Fuzzy Theory: Presented by Gao Xinbo E.E. Dept. Xidian University

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Fuzzy Theory

Presented by Gao Xinbo

E.E. Dept.
Xidian University
 Motivation
 History
 Fuzzy Sets
 Fuzzy Logic
 Fuzzy System
 The term “fuzzy logic” refers to a logic of
 Boolean logic assumes that every fact is either
entirely true or false.
 Fuzzy logic allows for varying degrees of truth.
 Computers can apply this logic to represent
vague and imprecise ideas, such as “hot”, “tall”
or “balding”.
 The precision of mathematics owes its success in
large part to the efforts of Aristotle and the
philosophers who preceded him.
 Their efforts led to a concise theory of logic and
 The “Law of the Excluded Middle,” states that every
proposition must either be True or False.
 There were strong and immediate objections. For
example, Heraclitus proposed that things could be
simultaneously True and not True.
 Plato laid a foundation for what would become
fuzzy logic, indicating that there was a third
region (beyond True and False) where these
opposites “tumbled about.” (非此即彼)
 The modern philosophers, Hegel, Marx, and
Engels, echoed this sentiment.
 Lukasiewicz proposed a systematic alternative
to the bi-valued logic of Aristotle.
 In the early 1900’s, Lukasiewicz described a
three-valued logic. The third value can be
translated as the term “possible,” and he
assigned it a numeric value between True and
 Later, he explored four-valued logics, five-valued
logics, and declared that in principle there was
nothing to prevent the derivation of an infinite-
valued logic.
 Knuth proposed a three-valued logic similar to
 He speculated that mathematics would become
even more elegant than in traditional bi-valued
 His insight was to use the integral range
[-1, 0 +1] rather than [0, 1, 2].
 Lotfi Zadeh, at the University of California at
Berkeley, first presented fuzzy logic in the mid-
 Zadeh developed fuzzy logic as a way of processing
data. Instead of requiring a data element to be either
a member or non-member of a set, he introduced
the idea of partial set membership.
 In 1974 Mamdani and Assilian used fuzzy logic to
regulate a steam engine.
 In 1985 researchers at Bell laboratories developed
the first fuzzy logic chip.
The World is Vague
 Natural language employs many vague and
imprecise concepts.
 Translating such statements into more precise
language removes some of their semantic value. The
statement “Dan has 100,035 hairs on his head” does
not explicitly state that he is balding, nor does “Dan’s
head hair count is 1.6 standard deviations below the
mean head hair count for people of his genetic pool”.
 Suppose Dan were actually only 1.559999999
standard deviations below the mean? How does one
determine his genetic pool?
Precision and Significance
Eliminate the Vague?
 It might be argued that vagueness is an obstacle to
clarity of meaning.
 But there does seem to be a loss of expressiveness
when statements like, “Dan is balding” are
eliminated from the language.
 This is what happens when natural language is
translated into classic logic. The loss is not severe
for accounting programs or computational
mathematics programs, but will appear when the
programming task turns to issues of queries and
What Is Lost……
Could Be Significant
Experts are Vague
 To design an expert system a major task is to codify
the expert’s decision-making process.
 In a domain there may be precise, scientific tests
and measurements that are used in a “fuzzy”,
intuitive manner to evaluate results, symptoms,
relationships, causes, or remedies.
 While some of the decisions and calculations could
be done using traditional logic, fuzzy systems afford
a broader, richer field of data and manipulations
than do more traditional methods.
 Boolean logic assumes that every element is either
a member or a non-member of a given set (never
both). This imposes an inherent restriction on the
representation of imprecise concepts.
 For example at 100°F a room is “hot” and at 25°F it
is “cold”.
 If the room temperature is 75°F, it is much more
difficult to classify the temperature as “hot” or “cold”.
 Boolean logic does not provide the means to identify
an intermediate value.
Introduce Fuzziness
 Fuzzy logic extends Boolean logic to handle the
expression of vague concepts.
 To express imprecision quantitatively, a set
membership function maps elements to real values
between zero and one (inclusive). The value
indicates the “degree” to which an element belongs to
a set.
 A fuzzy logic representation for the “hotness” of a
room, would assign100°F a membership value of one
and 25°F a membership value of zero. 75°F would
have a membership value between zero and one.
Bivalence and Fuzz
Being Fuzzy
 For fuzzy systems, truth values (fuzzy logic) or membership
values (fuzzy sets) are in the range [0.0, 1.0], with 0.0
representing absolute falseness and 1.0 representing absolute
 For example,
"Dan is balding."
If Dan's hair count is 0.3 times the average hair count, we might
assign the statement the truth value of 0.8. The statement could be
translated into set terminology as:
"Dan is a member of the set of balding people."
This statement would be rendered symbolically with fuzzy sets as:
mBALDING(Dan) = 0.8
where m is the membership function, operating on the fuzzy set of
balding people and returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
Fuzzy Is Not Probability
 Fuzzy systems and probability operate over the
same numeric range.
 The probabilistic approach yields the natural-
language statement, “There is an 80% chance
that Dan is balding.” The fuzzy terminology
corresponds to “Dan's degree of membership
within the set of balding people is 0.80.”
Fuzzy Is Not Probability
 The probability view assumes that Dan is or is
not balding (the Law of the Excluded Middle)
and that we only have an 80% chance of
knowing which set he is in.
 Fuzzy supposes that Dan is “more or less”
balding, corresponding to the value of 0.80.
 Confidence factors also assume that Dan is or is
not balding. The confidence factor simply
indicates how confident, how sure, one is that he
is in one or the other group.
Sets and Fuzzy Sets
Classical sets – either an element belongs to the set
or it does not. For example, for the set of integers,
either an integer is even or it is not (it is odd).
However, either you are in the USA or you are not.
What about flying into USA, what happens as you
are crossing?
Another example is for black and white photographs,
one cannot say either a pixel is white or it is black.
However, when you digitize a b/w figure, you turn
all the b/w and gray scales into 256 discrete tones.
Sets and Fuzzy Sets
Classical sets are also called crisp (sets).
Lists: A = {apples, oranges, cherries, mangoes}
A = {a1,a2,a3 }
A = {2, 4, 6, 8, …}
Formulas: A = {x | x is an even natural number}
A = {x | x = 2n, n is a natural number}
Membership or characteristic function

1 if x A
 ( x) 

A 0 if x A

Sets and Fuzzy Sets
Fuzzy sets – admits gradation such as all tones
between black and white. A fuzzy set has a
graphical description that expresses how the
transition from one to another takes place. This
graphical description is called a membership
Fuzzy Sets (figure from Klir &Yuan)
Membership functions
(figure from Klir &Yuan)
Fuzzy set (figure from Earl Cox)
The Geometry of Fuzzy Sets
(figure from Klir &Yuan)
Rough Sets
A rough set is basically an approximation of a crisp set A in
terms of two subsets of a crisp partition, X/R, defined on
the universal set X.
Definition: A rough set, R(A), is a given representation of
a classical (crisp) set A by two subsets of X/R, R(A) and R(A)
that approach A as closely as possible from the inside
and outside (respectively) and
R( A)  R( A), R( A)
where R(A) and R(A) are called the lower and upper
approximation of A.
Rough sets
(figure from Klir &Yuan)
Interval Fuzzy Sets
(figure from Klir &Yuan)
Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
(figure from Klir &Yuan)
Operations on Fuzzy Sets:
Intersection (figure from Klir&Yuan)
Operations on Fuzzy Sets: Union and
Complement (figure from Klir&Yuan)
Operations on Fuzzy Numbers:
Addition and Subtraction (figure from
Operations on Fuzzy Numbers:
Multiplication and Division (figure from
Extension Principle
Given a formula f(x) and a fuzzy set A defined by,  A(x)
how do we compute the membership function of f(A) ?
How this is done is what is called the extension principle (of
professor Zadeh). What the extension principle says is
that f (A) =f(A(  )).
The formal definition is:
[f(A)](y)=supx|y=f(x){  A(x)}
Crisp Logic
 Crisp logic is concerned with absolutes-true or false,
there is no in-between.
 Example:
If the temperature is higher than 80F, it is hot; otherwise, it
is not hot.

Temperature = 100F Hot

Temperature = 80.1F Hot

Temperature = 79.9F Not hot

Temperature = 50F Not hot
Membership function of crisp logic



80F Temperature

If temperature >= 80F, it is hot (1 or true);

If temperature < 80F, it is not hot (0 or false).
Drawbacks of crisp logic
 The membership function of crisp logic fails
to distinguish between members of the same
Conception of Fuzzy Logic
 Many decision-making and problem-solving
tasks are too complex to be defined precisely

 however, people succeed by using imprecise


 Fuzzy logic resembles human reasoning in its

use of approximate information and
uncertainty to generate decisions.
Natural Language
 Consider:
 Joe is tall -- what is tall?
 Joe is very tall -- what does this differ from tall?

 Natural language (like most other activities in

life and indeed the universe) is not easily
translated into the absolute terms of 0 and 1.

“false” “true”
Fuzzy Logic
 An approach to uncertainty that combines
real values [0…1] and logic operations

 Fuzzy logic is based on the ideas of fuzzy set

theory and fuzzy set membership often found
in natural (e.g., spoken) language.
Example: “Young”
 Example:
 Ann is 28, 0.8 in set “Young”
 Bob is 35, 0.1 in set “Young”
 Charlie is 23, 1.0 in set “Young”

 Unlike statistics and probabilities, the degree

is not describing probabilities that the item is
in the set, but instead describes to what
extent the item is the set.
Membership function of fuzzy logic

Fuzzy values
Degree of
Young Middle Old


25 40 55 Age

Fuzzy values have associated degrees of membership in the set.

Crisp set vs. Fuzzy set

A traditional crisp set A fuzzy set

Crisp set vs. Fuzzy set
Benefits of fuzzy logic
 You want the value to switch gradually as
Young becomes Middle and Middle becomes
Old. This is the idea of fuzzy logic.
Fuzzy Set Operations
 Fuzzy union (): the union of two fuzzy sets
is the maximum (MAX) of each element from
two sets.
 E.g.
 A = {1.0, 0.20, 0.75}
 B = {0.2, 0.45, 0.50}
 A  B = {MAX(1.0, 0.2), MAX(0.20, 0.45), MAX(0.75, 0.50)}
= {1.0, 0.45, 0.75}
Fuzzy Set Operations
 Fuzzy intersection (): the intersection of two
fuzzy sets is just the MIN of each element
from the two sets.
 E.g.
 A  B = {MIN(1.0, 0.2), MIN(0.20, 0.45),
MIN(0.75, 0.50)} = {0.2, 0.20, 0.50}
Fuzzy Set Operations
 The complement of a fuzzy variable with
DOM x is (1-x).
 Complement ( _c): The complement of a
fuzzy set is composed of all elements’
 Example.
 Ac = {1 – 1.0, 1 – 0.2, 1 – 0.75} = {0.0, 0.8, 0.25}
Crisp Relations
 Ordered pairs showing connection between two
(a,b): a is related to b
(2,3) are related with the relation “<“

 Relations are set themselves

< = {(1,2), (2, 3), (2, 4), ….} < 1 2
1  
 Relations can be expressed as matrices 2  

Fuzzy Relations
 Triples showing connection between two sets:
(a,b,#): a is related to b with degree #

 Fuzzy relations are set themselves

 Fuzzy relations can be expressed as matrices

Fuzzy Relations Matrices
 Example: Color-Ripeness relation for tomatoes

R1(x, y) unripe semi ripe ripe

green 1 0.5 0

yellow 0.3 1 0.4

Red 0 0.2 1
Where is Fuzzy Logic used?
 Fuzzy logic is used directly in very few

 Most applications of fuzzy logic use it as the

underlying logic system for decision support
Fuzzy Expert System
 Fuzzy expert system is a collection of
membership functions and rules that are
used to reason about data.

 Usually, the rules in a fuzzy expert system

are have the following form:
“if x is low and y is high then z is medium”
Operation of Fuzzy System
Crisp Input

Fuzzification Input Membership Functions

Fuzzy Input

Rule Evaluation Rules / Inferences

Fuzzy Output

Defuzzification Output Membership Functions

Crisp Output
Building Fuzzy Systems
 Fuzzification
 Inference
 Composition
 Defuzzification
 Establishes the fact base of the fuzzy system. It identifies the
input and output of the system, defines appropriate IF THEN
rules, and uses raw data to derive a membership function.
 Consider an air conditioning system that determine the best
circulation level by sampling temperature and moisture levels.
The inputs are the current temperature and moisture level. The
fuzzy system outputs the best air circulation level: “none”, “low”,
or “high”. The following fuzzy rules are used:
1. If the room is hot, circulate the air a lot.
2. If the room is cool, do not circulate the air.
3. If the room is cool and moist, circulate the air slightly.
 A knowledge engineer determines membership functions that map
temperatures to fuzzy values and map moisture measurements to fuzzy
 Evaluates all rules and determines their truth values.
If an input does not precisely correspond to an IF
THEN rule, partial matching of the input data is used
to interpolate an answer.
 Continuing the example, suppose that the system has
measured temperature and moisture levels and mapped them
to the fuzzy values of .7 and .1 respectively. The system now
infers the truth of each fuzzy rule. To do this a simple method
called MAX-MIN is used. This method sets the fuzzy value of
the THEN clause to the fuzzy value of the IF clause. Thus, the
method infers fuzzy values of 0.7, 0.1, and 0.1 for rules 1, 2,
and 3 respectively.
 Combines all fuzzy conclusions obtained by inference
into a single conclusion. Since different fuzzy rules
might have different conclusions, consider all rules.
 Continuing the example, each inference suggests a different
 rule 1 suggests a "high" circulation level
 rule 2 suggests turning off air circulation
 rule 3 suggests a "low" circulation level.
 A simple MAX-MIN method of selection is used where the
maximum fuzzy value of the inferences is used as the final
conclusion. So, composition selects a fuzzy value of 0.7 since
this was the highest fuzzy value associated with the inference
 Convert the fuzzy value obtained from composition
into a “crisp” value. This process is often complex
since the fuzzy set might not translate directly into a
crisp value.Defuzzification is necessary, since
controllers of physical systems require discrete
 Continuing the example, composition outputs a fuzzy value of
0.7. This imprecise value is not directly useful since the air
circulation levels are “none”, “low”, and “high”. The
defuzzification process converts the fuzzy output of 0.7 into
one of the air circulation levels. In this case it is clear that a
fuzzy output of 0.7 indicates that the circulation should be set
to “high”.
 There are many defuzzification methods. Two of the
more common techniques are the centroid and
maximum methods.
 In the centroid method, the crisp value of the output
variable is computed by finding the variable value of
the center of gravity of the membership function for
the fuzzy value.
 In the maximum method, one of the variable values
at which the fuzzy subset has its maximum truth
value is chosen as the crisp value for the output
 Two Inputs (x, y) and one output (z)
 Membership functions:
low(t) = 1 - ( t / 10 )
high(t) = t / 10

Low High

Crisp Inputs X=0.32 Y=0.61 t

Low(x) = 0.68, High(x) = 0.32, Low(y) = 0.39, High(y) = 0.61

Create rule base
 Rule 1: If x is low AND y is low Then z is high

 Rule 2: If x is low AND y is high Then z is low

 Rule 3: If x is high AND y is low Then z is low

 Rule 4: If x is high AND y is high Then z is high

 Rule1: low(x)=0.68, low(y)=0.39 => Rule strength

 Rule2: low(x)=0.68, high(y)=0.61 =>


 Rule3: high(x)=0.32, low(y)=0.39 =>


 Rule4: high(x)=0.32, high(y)=0.61 =>

•Low(z) = MAX(rule2, rule3) = MAX(0.61, 0.32) = 0.61
•High(z) = MAX(rule1, rule4) = MAX(0.39, 0.32) = 0.39

Low High



Defuzzification Max

 tf (t )dt
 Center of Gravity C Min

 f (t )dt
Low High

Center of Gravity


Crisp output
 http://www.clarkson.edu/~esazonov
A Real Fuzzy Logic System
 The subway in Sendai, Japan uses a fuzzy
logic control system developed by Serji
Yasunobu of Hitachi.
 It took 8 years to complete and was finally put
into use in 1987.
Control System
 Based on rules of logic obtained from train
drivers so as to model real human decisions
as closely as possible

 Task: Controls the speed at which the train

takes curves as well as the acceleration and
braking systems of the train

 This system is still
not perfect; humans
can do better
because they can
make decisions
based on previous
experience and
anticipate the effects
of their decisions
 This led to…
Decision Support: Predictive
Fuzzy Control
 Can assess the results of a decision and
determine if the action should be taken
 Has model of the motor and break to predict
the next state of speed, stopping point, and
running time input variables
 Controller selects the best action based on
the predicted states.

 The results of the fuzzy logic controller for the
Sendai subway are excellent!!
 The train movement is smoother than most
other trains
 Even the skilled human operators who
sometimes run the train cannot beat the
automated system in terms of smoothness or
accuracy of stopping
Current Uses of Fuzzy Logic
 Widespread in Japan
(multitudes of household appliances)
 Emerging applications in the West
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