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Current Transformer Sizing: (August 19, 2010) By: Siva Singupuram James Trinh

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Current Transformer Sizing

(August 19th, 2010)

By: Siva Singupuram
James Trinh
• Current Transformer (CT) introduction
• Mathematical Modeling
• Saturated Waveforms
• CT saturation (Hysteresis Curve)
• Remnant Flux, High Fault Currents, DC offset
• Saturation Voltage,
• CT ratings, Selection and Applications
• ElectroMagnetic Transients Program (EMTP)/
Introduction CT types
Donut Hall Effect CT Magneto-Optical

Bus Bar
Typical Current Transformers
Introduction Application
• Current Transformers (CT’s) are instrument transformers that are used to
supply a reduced value of current to metering, protective relays, and
other instruments. CT’s provide galvanic isolation from the high voltage
primary, permit grounding of the secondary for safety, and step-down the
magnitude of the measured current to a value that can be safely handled
by the instruments (high fault currents).
• To achieve the above goals CT contains
1) Iron Core
2) Secondary windings
3) Primary conductor
4) External insulation
CT Symbols
• When current flows in the CT from the H1 lead polarity (±) lead through,
the burden (load), and return to the secondary X2 non-polarity lead. The
next half cycle the current will reverse.

Current Transformer (CT) Principle

Electrical Schematic 3D-Representation

CT Connections
ANSI Standard Letter Designation
• B-The CT is a metering type
• C-The CT has low leakage flux and the excitation characteristic can be
used directly to determine performance. (Accuracy can be calculated
before manufacturing)
• K-Same as the C rating, but the knee point voltage must be at least 70% of
the secondary terminal voltage rating.
• T-The CT can have significant leakage flux (Accuracy must be determined
by testing at the factory)
• H-The CT accuracy is applicable within the entire range of secondary
currents from 5 to 20 time the nominal CT rating. (Typically wound CTs)
• L-Same as C class except there were two accuracy classes 2.5% and 10%.
The ratio accuracy can be up to four times greater than the listed value,
depending on connected burden and fault current. (Typically window,
busing, or bar-type CTs)
• L and H ANSI rating are applicable to old CT that where manufactured
before 1954
ANSI Standard Terminal Voltage
Class C CTs
For IN = 5A secondary

C Class ZSTD (Ω) VSTD (V)

C100 1.0 100
C200 2.0 200
C400 4.0 400
C800 8.0 800
Metering Accuracy Classifications
• Metering Accuracy CT’s are used where a high degree of accuracy is
required from low-load values up to full-load of a system. These are
utilized by utility companies for revenue metering.

Available in Maximum Ratio Error Classes of: ±0.3%, ±0.6%, ±1.2%, ±2.4%
For Burdens (Loads) of: 0.1Ω, 0.2Ω, 0.5Ω, 0.9Ω, 1.8Ω
Volt-amperes (va) equivalent: 2.5va, 5.0va, 12.5va, 22.5va, 45va

Typical Number
0.3 B 0.2

Max Ratio Error ±% Burden Ohms (Burden)

Relaying Accuracy Classifications
• Relaying Accuracy CT’s are used for supplying current to protective relays.
In this application, the relays do not normally operate in the normal load
range, but they must perform with a reasonable degree of accuracy at
very high overload and fault-current levels which may reach 20x the full-
load amplitude.
Class C (C for calculated) is low leakage reactance type – typical of donut units – Formerly Class L (L for Low Leakage)

Class T (T for tested) is high leakage reactance type – typical of bar-type units – Formerly Class H (H for High Leakage)
Typical Number
10 C 800

10% Max Ratio Error at 20x Rated Current Max secondary voltage developed at 20x rated current
Low Leakage Unit without exceeding the +10% ratio error

Available secondary voltages: 100V, 200V, 400V, 800V

Burden support (ZSTD): 1.0Ω, 2.0Ω, 4.0Ω, 8.0Ω

CT Knee point

ANSI Method
CT Knee point

ANSI Method
IEC Method
Shorting of CT when not used
• CT’s can be very dangerous devices! Stepping
down the current means that the voltage is
automatically stepped up the same ratio. The
secondary's of the CT’s are, therefore; always
kept shorted when not in use and/or when no
low impedance ammeter is connected! On the
open-circuited secondary of a CT, just a few
volts on the primary voltage would become a
lethal thousands of volts on the secondary.
CT Equivalent Circuit

Is   Ie
Vs  I s ( Rs  jX s )  I s Z LOAD
Hysteresis/Residual Flux
Referring to figure on the left, if H is
gradually increased from zero to H1, the
magnetization follows path oa. Decreasing
H back to zero will leave the material
magnetized at a B-value corresponding to
point b. Distance ob on the B axis is called
the “Residual Flux Density”. To bring B back
to zero requires a negative value of H
corresponding to point c on the cure.
Distance oc on the H-axis is called the
Coercive Force. Decreasing H to H2=-H1
results in the B-value of point d. Finally
increasing H back to the original H1 now
causes the magnetization to traverse path
defa. The latter path is nearly equivalent to
path abcd, but flipped about the B and H
axes. Path abcdefa is called a hysteresis
loop which occurs when an AC voltage is
applied to a coil on a ferromagnetic core. As
the voltage and current cycle between their
max and min values, the core magnetization
repeatedly traverses a hysteresis loop.
Remanent Flux (Information Only)
Based on IEEE survey of 141 cts on a 230kV system

Remanent Flux % Percentage of cts

0-20 39
21-40 18
41-60 16
61-80 27
DC offset
Saturation Occurs
CT Errors impact

Errors to in currents magnitude and angle will have a

significant effect on protection relays particularly (directional
(67), distance (21), and differentials (87))
CT terminal Voltage (Vgh)
t t  t
N  BAN    vdt    2 I F ( Z B  RS )(cos t  e L
)dt 
0 0

1 L  Lt L 
  2 I F  Z B  RS   sin t  e   
 R R

 2 I F ( Z B  RS )  L  RL t L 
  sin t  e   
  R R

 2 I F ( Z B  RS )  X  X t X 
  sin t  e   
  R R

 X  X t X 
BAN   2 I F ( Z B  RS ) sin t  e  
 R R
CT terminal Voltage (Vgh)
 X
 BAN  max  2 I F ( Z B  RS )1  
 R
Re call :  BAN  max  VS max

 X
VS max  2 I F ( Z B  RS )1  
 R
 X
Vgh _ max  2 I F Z B 1  
 R
Vgh _ max  X
 I F Z B 1  
2  R
CT terminal Voltage (Vgh)
Vgh _ max  X
 I F Z B 1  
2  R
Vgh _ max
 VSTD  20 I N Z STD
 X
I F Z B 1    VSTD
 R
Re call : VSTD  20 I N Z STD

 X IF ZB  X
I F Z B 1    20 I N Z STD 1    20
 R I N Z STD  R
To Avoid CT saturation
IF ZB  X  X
1    20 1   I f Z b  20
I N Z STD  R  R
I F  Max Fault Current
Z B  Burden from the CT’s point of view (CT + Cable Leads + Relays)

I N  CT primary rating if I is given in primary Amps or


 CT secondary rating if I is given in secondary Amps


Z STD  Standard Burden = 1, 2, 4, 8 Ω (at 60°)

If  Max Fault in per unit of CT secondary nominal Current

Zb  Burden in per unit of standard burden

Limitation of CT Selection Criterion
• We face high X/R ratio and high fault currents
near generation sites. This becomes impractical
to size the CT to avoid saturation during a
asymmetrical fault. The formula derived earlier
should not be used for this study and we must
size the CT with reasonable sensitivity for line
end faults
• For this situation we should analyze in further
detail via EMTP simulation.
Example #1
2000/5 (full ratio)
If = 3.07 pu
Zb = 0.5 pu
X/R = 12
 X
1   I f Z b  20
 R

(1+12)(3.07)(0.5) ≤ 20 ?
19.955 ≤ 20 CT OK!
Example #1 Example #2
C800 C800
2000/5 (full ratio) 2000/5 (full ratio)
If = 3.07 pu If = 7.69 pu
Zb = 0.5 pu Zb = 0.5 pu
X/R = 12 X/R = 12
 X  X
1   I f Z b  20 1   I f Z b  20
 R  R

(1+12)(3.07)(0.5) ≤ 20 ? (1+12)(7.69)(0.5) ≤ 20 ?
19.955 ≤ 20 CT OK! 49.985 > 20 CT Saturates
Time to Saturate
 K s 1 
  X
Ts  T1 ln1  X  T1 
 R  R
 
 
Ts  time to saturate
ln  Natural log function
T1  primary system time constant
K s  the saturation factor V /V , where V
x s xis the excitation voltage at
10A and, Vs is the saturation voltage IF x ZB
  2πf, where f is the system frequency
X  Reactance of the primary system to the point of the fault
R  Resistance of the primary system to the point of the fault
Multi-Ratio CTs
1200/5, C800 tapped at 600/5
C400 effective rating
4.0 Ω effective standard burden

EffectiveRating  800  400

Effective _ Std _ Burden  8  4
CT winding Resistance

Typical turn ratio resistance = 2.5mΩ/turn

For example a 2000:5 ratio CT; 2000 / 5  2.5m  1.0
Lead Resistance Calculation
Formula to determine Copper lead resistance
Lead resistance, Ω/1000’ = e0.232G-2.32
where, G = AWG number

For a 10AWG cable at (305m = 1000’)

R = e0.232(10) -2.32 = e0 = 1Ω/1000’
Similarly for 8AWG cable at (305m = 1000’)
R = e0.232(8) -2.32 = 0.629Ω/1000’
10AWG cable at (152m = 500’) will have a resistance of
R = 1Ω/1000’x500’ = 0.5Ω
CT Application
Type of Fault
Connection 3 ph or ph-to-ph Ph-to-ground

Wye (connect at CT) Z = RS + RL + ZR Z = RS + 2RL + ZR

Wye (connected at switchhouse) Z = RS + 2RL + ZR Z = RS + 2RL + ZR
Delta (connected at switchhouse) Z = RS + 2RL +3 ZR Z = RS + 2RL +3 ZR
Delta (connected at CT) Z = RS + 3RL +3 ZR Z = RS + 2RL +2 ZR
Z is the effective impedance seen by the CT
RS is the CT secondary winding resistance and CT lead resistance; also
includes any relay impedance that is inside the delta connection (Ω)
RL is the circuit one-way lead resistance (Ω)
ZR is the relay impedance in the CT secondary current path (Ω)
IEEE typical X/R Ratios
IEEE typical X/R Ratios
IEEE typical X/R Ratios
IEEE typical X/R Ratios
IEEE typical X/R Ratios
Parameters for X/R & SCC Example
Given Parameters
SCC = 7316A @ V=240kV
X/R = 12
Transformer size = 50MVA; 240/138kV
Zxmfr = 8.0%

Solve for X/R at 138kV.

Solve for SCC at 138kV.
Example for X/R
Step #1: Calculate the equivalent source impedance

% Z source   KVAtransformer / KVAshortcircuit  x100

KVAshortcircuit  3  kVLL  SCC

KVAshortcircuit  3  240kV  7316 A  3,041,204.09kVA

% Z source   50,000kVA / 3,041,204.09kVA  x100  1.644%
Example for X/R
Step #2: Source R and X

1 X  Sin * Z
  tan  
R R  Cos * Z

% Z source  1.644
X / R  12
  tan 1 12  85.24
X  Sin(85.24) * (1.644%)  1.638%
R  Cos (85.18) * (1.644%)  0.138%
Example for X/R
Step #3: Transformer R and X

% Z xmfr  8.0
X / R  15 (From IEEE typical value)

  tan 1 15  86.19

X  Sin(86.19) * (8.0%)  7.982%
R  Cos (86.19) * (8.0%)  0.531%
Example for X/R
Step #4: Total Resistance and Reactance at 138kV

Rtotal  Rsource  Rxmfr  0.138%  0.531%  0.669%

X total  X source  X xmfr  1.638%  7.982%  9.62%

Step #5: X/R at138kV

X X total 9.622%
   14.4
R Rtotal 0.669%
Example for SCC
Step #1: Calculate the equivalent source impedance

% Z source   KVAtransformer / KVAshortcircuit  x100

KVAshortcircuit  3  kVLL  SCC

KVAshortcircuit  3  240kV  7316 A  3,041,204.09kVA

% Z source   50,000kVA / 3,041,204.09kVA  x100  1.644%
Example for SCC
Step #2: Calculate the 138kV side full load current

kVA xmfr

FLALV   209.18 A
3 (138kV )
Example for SCC
Step #3: Calculate the short circuit current on the 138kV side

FLALV 100
(% Z xmfr  % Z source )

209.18 A 100
SCC LV   2,169.06 A
(8.0%  1.644%)
Global Example
400/5 (full ratio)
IF = 7,316A (HV side)
X/R = 15 (HV side faults)
One-way RL length = 152m (500’)
Determine what CT Class and Ratio is valid
on the 138kV

240kV 138kV
Global Example
Case #1) From previous slide for X/R and SCC on the 138kV side.

X X 9.622%
 total   14.4
R Rtotal 0.669%

For a C200: ZSTD = 2.0Ω

Rone-way = 1Ω/1000’x500’ = 0.5Ω

ZB = RS + 2RL + ZR
ZB = 0.2Ω + 2(0.5Ω) + 0.1Ω=1.3
Note: 0.1Ω = digital & 1.0 Ω for electromechanical

ZB 1.3
Zb    0.7 pu
Z STD 2.0
Global Example
From previous slide for X/R and SCC on the 138kV side.

209.18 A 100
SCC LV   2,169.06 A
(8.0%  1.644%)

IF 2,169 A
If    5.5 pu
IN 400 A

 X
 1   I f Z b  20 ?
 R
1  14.4 5.5  0.7  60 CT Saturates
Global Example
 Ks 1 
 
Ts  T1 ln1  X 
 R 
 
 
X 14.4
T1    0.038s
R 377
 2169 A 
VS  I F Z B   (1.3)  35.3V
 400 / 5 
Vx  230V Taken from excitation Curve at IE = 10A (full ratio)
VX 230V
Ks    6.33
Vs 35.3V
 8.5  1 
 
Ts  0.038 ln1  X   19ms  ( 1cycle)
 R 
 
 
Global Example
Case #2 Choosing C400 (2000/5 tapped at 600/5).

Effective _ Std _ Burden  4  1.2

ZB 1.41
Zb    1.18 pu ZB = 1.4Ω due to 600/5 ratio CT winding resistance.
Z STD 1.2

IF 2,169 A
If    3.62 pu
IN 600 A

 X
 1   I f Z b  20 ?
 R

1  14.4 3.62 1.18  66 CT Saturates

Global Example
 K s 1 
 
Ts  T1 ln1  X 
 R 
 
 
X 14.4
T1    0.038s
R 377
 2169 A 
VS  I F Z B   (1.41)  25.5V
 600 / 5 
Vx  150V Taken from exication Curves and at IE = 10A (600/5)
VX 150V
Ks    5.8
Vs 25.5V
 5. 8  1 
 
Ts  0.038 ln1  X   11ms  1cycle
 R 
 
 
Global Example
Case #3 Choosing C400 (2000/5 full ratio).

For a C400: ZSTD = 4.0Ω

ZB 2.1
Zb    0.525 pu ZB = 2.1Ω due to 2000/5 ratio CT winding resistance.
Z STD 4.0

IF 2,169 A
If    1.08 pu
IN 2000 A

 X
 1   I f Z b  20 ?
 R

1  14.41.08  0.525  8.73 CT OK

Global Example
Case #4 Choosing C400 (2000/5 full ratio with 80% remenant flux).

 X
 1   I f Z b  20 * (1  80%)  4 ?
 R
1  14.41.08  0.525  8.73 CT Saturates

Case #4 Choosing C400 (2000/5 full ratio with 50% remenant flux).

 X
 1   I f Z b  20 * (1  50%)  10 ?
 R
1  14.41.08  0.525  8.73 CT OK
Saturation Curve
s lo p e
= 1 /S
m f g r 's
Ve d a ta
v o lts lo g - lo g p lo t ,
rm s equal
s p a c in g

Ie a m p s rm s 10

The Saturation Curve above is represented by the following equation

log Ve  log I e  log Vi

Where Vi is the value of Ve for Ie=1, that is for (log Ie=0)

Measuring the ‘S’


Use a ruler to determine the slope.

Do NOT read currents or voltages for this purpose.
(We assume equal decade spacing of the axes)

Ruler, inches or centimeters

slope = 0.7/9.3 = 1/S

S = 9.3/0.7 = 13

Case #1) From previous slide for X/R and SCC on the 138kV side.
• The CTs are subject to saturation during DC transient
of fault current , hence there is growing interest in
simulations like EMTP/PSCAD.
• The IEEE-PSRC CT calculator is only accurate at high
fault currents and burden , hence to get better idea of
CT performance at low fault currents/ burden we need
to model in PSCAD/EMTP.
• The primary aim of PSCAD simulation is to obtain
digitized records, which can be recognized as
secondary analog signal using D/A conversion and
amplification, for the purpose of relay testing.
PSCAD -CT Modeling

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