Estrutura e Função Do Sistema Hipófise-Hipotálamo
Estrutura e Função Do Sistema Hipófise-Hipotálamo
Estrutura e Função Do Sistema Hipófise-Hipotálamo
Micheli Castro
Existem vários órgãos envolvidos na captação e transmissão de estímulos
e na elaboração de respostas…e o hipotálamo é o centro coletor de informações
relativas ao bem estar do corpo, que por sua vez, grande parte dessa informação é
usada para controlar as secreções de muitos hormônios hipofisários.
Processam a resposta
Centros nervosos
Parvocellular &
Rostral Hyp
# Medial Basal Hyp
Magnocellular System
• Magnocellular neurons are found in the supraoptic
nuclei & paraventricular nuclei
– Term “magno” means large
– Axons from these neurons project to the posterior lobe of
the pituitary
• Oxytocin and ADH (vasopressin) are synthesized in
the cell bodies of both nuclei.
– During synthesis, they associate with the neurophysin, a
binding protein
Characteristics of hypothalamic
releasing hormones
• Secretion in pulses
• Act on specific membrane receptors
• Transduce signals via second messengers
• Stimulate release of stored pituitary hormones
• Stimulate synthesis of pituitary hormones
• Stimulates hyperplasia and hypertophy of target cells
• Regulates its own receptor
Pituitary (Hypophysis)
regulate metabolism
aa uptake into muscle and protein synthesis in bone matrix formation;
GH/IGF receptors; IGF synthesis; vitamin D production
Gonadal Steroids: (cause epiphyseal closure)
Androgens - anabolic effects on muscle; GH secretion
Estrogens - mechanism unclear
osteoporosis in E2 deficiency
• Hormones (ADH, oxytocin) synthesized in
• Travel down axons, stored in posterior pituitary
• Released in response to increase frequency of action
potentials in same axons
• Modified neurotransmitters
• Whole system is nervous – cell bodies of neuron are
in hypothalamus, axons terminate in posterior
Actions of ADH: Water retention