Meta-Ethics: Moral Philosopy
Meta-Ethics: Moral Philosopy
Meta-Ethics: Moral Philosopy
What is meta-ethics?
Meta-ethics is the study of moral thought and
moral language. Rather than addressing questions
about what practices are right and wrong, and
what our obligations to other people or future
generations are – questions of so-called
'normative' ethics – meta-ethics asks what
morality actually is.
the subdiscipline of ethics concerned with the
nature of ethical theories and moral judgments.
nonnaturalism (or intuitionism)
is the meta-ethical doctrine that there are
objective moral properties of which we have
empirical knowledge, but that these properties
are reducible to entirely non-ethical or natural
properties, such as needs, wants or pleasures (as
opposed to relating the ethical terms in some way
to the will of God, for example).
is the meta-ethical view which claims that:
Ethical sentences express propositions. Some
such propositions are true. Those propositions are
made true by objective features of the world,
independent of human opinion.
Metaphysical Issues:
Objectivism and Relativism
Proponents of the other-worldly view typically hold
that moral values are objective in the sense that they
exist in a spirit-like realm beyond subjective human
conventions. They also hold that they are absolute,
or eternal, in that they never change, and also that
they are universal insofar as they apply to all rational
creatures around the world and throughout time.
The second and more this-worldly approach to
the metaphysical status of morality follows in the
skeptical philosophical tradition, such as that
articulated by Greek philosopher Sextus
Empiricus, and denies the objective status of
moral values. Technically, skeptics did not reject
moral values themselves, but only denied that
values exist as spirit-like objects, or as divine
commands in the mind of God. Moral values,
they argued, are strictly human inventions, a
position that has since been called moral
Psychological Issues in Meta-
A second area of metaethics involves the
psychological basis of our moral judgments and
conduct, particularly understanding what
motivates us to be moral. We might explore this
subject by asking the simple question, “Why be
Moral Psychology