Digital Logic Design Lec03

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• Complements are used in digital computers for simplifying the
subtraction operations and for logical manipulation. There are two
types of complements for each base-r system.
(1) the r’s complement/radix complement
(2) the (r-1)’s complement/diminished radix
• When the value of the base is substituted, the two types receives
the names 2’s and 1’s complement for binary numbers or 10’s and
9’s complement for decimal numbers.
The r’s Complement
• Given a positive number N in base r with an integer part
of n digits, the r’s complement of N is defined as rn-N:

• The 10’s complement of (52520)10 is 105-52520 =47480

The number of digits in the number is n=5

• The 10’s complement of (0.3267)10 is 1- 0.3267 = 0.6733

No integer part so 10n=100=1

• The 10’s complement of (25.639)10 is 102-25.639=74.361

The r’s Complement
• The 2’s complement of (101100)2 is (26)2 –
(101100)2=(1000000 - 101100)=010100

• The 2’s complement of (0.0110)2 is (1-

The (r-1)’s Complement
• Given a positive number N in base r with an integer part of n digits,
the (r-1)’s complement of N is defined rn-r-m-N.

• The 9’s complement of (52520)10 is (105-1-52520)=99999-

No fraction party, 10-m=100=1

• The 9’s complement of (0.3267)10 is (1-10-4-0.3267)=0.9999-

No integer part so 10n=100=1

• The 9’s complement of (25.639)10 is (102-10-3-25.639)=99.999-

The (r-1)’s Complement
• The 1’s complement of (101100)2 is (26-1) –

• The 1’s complement of (0.0110)2 is (1-2-4)10 –

(0.0110) 2 = (0.1111-0.0110)2 =0.1001
• From the examples, we see that the 9’s complement of
a decimal number is formed simply by subtracting every
digit from 9.

• The 1’s complement of a binary number is even simpler

to form. The 1’s are changed to 0’s and the 0’s to 1’s.

• Since the (r-1)’s complement is very easily obtained.

• From the definitions and a comparison of the results
obtained in the examples, it follows that the r’s
complement can be obtained from the (r-1)’s
complement after the addition of r-m to the least
significant digit.

• For example, the 2’s complement of 10110100 is

obtained from the 1’s complement 01001011 by adding
1 to give 01001100
Subtraction with r’s complement
• The direct method of subtraction taught in elementary
schools uses the borrow concept. In this method, we borrow
a 1 from a higher significant position when the minuend digit
is smaller than the corresponding subtrahend digit.

• This seems to be easiest when people perform subtraction

with paper and pencil. When subtraction is implemented by
means of digital components, this method is found to be less
efficient than the method that uses complements and
addition as stated below.
Subtraction with r’s complement
• The subtraction of two positive numbers (M-N), both of
base r, may be done as follows:
• Add the minuend M to the r’s complement of the subtrahend N.
• Inspect the result obtained in step 1 for an end carry:
• if an end carry discard it.
• If an end carry does not occur take the r’s complement of the number
obtained in step 1 and place a negative sign in front.
• Subtract: 72532-3250
M=72532 72532
10’s complement of N + 96750
End carry 1 69282
Answer: 69282

• Subtract: 3250-72532
M=03250 03250
10’s complement of N 27468
No carry 30718
Answer: -69282=(10’s complement of 30718)
• Use 2’s complement to perform M-N with the given binary numbers.
2’s complement of N + 0111100
End carry 1 0010000

M= 1000100
2’s complement of N + 0101100
No carry 1110000
Answer: -0010000 = -(2’s complement of 1110000)
Subtraction with (r-1)’s
• The procedure for subtraction with the (r-1)’s
complement is exactly the same as with the previous
one with one variation, called, “end-around carry” as
shown in example.
Subtraction with (r-1)’s complement
• The subtraction of M-N, both positive numbers in base r,
may be calculated in the following manner.

• Add the minuend M to the (r-1)’s complement of the

subtrahend N.

• Inspect the result obtained in step 1 for an end carry

• if an end carry occurs, add 1 to the least significant digit (end-
around carry)
• if an end does not occur, take the (r-1)’s complement of the
number obtained in step 1 and place a negative sign in front.
M= 72532
N= 03250
9’s complement of N + 96749
End around carry 1+
Answer: 69282

M= 03250
N= 72532
9’s complement of N + 27467
No carry 30717
Answer: -69282= -(9’s complement of 30717)
M= 1010100
N= 1000100
1’s complement of N + 0111011
End-around carry 1 0001111
Answer: 10000

1’s complement of N + 0101011
No carry 1101111
Answer: -10000 = -(1’s complement of 1101111)
Comparison between 1’s and 2’s
•A comparison between 1’s and 2’s complements reveals the advantages

and disadvantages of each.

•The 1’s complement has the advantage of being easier to implement by

digital components since the only thing that must be done is to change
0’s to 1’s and 1’s to 0’s.

•The implementation of the 2’s complement may be obtained in two ways:

1)by adding 1 to the least significant digit of the 1’s complement, and

2)by leaving all leading 0’s in the least significant positions and the first 1
unchanged, and only then changing all 1’s into 0’s and all 0’s into 1’s.
Comparison between 1’s and 2’s
• During subtraction of two numbers by complement, the
2’s complement is advantageous in that only arithmetic
addition operation is required.

• The 1’s complement requires two arithmetic additions

when an end-around carry occurs.

• The 1’s complement has the additional disadvantage of

possessing two arithmetic zeros: one with all 0’s and
one with all 1’s.
To illustrate this fact, consider the subtraction of the
two equal binary numbers 1100- 1100=0

Using 1’s complement:

+ 1111

Complement again to obtain -0000.

Using 2’s complement:
+ 0000
while the 2’s complement has only one arithmetic zero,
the 1’s complement zero can be positive or negative, which
may complicate matters

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