Efficiency and Equity in A Competitive Market

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Efficiency and Equity in a

Competitive Market

FSG 16
 Chapter 16.4
 Economic Efficiency (pareto efficiency)
 Exchange efficiency – edgeworth box
 Input efficiency
 Substitution efficiency
 First fundamental theorem of welfare economics
 Second fundamental theorem of welfare
 Theory of the second best
Welfare Economics

 Concerned with how well an economy

operates in terms of efficiency and
equity/social justice
 Efficiency - allocation of resources
 Equity - distribution of income
Why Are We Concerned

 Efficiency questions in health care sector

arise because costs are high.

 Equity questions arise because cost are

high, and many people are uninsured or
under insured.
Why Are We Concerned

To really understand these concerns we

need to:
1. Know the definition of efficiency

2. The assumptions behind efficiency

3. Role of equity
Definition Pareto Efficiency


1. An economically efficient (optimal) outcome

in society is one under which it is impossible
to make someone better off without making
someone worse off.
2. An efficient economy is one that has
exhausted all means of mutual gains (trade)
Three Conditions for Efficiency

 Exchange (Consumption) Efficiency

 “maximum” utility
 Input (Production) Efficiency
 “maximum” output
 Product-Mix (Substitution) Efficiency
 optimum mix of commodities
Exchange (Consumption) Efficiency

 An allocation of commodities is consumption

efficient if the only way to make one person
better off is to make another person worse
 The MRS between each pair of goods must
be equal for all consumers.
Edgeworth Box

 Is a graphical tool used to understand what

this definition of efficiency means.

(rest of notes done on chalk board)

Exchange Efficiency Condition
 The MRS between the two goods must be
equal for all people

M ,F  MRS B
M ,F

Input (Production) Efficiency

 An allocation of inputs is production efficient if

the only way to increase the output of one
commodity is to decrease the output of
another commodity
Production Efficient Allocations
Slope of isoquant: Marginal Rate of Technical
Substitute (MRTS) Food
Production efficient B4
B2 k

j W2

Medicine Labour 6
Production Efficiency Condition
 The MRTS between capital and labor must
be equal for all commodities

MRTS Medicine
K ,L  MRTS Food
K ,L

Production Possibilities Curve
MRT: show the amount of food that the
economy must give up in order to gain an
Food additional unit of medicine.

k'Slope = Marginal Rate

of Transformation
h' (MRT)

Marginal Rate of Transformation
 The MRT is the rate at which the economy
can transform one output into another by
shifting its resources
 the (negative of the) slope of the production
possibilities curve
 If it equals 2, to have one additional unit of
medicine, we need to give up two units of food

Substitution (Allocation) Efficiency
 A mix of commodities is allocation efficient if the
MRT between any two goods is equal to
consumers’ common MRS between the two
commodities. (the ratio in which goods are being
produced is the same as people want to

MRT M ,F  MRS Amber , Brent

M ,F
First Fundamental Theorem
of Welfare Economics
 This theorem says:
That an competitive equilibrium is Pareto
 Great, so as long as we have a competitive
market, our markets left all to themselves will
be efficient –economists mean Pareto
efficient. The famous “invisible hand solution”
First Fundamental Theorem
of Welfare Economics
1. Is the health care market competitive?
2. Would a competitive market solution be
equitable, or would there be a lot of people
left with no health care?
Lets address point 2 first, then come back to
point 1.
Second Fundamental Theorem
of Welfare Economics
Things are not so bleak
 Theorem states that given an appropriate
endowment any Pareto efficient outcome can in
principle be achieved
 This means, that for any given endowment, we can
redistribute the endowment to get to the efficient
outcome we want
(Back to chalk board)
How To Redistribute?
Should we subsidize certain services? (health care)
 We can but it is not consistent with Pareto efficiency.
 Why? well to get to a Pareto efficient point, we had to
find a tangency between both people’s indifference
 When everyone faces the same prices this will happen.
 If they face different prices, there will not be a tangency
point, i.e. there will be an inefficient outcome.
 Income transfers are a superior way to redistribute
because doesn‘t change prices
How To Redistribute
 Some policy makers hesitate to make large-
scale income redistribution because of
 Transferring wealth away for one group may
provide a disincentive to work, and giving
money to another group may provide a
disincentive to work.
 assumes we are only stimulated by money
Theory of the Second Best
 Q1: So should we try to adhere to as many of
the assumptions as possible for competitive

 Q2: Does removing a distortion of

competitive markets make competitive
markets work better?

 Answer: Not necessarily

 Theory of the Second Best tell us why
Competitive Model Assumptions

1. Fragmentation: lots of buyers and sellers out

there so firms and consumers are price takers
(perfect competition)
 No one has market power
2. A homogenous product or undifferentiated
3. Perfect information
 E.g. know the prices and quality in the market.
4. Equal Access to Resources OR Free entry
and exit of firms
 No barriers to entry
Competitive Model Assumptions

5. Consumers maximize their utility

6. Firms maximize profits

7. There are no significant externalities.

 Externality occurs if we receive benefits or are
harmed by the actions of others.
 e.g. vaccinations
Theory of the Second Best
 Say we have more than one departure from
competitive market (more than one assumption
does not hold).
 Call this departure a distortion
 Now there is a policy that tries to correct on of these
 Theory of the Second Best says: that such a
correction may not improve welfare i.e. we can’t
assume welfare will be improved or that we get any
closer to a competitive market.
Theory of the Second Best
Classic Example
Classic Example: Polluting Monopolist
 Suppose we have a monopolist who is in an industry where they
make a lot of pollution due to the process of how the good is made.

 Monopolist is a departure from perfect competition assumption.

 Only one firm in the market not many.

 First distortion

 Polluter – pollution is a negative externality.

 Second distortion

 Monopoly prices are higher than under perfect competition and

monopolists produce less than would be produced under perfect
 They can set prices because have market power
Theory of the Second Best
Classic Example
 Now, suppose we introduce more firms so the
market is not a monopolistic anymore, but
competitive (price takers).

 Well if we do that, output will increase and prices go

down, but the amount of pollution will also increase
which could be a big problem.
 So we made one problem better (prices) but another
problem worse (pollution)
Theory of the Second Best
Health Example
Health example: licensure laws
 Create a monopoly
 At same time there is imperfect information in the market
about quality of doctors.
 If get rid of licensure laws, more doctors can practice, we
may solve the monopoly problem.
 But, there may be unqualified doctors and you may
receive poor quality if not dangerous health care.
 Problem in developing countries
Theory of the Second Best
 Can’t assume that making the health care market look
more like a competitive market will be a good thing.
 Each policy and all the implications must be considered
first and one should not implement a policy just because
it promotes competition.
 MANY policy makers fail to really realize this and don’t
examine ALL implications.
 One of the reasons economists don’t like politicians, they
use our vocabulary as proof (i.e. competitive markets are
efficient), but don’t use the theory correctly.

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