = mpg.ToString();
} }
MessageBox.Show("Invalid data was entered."):
3.8 Using Named Constants
• A number constant is a name that represents a value
that cannot be changed during the program’s execution
• In C# a constant can be declared by const keyword

const double INTEREST_RATE = 0.129;

• Writing the name of a constant in uppercase letters is

traditional in many programming languages, but is not a
3.9 Declaring Variables as
• A field is a variable that is declared at the class level
• It is declared inside the class, but not inside of any method
• A field is a special type of variable public
partial class Form1 : Form

// Declare a private field to hold a name.

• A field’s scope is the entire class private string name = "Charles";

• In the “Field Demo” application, public Form1()

the “name” variable is a field }

private void showNameButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private string name = “Charles”; {

• The “name” field is created in private void chrisButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

memory when the Form1 form is name = "Chris";
private void carmenButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
name = "Carmen";
3.10 Using the Math Class
• The .NET Framework’s Math class provides
several methods for performing complex
mathematical calculations
– Math.Sqrt(x): returns the square root of x (a double).
– Math.Pow(x, y): returns the value of x raised to the
power of y. Both x and y are double.
• There are two predefined constants:
– Math.PI: represents the ratio of the circumference of a
circle to its diameter.
– Math.E: represents the natural logarithmic base
3.11 More GUI Details – Tab
• When an application is running, one of the form’s controls always
has the focus
• Focus means a control receives the user’s keyboard input
– When a button is focused, pressing the Enter key can execute the
button’s Click event handler
• The order in which controls receives the focus is called the tab order
– When the user presses the tab key to select controls, the program will
follow the tab order
• The TabIndex property contains a numeric value indicating the
control’s position in the tab order
– The value starts with 0. The index of first control is 0, the last control is
Tab Order (Cont’d)
• To set the tab order of a control, click Tab Order on the View menu.
This activates the tab-order selection mode on the form.
– Simply click the controls with the mouse in the order you want.
• Notice that Label controls do not accept input from the keyboard.
They cannot receive focus.
– Their TabIndex values are irrelevant
• You can use the Focus method to change the focus using the
following syntax

• The following changes the focus to nameTextBox when the user

clicks clearButton:
private void clearButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ nameTextBox.Focus(); }
Assign Keyboard Access
Key to Buttons
• An access key (aka a mnemonic) is a key that is pressed in
combination with the Alt key to quickly access a control
• You can assign an access key to a button’s Text property by adding
an ampersand (&) before a letter

• The user can use a keystroke Alt + X or Alt + x.

– Access key does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase
Setting Colors
• Forms and most controls have a BackColor property
• Controls that can display Text also have a ForeColor property
• These color-related properties support a drop-down list of colors
• The list has tree tabs:
– Custom: display a color palette
– Web: list colors displayed with consistency in Web browsers
– System: list colors defined in current Windows
• You can set colors in color
– The .NET Framework provides numerous values that represent colors
messageLable.BackColor = Color.Black;
messageLable.ForeColor = Color.Yellow;
Background Images for Forms

• A Form has a property named BackgroundImage that is

similar to the Image property of a PictureBox.
– Simply import an image to the Select Resource window
• A Form also has a BackgroundImageLayout property
that is similar to the SizeMode property of a PictureBox.
– Choose from one of the following options

None Tile Center Stretch Zoom

GroupBoxes vs. Panels
• A GroupBox control is a container with a thin border and an optional
title that can hold other controls
• A Panel control is also a container that can hold other controls
• There are several primary differences between a Panel and
– A panel cannot display a title and does not have a Text property, but a
GroupBox supports these two properties.
– A panel’s border can be specified by its BorderStyle property, while the
GroupBox cannot be
That is……………….


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