Milky Way Galaxy PPT - Class 6

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Milky Way Galaxy

-Aditya Dufare
Roll No. 11
Curiosity In Humans led to exploring more in
What is a Galaxy?

A galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems,
all held together by gravity.
Types of Galaxies

Elliptical Galaxy
Spiral Galaxy

Irregular Galaxy
Most detailed picture of our Galaxy
taken by NASA

Panorama View- a digital compilation of over 3,000 images comprising the highest resolution digital panorama of the entire night sky

Every constellation, every Nebula, and every Star cluster

Moreover, millions of individual stars are also visible, all in our Milky Way Galaxy !
How does our Galaxy really look?
Parts of the Milky way Galaxy
Contents of the Milky Way Galaxy

stars and planetary systems
100 billion

Black holes
dust clouds and gasses Around 10 millions
Position of Earth in Milky Way
There is lot more to discover….
Researchers continuously observe the Milky way galaxy with powerful space
telescopes like Latest Hubbel, Kepler to solve many questions like..

1. Is there any planet where life can flourish?

 Earth, the only planet known to support life till date.
2. Is there any object which will be threat to our existence?
like any object moving dangerously towards us…

Hubble Space Telescope Kepler Space Telescope

Its not an accident that we are where we are!
• We are at the right location in Galaxy
• Where life can flourish with all necessary things like liquid water, oxygen, right
atmosphere , temperature and light.
• We are the at the habitable zone of star The Sun unlike Mercury and Mars.

So, Earth is the only Planet which supports life from millions of years !
Good news is that you and me are on planet Earth at the right place in Milky Way Galaxy.
We are here,, Lets be here wisely!

We’re Grateful to Live on Earth.

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