Hanfu: Information and Drawing Tips
Hanfu: Information and Drawing Tips
Hanfu: Information and Drawing Tips
← Ming-style clothing
(this is hanfu)
→ Qing-style clothing
(this is not hanfu)
What is (and isn’t) hanfu
Some examples:
← Song-style clothing
(this is hanfu)
→ Mongolian deel
(this is not hanfu)
What is (and isn’t) hanfu
Some examples:
← Ming-style clothing
(this is hanfu)
→ Manchu clothing
(this is not hanfu)
What is (and isn’t) hanfu
Some examples:
← Ming-style clothing
(this is hanfu)
→ Qing-style
(this is not hanfu)
What is (and isn’t) hanfu
Some examples:
← modernized hanfu
(this is hanfu)
→ modern
(this is not hanfu)
General information: Layers
Hanfu usually consists of 3 basic layers:
● 内衣 (neiyi): inner clothing
● 中依 (zhongyi): middle clothing
● 外衣 (waiyi): outer clothing
Here are two posts you can read that explain a few of the differences:
● Don’t draw shoes with heels (unless you really want to, but just be aware
that it’s a modern feature)
● Don’t get all your inspiration and references from western interpretations
and media. It’s better to find actual Chinese sources
Thank you for reading!