Post Facto and Post Test Only Design

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Post Facto and Post Test Only

What is post facto research?
• Ex post facto study or after-the-
fact research is a category of research design
in which the investigation starts after the fact
has occurred without interference from the
What is the difference between experimental and
ex post facto research design?
• True experiments have random assignment
because you're looking at something else.
In ex post facto, you are looking at a prior
variable present in the participant. In an ex
post facto design, you are not randomly
assigning people to an experimental group or
control group.
What is a pre post design?
• A pretest posttest design is an experiment
where measurements are taken both before
and after a treatment. The design means that
you are able to see the effects of some type of
treatment on a group. Pretest
posttest designs may be quasi-experimental,
which means that participants are not
assigned randomly.
What are the characteristics of ex post facto
• Characteristics of Ex Post Facto • The
independent variable (IV) is not manipulated;
it has already occurred. Less costly and time-
consuming to conduct. Establishing cause-
effect relationships is more difficult than in
experiments. Researcher has little to no
control over independent variables.
What is ex post facto research with example?

• The assignment of subjects to different groups

is based on whichever variable is of interest to
the researchers. For example, a researcher is
interested in how weight influences self-
esteem levels in adults. ... This is an ex post
facto design because a pre-existing
characteristic (weight) was used to form the
What are the three characteristics of an ex
post facto law?
• In legal terms, an ex post facto law is typically
considered one that: makes a legal act illegal
after it has already been performed; changes
the punishment of a crime that has already
been committed; or makes it easier to convict
someone for a crime they allegedly committed
before the law's existence.
What is causal comparative or ex post facto
• What is causal-comparative research? Also
known as “ex post facto” research. (Latin for
“after the fact”). In this type
of research investigators attempt to
determine the cause or consequences of
differences that already exist between or
among groups of individuals.
What is an ex post facto design?
• Ex post facto study or after-the-fact research
is a category of research design in which the
investigation starts after the fact has occurred
without interference from the researcher.
Why is it necessary to use ex post facto
• Ex post facto design is a quasi-experimental
study examining how an independent variable,
present prior to the study in the participants,
affects a dependent variable. ... Ex post
facto designs are most often used with health
psychology because it is difficult to assign a
person a medical condition.
Ex Post Facto Research Design
• An ex post facto research design is a method
in which groups with qualities that already
exist are compared on some dependent
variable. Also known as "after the fact"
research, an ex post facto design is considered
quasi-experimental because the subjects are
not randomly assigned - they are grouped
based on a particular characteristic or trait.
• Although differing groups • For example, a researcher is
are analyzed and compared interested in how weight
in regards to independent influences self-esteem levels
and dependent variables it in adults. So the participants
would be separated into
is not a true experiment
differing groups (underweight,
because it lacks random normal weight, overweight)
assignment. The and their self esteem levels
assignment of subjects to measured. This is an ex post
different groups is based facto design because a pre-
on whichever variable is of existing characteristic (weight)
interest to the researchers. was used to form the groups.

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