Of Health
And Wellness
Concept of Health and Wellness
Wellness defined by Hatfield as;
“ the concious and deliberate process by
which people are actively involved in
enhancing their well-being: intelectual,
physical, social, emotional, occupational
and spiritual”.
a. Adolescent Health
Areas concern are smoking, obesity,
utilisation of health clinics by adolescents,
peer education and mental health.
1. The Family Health
Development Programme
b. Elderly Health
To provide comprehensive health care to
elderly group in line with the National Policy
for the Elderly.
- health screening, advice and
counseling on dietary, social and mental
aspects and refferals to hospital for
further management if required.
1. The Family Health
Development Programme
c. Mental Health
Follow-up of stable psychiatric client and
early detection and treatment of new
d. Rehabilitative Care
Physiotherapy facilities and training for the
client or carers for certain condition are
provided and trained health care providers
conduct those training.
2. Non-Communicable
Disease Control
a. Cardiovascular Screening Programme
People who 35 years and above or
those with high risk factors for heart
disease e.g. obesity, high blood
pressure or high glucose level would be
2. Non-Communicable
Disease Control
b. Diabetes Programme
1. Diabetic clinic
Early detection and optimal management of
diabetic patients to prevent or delay
complications like ischaemic heart disease,
diebetic nephropathy or renal disease,
diabetic retinopathy and impotence.
To ensure wellness in illness and to enhance
the quality of life among diabetic patients.
2. Non-Communicable
Disease Control
b. Diabetes Programme
1. Diabetic Resource Centres
To educate the public especially the
patients on diabetes and to improve their
skills in self-care on diabetes.
2. Non-Communicable
Disease Control
c. Occupational Health
Focuses on creating a safe and healthy
working environment especially on the MOH
facilities as stipulated under the OSHA.
Interagency collaboration;
“Dengue Free School” - Min. Of Education
“National Cleanliness and Anti Mosqutio
Campaign” - Min. of Housing & Local Gov’t
7. Telehealth
Aimed to maintain people in the wellness
The focus and greater importance is now more
on the individuals (not the providers) in order for
them to achieve greater access to health
information, education and advice.
It empowers individuals, families, and
communities to manage their health in smart
partnership with healthcare providers.
7. Telehealth
Pilot applications that will spearhead the
development of Integrated Telehealth in
a. Lifetime Health Plan
To provide a proactive and prospective
Personalised Lifetime Health Plan (PLHP) for
individual dan families to help reduce
premature diseases ]and disabilities resulting
in longer and healthier life.
7. Telehealth
b. Mass Customised/Personalised Health
Information Education (MCPHIE)