IB Workshop Summary For The New Syllabus

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IB workshop summary for the new

This template
could be used
before staring
which could be
later put into
3cs form.

New thing
added is
the key
Structure of the commentary
Step 1:paste the article. You can give the title as article.
Step 2:Clear demarcation between the article and the
Step 3:Paste the commentary in a fresh page.
Step 4:Word count should be mentioned at the end.
Step 5:Bibliography-text book reference. Students can
take the definitions from website and cite it in the
Note: The article is the only source.no other reference or
report is take.
How to plan the commentary
There can be 5 key terms which can be identified and use throughout
the commentary.
3 key concepts can be identified
Explain why and how it influences individual and societies.
Key concept 50 words.
Font size 14
Line spacing 1.5
Font: TNR, caliber, Arial
Alignment: justify
1.Type the
topic(main key
2.Click news
3.Filter-tools –
range-one year –
new articles from
range of one year
can be collected.
Where we begin the process
that is the date of writing
Source of the
article is where the
final publication
has taken place.

The article is borrowed from

Wall street and published
on live mint.in this case the
source is live mint.
Avoid old issues.do Which is a good article?
not debatable issues. Look for raw articles.
It should be news article.
Editorials and opinion based
articles are written by experts.
Opinion is based on their own

Can I identify the cause for

problem. if its inflation-what
is the cause for inflation.
Unemployment-wht is the
Any information as to which
form of unemployment is

Identify the problem.

Moderators will not
read beyond two

If the article is
long,High light the
sections of the
article.do not
highlight one or
two lines.

Information should
be only from the
Activity-Can this article be taken?

Is this articles
accepted. On line
trading news. Stick
to new papers.
Activity-can this article be used?

Date is wrong
It could be a good
Application and analysis
is merged.
Key concepts are

Total marks is the same.

Criteria A-student ability to construct the
Replace used with explained.
No change/explain
No change in marks also

1.Ability to construct the

diagram.do not copy paste the
Construct the diagram using any e
resource, Use draw.io.com word-
2.Dynamic diagram
1.Static diagrams
should be
discouraged. Relate
the diagram to the
article analysis,
Use arrows. Demand
curve shits from DI to
D 2 apply to the case.

2.Label the diagram as per the case.

Price should be currency of that
country and units if it is given.
When uploading if the diagram is
colorful make sure it is uploaded in
3.Applying the diagram with the colour.
case.eg welfare loss relate to
health relating to the case.
2.Any labelling should not
go beyond five words. One diagram is fine. but if the 4.It is advisable to draw two diagram to
article has the scope for two take care of the word count and other
diagrams but student draw one criteria's can be sufficiently met.
diagram the it lead to lower
Activity :find out if the explanation part of the
diagram is sufficient
Answer the diagram
There is no arrow in the diagram to indicate the increase or decrease in
An increase in interest rate can be in one diagram and the effect of
decrease in AD could be shown in other graph.

A decrease in AD to what extent and its effect on full employment level

of output will happen after AD decreases.
Activity :find out if the explanation part of the
diagram is sufficient

Second Example
• MSC is not labelled
• An arrow is not marked
• External cost is not shown
• P opt and Qopt does not relate to the explanation.
• Curve labelled as S1 and S2
• Labelling not mentioned in the explanation.
Which diagram to use monetarist or
If there is a scenario where we have to show an increase in AD is
reduced by increase in rate of interest by the central bank.
This requires 2 diagrams.
It is good to stick to one model (Keynessian or Monetarist) for simplicity
Key notes does not matter it will not be added in the word count.
No change in this
There might be many
economic terms what is
relevant only should be
Advanced key terms inflation is
a key term- demand pull
inflation can be explained
when there is explanation.
Advanced key terms not only
defining it but also explained
well and it can happen when
explaining the diagram.
Key terms can be defined in
the beginning and explained
through out.
How well the students can use
the terms.
Use the terms properly.
Definitions can be borrowed
put in quotes and proper
reference given in footnotes.
Identify the error in the commentary
• The definitions are in the foot note is wrong.
• It can be taken from the different from different source
but should be properly referenced could be given in
• DO not put the definition explicitly in the commentary.
• Make the definitions embedded in the definitions.
• Use the terminology and explain.
• Skills should be developed to use the terminology.
• Terminology should not stand alone.
This criteria has
undergone vast changed.
Changes in the new descriptor
The last colored box shows the
changes in the syllabus.

1.Key words which are highlighted

applied and limited becomes level 1.
Level 2:appropriate throughout the
commentary though the analysis.
Merged criteria C and D
Nothing has changed as per the
requirement of the criteria.
Merging of C and D criteria together.
Earlier application is for 3 mark and
analysis for 2 marks.
Now the application and analysis
together for 3 marks.
a.Identify the theory
Application of the theory
Application: what is the
1.Identify the theory
2.Apply the theory throughout
the commentary
3.Application should flow
throughout the theory.

The article is about
Application: what is
Why it is a consumption
If it is positive consumption
externality explain how?
3.What spill over benefits it
has on different stake
Introduce the diagram in the second paragraph.
While explaining the diagram explanation and analysis
What is Analysis?
• Breaking down and building up. Breaking down into
small concepts and then build it up.
• Do not use any other data from outside source.
• Develop a line of reasoning.
• Try to expand the depth of economic theory.
Definition is embedded in the article.


A good example for

Application leading to
Mere consumption of junk
food does not become
negative externality.
Overconsumption of junk
food lead to NCE.

Marginal utility
theory is also Prolonged consumption is mentioned in the last line of
included, first paragraph.
Second example While we are doing Micro
economics macro economics
should not be discussed. but little
bit without deviation can be
Key concepts-9
Apply these concepts in
various parts.
Find out the strongest key
term which can be linked with
the commentary.
Activity-find out the key term which can be applied to this article.

We will be able to identify more

than one key term. But we have to
find out the strongest on which
can be related throughout the

There can be more than one key

Check out in the guide for meaning of

Where can the student include the
key concept?
1.They can include the key concept
at the end of the commentary
Keep referring to the key concepts,
When introducing the article –key
Analysis-key concept
Reference key concept in multiple
area of the article

No key concept
should be repeated.
If he uses he will
loose 3 marks.
High light the key
Including keep concept
in analyzing.
Key concepts are included in
introduction body and

We have 50 words so make links

rather than basing it on key

available in
PRCs available.
Criteria E Evaluation had 4 marks now three
marks.. now 3 marks.
Requirement for this
criteria: Arguments
supported by the evidence
relevant in the particular
Do not use extra
Selection of article is
In my opinion(students
stars conclusion with this)
is not required. All
arguments based on

Short run and long run..short run Try to reach up to two or three approaches.
what is the impact and apply in Pros and cons-advantages over weight the
the context of the article. disadvantages. backed by justification for
what we are making.
Good to suggest alternative solution.
Stake holder-not only identifying mention overall benefits are greater
so go knead with the policy.
5 rubric in old syllabus
3 rubric in new syllabus
800 it is not part of Rubrik
But he will be penalized if
student crosses 800
They have removed the
attaching the 3cse forms.
Apply modification in the
Comments should help the
moderate to correct the IA.
Portfolio should be spread to 6 to 9 months.

Good practices Soon after completing the section IA should be


Do not direct the comment to the


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