Schools of Psychology: by Dr. Navin Kumar
Schools of Psychology: by Dr. Navin Kumar
Schools of Psychology: by Dr. Navin Kumar
Dr. Navin Kumar
Psychology: The Early Days
Curiosity about psychology has likely been
around as long as humanity. However, the
scientific study of psychology began only
about 100 years ago.
Roots in philosophy and physiology
Philosophy: the use of logic and speculation
to understand the nature of reality,
experience, and values
Renes Descartes: 17th century French
philosopher, focused on distinction
between mind and body
Physiology: the study of the biological
workings of the body, including the brain
The Dawn of Psychology
Early psychologists were more interested in
understanding perception, memory, and
problem-solving rather than behavior.
Wilhelm Wundt: set up the first psychology
laboratory in Leipzig, Germany (1879)
structuralism: the school of psychology that
sought to identify the basic elements of
experience and to describe the rules and
circumstances under which these elements
combine to form mental structures
the first formal movement in psychology
introspection: the primary
research tool of
means “looking within”
thinking about our
mental processes, and
then reporting them
But not every mental
process is available to
everyone... (Kulpe, 1913)
Observations based on
introspection could not be
replicated; theories
From Structuralism to Functionalism
The difficulties faced by structuralists led to
the rise of functionalism
Functionalism: the school of psychology that
sought to understand the ways that the mind
helps individuals function, or adapt to the
structuralism: “the psychology of the is”
What are the mental processes? How do they operate?
functionalism: “the psychology of the is-for”
Why do humans think, feel, and behave like they do?
driven by desire to
apply psychological
particularly in
strongly influenced
by Darwin (survival
of the fittest;
laid groundwork for
research on animals
Your walking on a sidewalk when
suddenly a car comes hurtling
towards you out of control.
Are you afraid?