Theology of Mission: N. S. Jesudoss S.H.J., Brothers of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, Bangalore
Theology of Mission: N. S. Jesudoss S.H.J., Brothers of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, Bangalore
Theology of Mission: N. S. Jesudoss S.H.J., Brothers of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, Bangalore
N. S. Jesudoss S.H.J.,
Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
The Great Commission
Mark 16 : 15-16
He said to them,
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all
creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be
saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”
What is Missiology
Missiology simply means “Study of Mission”.
What is Mission
Evangelistic and church planting efforts.
Mission means Propagation of Faith.
Mission comes from the latin word “Missio” which means “to send”
Greek parallel to the word Mission is “apostello”
The focus is on Missiological studies and the concept of “Missio Dei”
or the “Mission Of God”
What is Missiology …Contd…
It is an integrative study of the expansion of Christianity
Draws together scholarship in biblical, historical, doctrinal and
practical theological studies.
Seeks to develop strategies for effective missionary work and Church
Pope John Paul II said Mission is “Congregation for the
Evangelization of Peoples”
Definitiion of Missiology
“Mission is a complex and dynamic process by which the church
leads people to a real conversion or transformation .We
transform individual life and the life of communities.”
God has spoken in other cultures too which has resulted in the enrichment of
the Gospel.
There is no culturally normative manner of being Christians.
Commission in Ecclesiology could mean communion of culturally different
The Holy Spirit offers to all in a mysterious way and enables other cultures to
be united with pastoral mystery.
Theology of mission in adgentes divinitus
The whole Church is missionary.
Church based on the Trinitarian Foundation is participating in the Mission of
It makes a distinction between Mission and Missions.
It also makes a distinction between Pastoral activities(to the Christians ) and
Missionary Activities(to the non Christians)
Christianity is the fulfillment of other religions.
Christianity is supposed to draw from other religions so that the divine
revelation is fulfilled.
It also reveals the incarnation of Christ as the foundation for inculteration.
Missiological encyclical during the post
vatican scenario
Evangelii Nuntiandi
Brought about by Pope Paul VI in 1975.
Theme was to proclaim Christ in the 20th century.
It popularized Evangelisation .
Both pastoral and missionary activity becomes an act of Mission.
Dialogue with other religious leaders
Inculturation leading to transformation from within
Working towards justice, peace and liberation and human dignity.
Was very much influenced by Liberation Theology
Missiological encyclical during the post Vatican
scenario contd.....
Redemptoris Missio
Pastoral Care
Bringing those who left the church to come back
Mission Ad Gentes
Evangelii Gaudium
Not to be too obsessed with doctrines and dogmas which are
The focus should be on the way of Jesus.
Different paradigms of missions
Spiritual paradigm
very dominant in the colonial period
Ecclesio Centric Mission
to plant institutional hierarchical churches
Proclaiming the Gospel and planting the church
combination of spiritual and ecclesio centric paradigm
Kingdom centered (wholistic approach)-
Goal is to establish the kingdom of God
federation of asian bishops conference (in the
context of Asia)
Dialogue of life
Cultural diversities in harmony
Dialogue of Action
Different people working together
Dialogue of Theological Exchange
Involves the professionals alone
Dialogue of religious experience
Different people sharing their religious experiences
Dialogue with the poor
Dialogue with the cultures
Dialogue with the religions
Thank You