06) GSM Radio Parameters

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GB_0505_E1 ZXG10 – RADIO PA





C1 and C2


RLT, CBA, CBQ and etc.




As a global cellular mobile communication system, t

he GSM strictly numbers each GSM network in each co
untry, or even numbers each location area, every statio
n or every cell in every network in order that every cell
around the globe has an sole corresponding number.

Enable the MS to correctly identify the ID of the current network

so that it can correctly select the network the user (or telecom ope
rator) wants to access to in any conditions.
Enable the network to be real time informed of the correct geogr

aphical location of the MS so that the network can normally conne

ct various service requests with the MS as the terminal.
Enable the MS to report correctly the adjacent cell information d

uring the conversation process so that the network can hand-over

the calls when necessary to ensure the continuity of the conversat

Cell Global Identity (CGI)

 It is used for identifying individual cells within an LA

3 Digits 2-3 Digits Max 16 Bits Max 16 bits



Cell Global Identity


The CGI information is sent along the system broadcasting infor

mation in every cell.

 When the MS receives the system information, it will extract the
CGI information from it and determines whether to camp on the cel
l according to the MCC and MNC specified by the CGI.
It judges whether the current location area is changed, then det
ermines whether to take the location updating process. During the
location updating process, the MS will report the LAI information t
o the network so that the network is fully aware of the cell where th
e MS is currently located.

 MCC ( Mobile Country Code ) : consists of 3 decima

l digits, and the value range is the decimal 000 ~ 999.
 MNC ( Mobile Network Code ) : consists of 3 decima
l digits, and the value range is the decimal 00 ~ 999.
 LAC ( Location Area Code ) : The range is 1-655
 CI ( Cell Identity ) : The range is 0-65535.

MCC resource is allocated and managed by ITU. The

MCC of China is 460 ( decimal).

MNC is usually allocated by the relevant telecommun
ication administration department of a country.
The LAC encoding mode is specified correspondingl
y by every country. Usually, the location area should be
as large as possible.
Two or more cells in the same location area are not al
lowed to share the same CI.

 Base Station Identity Code (BSIC)

 It enables MSs to distinguish between neighboring base

3 Bits 3 Bits



NCC Network/ National Color Code Value Range: 0~7

BCC Base Station Color Code Value Range: 0~7

NCC: In the connection mode (during conversation), the MS mu

st measure the signals in the adjacent cells and report the result to
the network. As each measurement report sent by the MS can only
contain the contents of six cells, so it is necessary to control the M
S so as to only report the information of cells factually related to th
e cell concerned. The high 3 bits (i.e. NCC) in the BSIC serve this p

 BCC: The BCC is used to identify different BS using the same B

CCH in the same GSMPLMN.

 In general, it is required that Cells A, B, C, D, E and F

use different BSIC. When the BSIC resources are not en
ough, the cells close to each other may take the priority
to use different BSIC.



1. Inform the MS the TSC used by the common signaling chann
el of the cell.
2. As the BSIC takes part in the decoding process of the random

access channel (RACH), it can be used to prevent the BS from mi

s-decoding the RACH, sent by the MS to an adjacent cell, as the a
ccess channel of this cell.
3. When the MS is in the connection mode (during conversation)

, it must measure the BCCH level of adjacent cells broadcasting by

BCCH and report the results to the BS. In the uplink measurement
report, MS must show BSIC of this carrier it has measured to every
frequency point.

When a MS is turned on, it will scan from the BA (Adj

acent cell BCCH table) it remembered when turned off l
ast time. The MS will first search carriers from this tabl
e and if none is found it will turns to find any of 30 carri
ers with highest levels, then try to decode BCCH carrier
s one by one according to their level sequences.

 When the MS is turned on, it will try to contact a pub

lic GSM PLMN, so the MS will select a proper cell and e
xtract from the cell the control channel parameters and
prerequisite system messages. This selection process i
s called cell selection. The quality of radio channels is
an important factor in cell selection. The GSM Specifica
tions defines the path loss rule C1. For the so-called pr
oper cell, C1>0 must be ensured.

- Max(MS_TXPWR_MAX_CCH - P ,0)
 RXLEV_ACCESS_MIN is the minimum received level the MS is
allowed to access the network
 MS_TXPWR_MAX_CCH is the maximum power level of the con
trol channel (when MS sending on RACH);
 RXLEV is average received level;
 P is the maximum TX power of MS;
MAX ( X, Y )= X; if X Y.
MAX ( X, Y )= Y; if Y X.

All the candidate cells for MS must meet the path

loss criterion, i.e. C1>0. MS will select the cell with the
maximal C1 to access and will camp on this cell unless
some key conditions has changed greatly.

In order to avoid providing unsatisfactory communication qualit

y and avoid the unnecessary waste of radio resources if the MS ac
cesses to the system (the communication quality after the access
often cannot ensure the normal communication process) at the ver
y low received level, the GSM system regulates that, when a MS is
to access to a network, its receiving signal level must be larger tha
n a threshold level, i.e. the minimum receiving level the MS is allow
ed to access to RXLEV_ACCESS_MIN).

Default value is 0 (-110dBm).


 Cell Reselection (C2) is a process when MS change its service c

ell in idle mode.
When the MS selects a cell it will begin to measure the signal le

vels of the BCCH TRX of its adjacent cells, record 6 adjacent cells
whose signal levels are the strongest and extract from them variou
s types of system messages and control messages of each adjace
nt cell.
When given conditions are met, the MS will move from the curre
nt cell into another one. This process is called cell selection.

When C2 Parameter Indicator (PI) indicates YES , the MS will ge

t parameters (CRO, TO and PT) , from BCCH, to be used to calculat
e C2(channel quality criterion), which serves as cell reselection no
rm. The equation is as follows:

C2 = C1 + CRO - H ( PT - T ) ×TO, when PT≠ 31

C2 = C1 - CRO, when PT= 31

Where T is a timer. When a cell is recorded by MS as one of the

six strongest cells, timer starts counting, otherwise, T is reset to z

 PI is used to notify the MS whether to use C2 as the c

ell reselect parameter and whether the parameters calc
ulating C2 exist.

 PI consists of 1 bit. “1”means the MS should extract

parameters from the system message broadcasting in t
he cell to calculate the C2 value, and use the C2 value a
s the standard for cell reselect; “0” means the MS shoul
d use parameter C1 as the standard for cell reselect (eq
uivalent to C2 = C1 ) .

 The cell reselection initiated by the radio channel qua

lity regards C2 as the standard. C2 is a parameter base
d on C1 plus some artificial offset parameters. The artifi
cial influence is to encourage the MS to take the priorit
y in accessing to some cells or prevent it from accessin
g to others. These methods are often used to balance t
he traffic in the network.
In addition to C1, there are three other factors influen

 In general, it’s not expected that MS access the cells

where the traffic is very heavy or the channel quality is
very low. In this case , the PT may be set 31, making T
O invalid, so C2=C1-CRO. Because the C2 is lowered de
liberately, the possibility that the cell will be reselected
by MS is lowered greatly. The greater the CRO, the less
possibility that the cell will be reselected, and vice vers

It’s expected that MS stay as much as possible in cells where th

e system utilization are very low and the traffic load is light. In this
case, it’s recommended that CRO be ranged from 0 to 20dB. The g
reater the CRO, the more possible the cells will be reselected ,and
vice versa. It’s also suggested that TO is equal or a little higher tha
n CRO. PT, whose main role is to avoid frequent cell reselection by
MS, is generally recommended to be set at 20 seconds or 40 secon
For cells where the traffic is moderate, the recommended value

for CRO is zero and PT=31, thus causing C2=C1, i. e. no artificial i

mpact will be imposed.

When a MS reselects a cell, if the old cell and the target cell are i
n different locations, then the MS must initiate a location updating
process after cell reselection.
Due to the fading features of the radio channel, the C2 values of

two adjacent cells measured along their borders will fluctuate grea
MS will frequently conduct the cell reselection, which will not on
ly increase the network signaling flow and lead to low efficiency us
e of radio resources, but reduces the access success rate of the s
ystem, as the MS cannot respond to paging calls in the location up
dating process.

To minimize the influence of this issue, the GSM spe

cifications put forward a parameter called cell reselecti
on hysteresis (CRH), which requires that the signal leve
l of adjacent cell (in a different location area) be larger t
han the local cell signal level, and their difference be la
rger than the value specified by the cell selection hyste
resis. In this case, the MS will start the cell reselection.
The cell reselection hysteresis is represented in deci

mal numerals, its unit is dB, its range is 0 ~ 14, its step l
ength is 2dB, and its default value is 4.

If the MS calculates that the C2 value of an adjacent cell (Same l

ocation area) surpasses the C2 value of the serving cell and mainta
ins for 5s or longer, the MS will start cell reselection and access to
the adjacent cell.
 If the MS detects a cell that is not in the same location area with
the current cell, the calculated C2 value surpasses the sum of the C
2 value of the current cell and the cell reselection hysteresis (CRH)
parameter and if it remains for 5s or longer, the MS will start the c
ell reselection and access to the new cell.
Note that the cell reselection caused by the parameter C2 shoul
d be originated at least at the interval of 15s so as to avoid the freq
uent cell reselection by MS.

In the system message broadcasting in each cell, there is a bit informat
ion indicating whether to allow the MS to access to it, which is called cell
bar access (CBA). The parameter CBA is to indicate whether the cell bar a
ccess is set in a cell.
The parameter is represented in character string. Its value range is:

YES: the cell is barred for access

NO: the cell is not barred for access

The CBA bit is a parameter for the network operator to set. Usually all t
he cells are allowed to be accessed by MS , so the bit is set NO. However,
in special cases, the telecom operator may want to assign a certain cells f
or handover service only, then the bit can be set YES.

Area A




In areas where the cells overlay with each other and
differ in capacity, traffic and functions, the telecom ope
rator often hopes that the MS can have priority in select
ing some cells, that is, the setting of cell priority. This f
unction is set by way of the parameter "Cell Bar Qualif
y" (CBQ).

 The cell has high priority
NO:The cell has low priority


C1 and C2 States with CBA and CBQ Configurations

Cell Selection Cell Reselection

Priority State
No No Normal Normal
No Yes Barred Barred
Yes No Low Normal
Yes Yes Low Normal


 For some reasons, the traffic of Cells A and B is apparently higher tha
n that of other adjacent cells. To balance the traffic in the whole area, you
can set the priority of Cells A and B as low, and set the priority of the rest
cells as normal so that the traffic in the shade area will be absorbed by adj
acent cells. It must be noted that the result of this setting is that the actual
coverage of Cell A and Cell B is narrowed. However, this is different from r
educing the transmitting power of Cell A and Cell B, the latter may cause
blind areas of the network coverage and the reduction of communication

Random access is the process that messages being t

ransmitted on RACH when a MS turns from “idle” to “s
pecialized” mode. The main parameters includes:

RE (Re-establishment Enable)


 When starting the immediate assignment process (e.

g, when MS needs location updating, originating calls o
r responding to paging calls), the MS will transmit the
"channel request" message over the RACH to the netw
ork. As the RACH is an ALOHA channel, in order to enh
ance the MS access success rate, the network allows th
e MS to transmit multiple channel request messages be
fore receiving the immediate assignment message. The
numbers of maximum retransmission (MAX RETRANS)
are determined by the network.

The MAX RETRANS is often set in the following ways:

 For areas (suburbs or rural areas) where the cell radius is more
than 3km and the traffic is smaller, the MAX RETRANS can be set 1
1 (i.e. the MAX RETRANS is 7).
 For areas (not bustling city blocks) where the cell radius is less
than 3km and the traffic is moderate, the MAX RETRANS can be se
t 10 ( i.e. the MAX RETRANS is 4).
 For micro-cellular, it’s recommend that the MAX RETRANS be s
et 01 ( i.e. the MAX RETRANS is 2).
 For microcellular areas with very high traffic and cells with app
arent congestion, it’s recommend that the MAX RETRANS be set 0
0 ( i.e. the MAX RETRANS is 1).

 In some special conditions, the telecom operator wants to bar a

ll or part of MS from sending out the access request or paging res
ponse request in some special areas. For example, in case some a
reas are in emergency state or in case a GSM PLMN encounters a
serious fault. For this reason, GSM Specification ( 02.11 ) stipulate
s that each GSM subscriber (ordinary subscriber) is allocated with
an access level. The access level ranges from 0 to 9 and is stored i
n the SIM card of the subscriber. The GSM Specifications reserves
5 special access levels for some special subscribers, which range
from 11 to 15. These levels usually have higher access priority. Sp
ecial subscribers can have one or more access levels (11~15), and
their access levels are also stored in the SIM cards.

The access levels are distributed as follows:

C 0 ~ C9: ordinary subscribers;

C11: used for PLMN management;

C12: used by the security department;

C13: public utilities ( e.g. water, gas ) ;

C14: emergency service;

C15: PLMN staff.


In the BS installation and commissioning process or in the proc

ess of maintaining or testing some cells, the operator can set C0 ~

C9 as 0 to forcedly forbid the access of ordinary subscribers so as
to reduce the unnecessary effects on the installation or maintenan
ce work.

In some cells with very high traffic, the congestion will occur in

busy hours. For example, the RACH conflict happens frequently, t

he AGCH is overloaded and the Abis interface flow is overloaded.
The network operator can set proper access control parameters
( C0 ~ C15 ) to control the traffic of some cells.

 For the drop calls caused by the radio link fault, the MS can star
t the call reestablishment process to resume the conversation, but
the network is entitled to determine whether the call reestablishme
nt is allowed or not. “0”=Yes, “1”=No.
In some special circumstances, the drop call may occur when th
e MS goes through a blind area during the conversation. If the call
reestablishment is allowed, the mean drop call rate will be reduced
. However, the call reestablishment process will occupy a longer p
eriod of time, most of the subscribers have hung up before the ree
stablishment process is over, as a result, the call reestablishment f
ailed to achieve its purpose and wasted many radio resources. We
recommend that the call reestablishment be not allowed in the net
work except for some individual cells.

According to GSM Specification 05.08, the BTS must measure t

he interference levels of the upward links of all the free channels f

or the purpose of providing basis for managing and allocating radi
o resources.
Moreover, the BTS should analyze its measured results, divide t

he interference levels into 5 grades and report them to the BSC. Th

e division of the 5 interference grades (i.e. the so-called interferenc
e bands) is set by the operator through the man-machine interface.
The parameter "Interference band border (LIMITn)” determines the
borders of the 5 interference bands.
Value Range Specified dBm Level
0 <-110 dBm
1 -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm
2 -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm

61 -50 dBm ~ -49 dBm
62 -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm
Default:LIMIT1 : 4 LIMIT2 : 8 LIMIT3 : 15 LIMIT4 : 25
 The division of the interference bands should be favorable in describing the inte
rference in the system. Generally the default values are recommended. In the ordina
ry situations, the free channel interference level is smaller, so the LIMIT1 ~ 4 value s
hould be smaller. When apparently large interference appears in the system, you ca
n properly increase the LIMIT1~4 values in order to know the exact interference.
An ATT mark should be set as YES so that the network will no longer p
rocess the paging process for the called MS after the MS shuts down, thu
s saving the processing time of the network entities and saving lots of net
work resources.

Please note that the ATT in different cells but in the same location area
should be set the same. Because the shutdown of the MS in cells where th
e ATT is YES will start the IMSI detach process, and the network will recor
d the fact that the MS is in the non-working state and reject all the connect
ion requests when using MS as the called. When the MS restarts and is in
the same location area (so the location update process is not started) as
when it shuts down but is in a different cell and the ATT of the cells is set
as NO, so the MS will not start the IMSI attach process, either. In this case,
the MS cannot become the called party until it starts the location updating
 The IMSI detach process is that: the MS notifies the network that it is
moving from the working state to the non-working state, or the process of
the SIM card being taken from the MS.
 When receiving the notification from the MS, the network will indicate t
he IMSI subscriber to be in the non-working state, so the connection requ
est ending the subscriber as the called party will be rejected. The corresp
onding IMSI attach process is that the MS notifies the network that it has
been in the working state , or the SIM card is re-inserted into the MS.
 When the MS re-enters the working state, it will detect whether the curr
ent LAI is the same as the LAI finally recorded in the MS. If they are the sa
me, the MS will start the IMSI attach process, otherwise the MS will start th
e location updating process (instead of the IMSI attach process). When re
ceiving the location updating or IMSI attach process, the network will indi
cate the IMSI subscriber being in the working state.

The CCCH can be one or more physical channels. The CCCH an

d SDCCH can share the same physical channel. The combination
mode of the common control channel in a cell is determined by the

CCCH message
Meanings blocks in one
0 CCCH use one basic physical channel, not shared with SDCCH 9
1 CCCH use one basic physical channel, shares with SDCCH 3
10 CCCH use two basic physical channels, not shared with SDCCH 18
100 CCCH use three basic physical channels, not shared with SDCCH 27
110 CCCH use 4 basic physical channels, not shared with SDCCH 36
Others Reserved

 The CCCH_CONF is determined by the telecom opera

tion department according to the traffic model of a cell.
It is often decided in the system design period. The co
mmon configurations in practice are the following:
 If a cell has 1 or 2 TRX, we recommend that the CCCH uses
one basic physical channel and shares it with the SDCCH
 If a cell has 3 or 4 TRX, we recommend that the CCCH uses

one basic physical channel but does not share it with the SDC

Since the CCCH consists of the access grant channel (AGCH) a

nd paging channel (PCH), it is necessary to set how many blocks o

f the CCCH information blocks are reserved and dedicated to the A
GCH. To let the MS know about the configuration information, the
system message of every cell contains a configuration parameter,
that is, the access grant reserve blocks (AGBLK).
 AGBLK is represented in decimal numerals, and its value range
CCCH is not combined with SDCCH: 0 ~ 7.
CCCH is combined with SDCCH: 0 ~ 2.


The AGBLK setting principle is: given that the AGCH is not o
verloaded, try to reduce the parameter as much as possible to
shorten the time when the MS responds to the paging and impr
ove the quality of service of the system.

 The recommended value of AGBLK is usually 1 (when the C

CCH is combined with the SDCCH), 2 or 3 (when the CCCH is n
ot combined with the SDCCH).
 According to the GSM specifications, every mobile subscriber belongs to a pagi
ng group. In every cell, every paging group corresponds to a paging subchannel, th
e MS calculates the paging group to which it belongs by its own IMSI, then calculate
s the location of the paging subchannel belonging to the paging group.

 In an actual network, the MS only "receives“ the contents in the paging subcha
nnel to which it belongs but ignores the contents in other paging subchannels, or e
ven turn off the power supply of some hardware equipment of the MS for other pagi
ng subchannels to save the MS power overhead (i.e. DRX source).

 The BS-PA-MFRMS refers to how many multi-frames are used as a cycle of a pa

ging subchannel. This parameter in fact determines how many paging sub-channel
s are to be divided from the paging channels of a cell.

BS-PA-MFRMS is represented in decimal numerals and its value range i

s 2 ~ 9, its unit is multiframe ( 51 frames ) , its default value is 2

Multiframes of the same

BS-PA-MFRMS paging group that cycle
on the paging channel
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9

 The reasons for the location update in the GSM system are of t
wo types: one is that the MS finds its location area changed (with
a different LAC), the other one is that the network requires the MS
to periodically update its location.
 The frequency of periodic location update is controlled via the
network and the period length is determined by the parameter T32
In general, in areas with larger traffic and signaling flow, you sh
ould select the larger T3212 ( e.g. 16 hours, 20 hours or even 25 h
ours ) , but in areas with smaller traffic and lower signaling flow, y
ou can set the smallerT3212 (3 hours or 6 hours, etc.). In areas wh
ere traffic is far beyond the system capacity, we recommend that
you set T3212 as 0.

In the connection mode (during the conversation), the MS will re

port the measured signals of the adjacent cells to the BS, but each
report may contain at most 6 adjacent cells, Therefore, let the MS o
nly report the information of the cells that may become the hand-o
ver target cells, do not let the MS report the information merely acc
ording to the signal level without selection (usually do not let the
MS report other GSMPLMN cells).

 The above functions can be fulfilled by limiting the MS to merel

y measure the cells whose NCC have been specified. The NCCPER
M lists the NCCs of cells to be measured by the MS.

 In general, each area is allocated with one (or severa

l) NCC. The NCCPERM of each cell in the area should c
ontain the NCC of the area, otherwise a large number of
cross-cell drop calls will occur and the cell reselection
will fail. To ensure the normal roaming between differen
t areas, the border cells of an area should contain the N
CC of its adjacent areas

 During the MS conversation-, when the downward voice (or dat

a) quality is degraded to be unacceptable and cannot be improved
through the RF power control or handover (i.e. the so-called radio l
ink fault), the MS will either start the call re-connection or forcedly
disconnect the link.
 As the forced disconnection actually means a "drop call" proce
ss, the MS will regard it as a downward radio link fault when the co
mmunication quality is unacceptable (usually the user has to hang
up). In this case, it is provided in the GSM specifications that the M
S needs a counter S to assign an initial value--"downward radio lin
k timeout"--. When S is counted to 0, the MS will report the downw
ard radio link fault.
MBCR (1)

In the single band GSM system, when the MS reports the adjac
ent cell measurement result to the network, it only needs to report
the contents of the 6 adjacent cells with the strongest signals in a
band. When multiple bands form a network, the telecom operator o
ften, according to the actual situation of the network, wants the MS
to access to a frequency band with priority during the handover, s
o the operator hopes that the MS will report the measurement resu
lt on the basis of not only signal strength but signal band as well.
The parameter "multiband indication (MBCR)" is used to notify the
MS that it should report the multiband adjacent cell contents.
 The value is 0-3
MBCR (2)

 0: Based on the signal strength of adjacent cells, the MS report

s the measurement results of 6 adjacent cells whose signals are th
e strongest, whose NCC are known and allowed no matter in which
band the adjacent cells lie. The default value is “0”
 1: The MS should report the measurement result of an adjacent
cell in each band (not including the band used by the current servi
ce area) in the adjacent table, whose signal is the strongest and w
hose NCC is already known and allowed. It should also report in t
he rest position the adjacent cells in the band used by the current
service area. If there are still rest positions, it will report the inform
ation of the rest adjacent cells no matter in which band these adjac
ent cells lie.
MBCR (3)

2: The MS should report the measurement results of two adjac

ent cells in each band (not including the band used by the current
service area) in the adjacent table, whose signals are the strongest
and whose NCC are already known and allowed. It should also rep
ort in the rest position the adjacent cells in the band used by the c
urrent service area. If there are still rest positions, it will report the
information of the rest adjacent cells no matter in which band thes
e adjacent cells lie.
3: The MS should report the measurement results of three adja

cent cells in each band (not including the band used by the current
service area) in the adjacent table, whose signals are the strongest
and whose NCC are already known and allowed.

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