Home Management Report
Home Management Report
Home Management Report
Home is the dwelling place of the family.
Since the very beginning of civilization, it has been found that
each and every human being has been engaged in making a
home of his own. As a social being, a man creates his family.
At the day time most of the family members are engaged in
different types of activities outside their home and after a
tedious day's work they come back home for getting rest and
An ideal home gives shelter, meets different needs and
demands of the family, provides security, ensures privacy and
honour of the family members
The well-known home economist Nichel stated, “Home management
is the administrative aspect of a family. To attain the desired family
goals, home management helps in planning, assessing integrating and
evaluating human and material resources and ensure their best use for
the betterment of the family members.”
Its success depends fully on energy, capability and experience of the
home manager.
In fine, we can say that home management is an intellectual process
and this can be attained through proper:
controlling and
the family resources for their best use and thereby fulfilling the
expectations of the family.
Home Management
Family Resources
Skills Attitude Knowledge Energy Time Money Property Facilities
By using properly
- An intelligent manager is keen on observing, understanding,
thinking and remembering. She should develop all ways of gaining
knowledge, ability to solve problems and achieve goals. Intelligence
also includes mental alertness and ability to grasp knowledge and
- It is an ability to motivate others to become interested in the
activity. The environment created should be contagious and make
everyone to take interest in performing and completing the work. An
enthusiastic manager can create a feeling of happiness by working
hard to achieve her targets.
Understanding of human nature for Team Building and Leadership
- The managers should be sympathetic and understanding since these are
important in developing healthy human relationships and for reducing
friction while dealing with others. The manager has to understand the
values, attitudes, behaviour and capabilities of the family members so that
she is able to delegate the right responsibility to the right person and lead
and motivate them towards the achievement of goals.
- A manger should be able to convey clearly and have a meaningful
dialogue with the family members. This not only involves sharing of
knowledge, feelings, desires and experiences, but also taking time to share
thoughts with one another. An effective communication is the key to
managers‘ success.
- is an essential quality of a home manager. By virtue of this quality, she
be able to make her home more attractive and well arranged. To create a
wonderful and attractive homely atmosphere, a home manager should be
creative and should possess the power of imagination and creation.
- A sense of judgment enables the manager to be fair in weighing the
various facts in a situation and to see the problem in totality. She should be
able to weigh critically and make decisions while choosing the best
- A good manager should have the ability to combine courage and
patience to face facts. She has to believe in the inherent values of the
task and feel strong about the outcome of the efforts. Faith in work and
abilities will give the manager the courage to take necessary risks and try
to achieve solutions until the problems are solved and goals are achieved.
- We all are living in a changing environment. The capacity to adapt
oneself with the changing situation is termed adaptability. A housewife
should possess this quality. It is quite natural that in a family life various
incidents may occur. If the housewife is not able to adapt herself with all
the changing situations, there will be a possibility of confusion.
- Various problems may occur in a family. In this regard, the quality
like controlling one's sentiments is needed and if a person possesses
this sort of quality, it is called the quality of self-control. If a home
manager is able to show this power, she will be appreciated as an
efficient house wife.
- Personality can be termed as the sum total of various human
qualities. By practising different human qualities, the personality of a
person grows gradually in a harmonious way. To develop this quality,
a proper grooming is needed. If a home manager acquires this quality,
she will be able to behave well with others and convince all.
The eminent management expert, Fayol lists the following
characteristics of a manager. These characteristics help her in doing
her job effectively. These characteristics are more apparent and
help a person to easily recognise and distinguish herself as a good
manager. They form important guidelines for efficient and effective
Physical Health: A manager has to a have a good physical health
and vigour to perform the duties properly. In the absence of a good
physical health, the manager is not i a position to carry out the work
successfully. A healthy mind lives in a healthy body.
Responsibilities and duties of a home manager towards the family
1. Utility of Resources
According to the definition of resources, each and every resource has
some utility. That is, every family resource has got some capacity to meet
the family demands. But this capacity differs form one resource to another.
2. Scarcity of Resources
Scarcity is another important characteristic of resource. This differs
from one resource to another. That is, some resources are scarce and some
can be achieved easily.
Energy is also a very important human resource. We can use it while performing our day to
day household activities. It varies from person to person. For example, without any tiredness, a
particular member of the family can work for a lone time.
Material Resources
1. Budget helps to increase awareness regarding income
and expenditure of a family
After preparing a budget, if the expenditure is made, it
will make an individual aware of the source and quantity of
income as well as the areas of expenditure.
2. A balance can be made regarding income and
If there is a budget, it will help to reduce or extend
expenditure depending on the family income.
3. It helps to make savings
As savings is an integral part of a budget, a budget
encourages savings whether the income is more or less.
4. It helps to save time and energy
A budget helps the members of the family to spend money within the
time and thus it helps to save time and energy.
5. It helps to meet the important demands
In a budget, the important areas of expenditure are specified and so
there remains nothing to be unfulfilled. For this reason, the family does not
suffer in paying house rent, income tax, electricity bill, etc. in due time.
6. The satisfaction and solvency of the family grows
By calculating the demands of the family members, the budget is
usually made and so everybody remains satisfied. If the budget is made in
this way, the satisfaction and peace of the family is maintained.
5. Time schedule should be made in consultation with the members
of the family.
11. Each of the tasks of the family should be done in an appropriate time
and so in a time schedule, the timely completion of the work should be