Motion Along A Straight Line
Motion Along A Straight Line
Motion Along A Straight Line
A change in position is called displacement
∆x is the change in x, (final position) – (initial position)
Displacement is therefore a vector quantity
Direction: along a single axis, given by sign (+ or ─)
Magnitude: length or distance, in this case meters or feet
Ignoring sign, we get its magnitude (absolute value)
The magnitude of ∆x = -4 m is 4 m. Distance
Position-Time Graph
• The position-time graph shows
the motion of the particle (car)
• The smooth curve is a guess as
to what happened between the
data points
• Compare the different
representations of the motion
2-1 Position, Displacement, and Average Velocity
Average velocity is the ratio of:
A displacement, ∆x
To the time interval in which the displacement occurred, ∆t
Average velocity has units of
(distance) / (time) m/s
Instantaneous velocity, or just velocity, v, is:
At a single moment in time
A vector quantity with the sign of the velocity represents its direction
2-1 Position, Displacement, and Average Velocity
On a graph of x vs. t, the average velocity is the slope of the straight line that
connects two points
Average velocity is therefore a vector quantity
Positive slope means positive average velocity
Negative slope means negative average velocity
The slope of the position-time curve for a particle at an instant (the
derivative of position)
2-1 Position, Displacement, and Average Velocity
Example If a car with velocity v = -25 m/s is braked to a stop in 5.0 s, then
a = + 5.0 m/s2. Acceleration is positive, but speed has decreased.
2-3 Acceleration
Vector Scalar Unit
Displacement Distance m
Instantaneous acceleration
2-2 Instantaneous Velocity and Speed
The graph shows the position and velocity of
an elevator cab over time.
The slope of x(t), and so also the velocity v,
is zero from 0 to 1 s, and from 9s on.
During the interval bc, the slope is constant
and nonzero, so the cab moves with constant
velocity (4 m/s).
The graph shows the velocity and acceleration of
an elevator cab over time.
When acceleration is 0 (e.g. interval bc) velocity
is constant.
When acceleration is positive (ab) upward
velocity increases.
When acceleration is negative (cd) upward
velocity decreases.
Steeper slope of the velocity-time graph
indicates a larger magnitude of acceleration: the
cab stops in half the time it takes to get up to
2-4 Constant Acceleration
First basic equation
When the acceleration is constant, the average and instantaneous
accelerations are equal
This equation reduces to v = v0 for t = 0
Its derivative yields the definition of a, dv/dt
Average = ((initial) + (final)) / 2:
2-4 Constant Acceleration
A particle is moving back and forth along the x-axis. A graph of its position versus time is
given in Figure 1. What is the average speed of the particle between t = 0 and t = 10 s?
2 Summary
Position Displacement
Relative to origin Change in position (vector)
Positive and negative Eq. (2-1)