What Is A Mutual Fund?
What Is A Mutual Fund?
What Is A Mutual Fund?
Diversification is nothing but spreading out your money across available or
different types of investments. By choosing to diversify respective investment
holdings reduces risk tremendously up to certain extent.
1. Open - Ended Schemes:
An open-end fund is one that is available for subscription all through the
year. These do not have a fixed maturity. Investors can conveniently buy and
sell units at Net Asset Value ("NAV") related prices. The key feature of open-
end schemes is liquidity.
Comparison of Open Ended Funds v/s Close Ended Funds v/s ETFs:
Fund Size Flexible Fixed Flexible
NAV Daily Daily Real-Time
Liquidity Provider Fund Itself Stock Market Stock Market / Fund Itself
Through Exchange Through Exchange where
Availability Fund itself
where listed listed / Fund itself.
Portfolio Disclosure Disclosed monthly Disclosed monthly Daily/Real-time
Intra-Day Trading Not possible Expensive Possible at low cost
Advantages of Investing Mutual Funds:
2. Costs – The biggest source of AMC income, is generally from the exit load
which they charge from an investors, at the time of purchase. The mutual fund
industries are thus charging extra cost under layers of jargon.
3. Dilution - Because funds have small holdings across different companies, high
returns from a few investments often don't make much difference on the overall
return. Dilution is also the result of a successful fund getting too big. When money
pours into funds that have had strong success, the manager often has trouble
finding a good investment for all the new money.
4. Taxes - when making decisions about your money, fund managers don't consider
your personal tax situation. For example, when a fund manager sells a security, a
capital-gain tax is triggered, which affects how profitable the individual is from the
sale. It might have been more advantageous for the individual to defer the capital
gains liability.
Holding mutual funds in a demat account
Investors can now hold their mutual fund units in dematerialized form.
It is however not mandatory to convert units into demat form.
For this, investors have to use a standard form specified by the depository (CDSL or
NSDL) called the conversion request form ( CRF )) or destatementization request
form (DRF). This form is available with the depository participant (DP). The
completed form, along with the statement of account (SoA) which shows the unit
holdings of the investor, has to be submitted to the DP. The DP will verify and
forward it to the registrar and transfer agent, who in turn will confirm the details of
units held in the SoA. Units will be credited to the demat account after this
Transacting with the mutual fund: Once units are dematerialised, investors cannot
transact in them directly with the mutual fund or investor service centres.
Transactions are routed through the stock exchange platform or through the DP.
1. Equity fund: These funds invest a maximum part of their corpus into equities
holdings. The structure of the fund may vary different for different schemes and
the fund manager’s outlook on different stocks. The Equity Funds are sub-
classified depending upon their investment objective, as follows:
Index funds
Diversified Equity Funds
Mid-Cap Funds /Large Cap funds
Sector Specific Funds
Tax Savings Funds (ELSS)
Arbitrage funds
Multi-cap funds
PE ratio funds
Growth fund
Equity investments are meant for a longer time horizon, thus Equity funds rank
high on the risk-return matrix.
2. Debt funds:
Income Funds: Invest a major portion into various debt instruments such as
bonds, corporate debentures and Government securities.
MIPs: Invests maximum of their total corpus in debt instruments while they take
minimum exposure in equities. It gets benefit of both equity and debt market. These
scheme ranks slightly high on the risk-return matrix when compared with other debt
Short Term Plans (STPs): Meant for investment horizon for three to six
months. These funds primarily invest in short term papers like
Certificate of Deposits (CDs) and Commercial Papers (CPs). Some
portion of the corpus is also invested in corporate debentures.
As the name suggest they, are a mix of both equity and debt funds. They
invest in both equities and fixed income securities, which are in line with pre-
defined investment objective of the scheme. These schemes aim to provide
investors with the best of both the worlds. Equity part provides growth and
the debt part provides stability in returns.
Structure of Mutual fund in India
Contracts are entered into in the name of the Trustees. Once the Trust is
created, it is registered with SEBI after which this trust is known as the
mutual fund. Two third of the trustees are independent professionals who
own the fund and supervises the activities of the AMC. It has the authority
to sack AMC employees for non-adherence to the rules of the regulator. It
safeguards the interests of the investors. They are legally appointed i.e.
approved by SEBI.