CH 11 Compressible Flow

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Compressible Flow

Speed of Sound
• What we perceive as sound consists of weak pressure pulses that move through air

• Consider an infinitesimally thin, weak pressure pulse moving at the speed of sound c through a fluid
at rest

• Select infinitesimally thin control volume that moves with the pressure pulse (a)

• Fix coordinate system in the control volume, i.e. consider fluid passing stationary control volume (b)

• Apply continuity equation and linear momentum equation to the flow through the control volume
Speed of Sound
Speed of sound: c

Assuming isentropic flow:

For isentropic flow of ideal gas:

Introducing bulk modulus of elasticity:

speed of sound in any fluid (gases of liquids):

Values of speed of sound are tabulated for water and air

Speed of Sound
Speed of sound: c

 p 
Assuming isentropic flow: c  
   s

For isentropic flow of ideal gas: c  RTk

dp  p 
Introducing bulk modulus of elasticity: Ev    
d    s

speed of sound in any fluid (gases of liquids): c

Values of speed of sound are tabulated for water and air

Categories of Compressible Flow

• Consider the emission of weak pressure pulses from a stationary point source Figure

• Let point source move in a stationary fluid (or let fluid flow past a stationary point source) with

– V=0

– V<c

– V=c

– V>c

• Categories of compressible flow:

– Incompressible flow: Ma <= 0.3. Unrestricted, nearly symmetrical and instantaneous pressure

– Compressible subsonic flow: 0.3 < Ma < 1.0. Unrestricted but noticeably asymmetrical pressure

– Compressible supersonic flow: Ma => 1.0. Formation of Mach wave; pressure communication restricted to
zone of action
Aircraft cruising at 1000-m elevation, z, above you moves past in a fly-by. How many seconds after the
plane passes overhead do you expect to wait before you hear the aircraft if it is moving with a Mach
number equal to 1.5 and the ambient temperature is 20°C?
Aircraft cruising at 1000-m elevation, z, above you moves past in a flyby. How many seconds after the
plane passes overhead do you expect to wait before you hear the aircraft if it is moving with a Mach
number equal to 1.5 and the ambient temperature is 20°C?


z 1000
  tan 1  tan 1
x Vt

1 1
Ma  
sin  sin  tan 1  1000 Vt  

V  c Ma


t  2.17 s
In problem solution speed of sound must always be
calculated for given conditions
Isentropic Flow of and Ideal Gas
Isentropic Flow of and Ideal Gas

• Consider steady, one-dimensional, isentropic flow of an ideal gas with constant specific

• Steady flow – no shaft work

• One-dimensional flow – velocity and fluid property changes in the streamline direction.

• Isentropic flow – frictionless and adiabatic

• Ideal gas relationships:

Isentropic Flow of and Ideal Gas

• Consider steady, one-dimensional, isentropic flow of an ideal gas with constant specific

• Steady flow – no shaft work

• One-dimensional flow – velocity and fluid property changes in the streamwise direction.

• Isentropic flow – frictionless and adiabatic

• Ideal gas relationships:

p   RT c p  cv  R k

Rk R p
cp  cv   const
k 1 k 1 k
Effect of Variations in Flow Cross-Sectional Area
Effect of Variations in Flow Cross-Sectional Area

Newton's second law dp 
 
 d V 2   dz  0
dp dV
for our case   (1)
V 2 V
From continuity equation m   AV  constant
d  dA dV dV d  dA
ln   ln A  ln V  constant   0    (2)
 A V V  A
dp  V 2  dA
Combining (1) and (2) 2 
1  (3)
V  dp d   A
 p  V dp dA
With c   and Ma  eqation (3) yields: 
1  Ma 
 (4)
   s c V 2 A
dV dA 1
(1) and (4) give  (5)
V 
A 1  Ma 2 
d  dA Ma 2
(2) and (5) give 
 
A 1  Ma 2 
Effect of Variations in Flow Cross-Sectional Area

dV dA 1
V 
A 1  Ma 2 
d  dA Ma 2

 A  1  Ma 2 
Converging-Diverging Duct Flow

dA A

  1  Ma 2

• Converging-diverging duct:
– accelerates subsonic flow to supersonic (acts as a nozzle)

– and decelerate supersonic flow to subsonic (acts as a diffuser)

Converging-Diverging Duct Flow
Stagnation state of the fluid is used as a reference state for compressible flow calculations

Stagnation state is associated with zero flow velocity that is attained isentropically

Stagnation enthalpy (Ma = 0)

Temperature, pressure and density variation

Converging-Diverging Duct Flow
Stagnation state of the fluid is used as a reference state for compressible flow calculations

Stagnation state is associated with zero flow velocity that is attained isentropically

Stagnation enthalpy (Ma = 0)

h0  h 

Temperature, pressure and density variation

k 1
  k 1   k 1

T 1 p  1    1 
    
T0  k 1  p0   k  1  2  0   k  1  2 
1   Ma
 1   2  Ma   1   2  Ma 
 2         
Converging-Diverging Duct Flow

Flow parameters at critical state (Ma = 1)

For air (k = 1.4)

Converging-Diverging Duct Flow

Flow parameters at critical state (Ma = 1)

p  2  k 1
 
p0  k  1 

T* 2

T0 k  1

  2 
k 1

0  k  1 

For air (k = 1.4)

p* T* *
 0.528  0.833  0.634
p0 T0 0
A converging duct passes air steadily from standard atmospheric conditions to a receiver pipe. The throat
flow cross-sectional area of the converging duct is 1x10 -4 m2. Determine the mass flow rate through the
duct if the receiver pressure is (a) 80 kPa, (b) 40 kPa (abs) sketch temperature entropy diagrams for
situations (a) and (b)

Assumptions: Flow is isentropic through

converging duct and air behaves as ideal gas with
constant specific heats
A converging duct passes air steadily from standard atmospheric conditions to a receiver pipe. The throat
flow cross-sectional area of the converging duct is 1x10 -4 m2. Determine the mass flow rate through the
duct if the receiver pressure is (a) 80 kPa, (b) 40 kPa (abs) sketch temperature entropy diagrams for
situations (a) and (b)

Assumptions: Flow is isentropic through

converging duct and air behaves as ideal gas with
constant specific heats

Mass flow rate m  th AthVth

Flow velocity at the throat Vth  Ma th cth  Ma th kRTth

th  1  k 1
Density at the throat  
0  1    k  1 2  Ma th2 

Tth 1
Temperature at the throat 
T0 1    k  1 2  Ma th2
Example (cntd)

pth  1  k 1
Mach number at the throat is obtained from  
p0  1    k  1 2  Ma th2 

Critical pressure p*  0.528 p0  0.528 patm  53.3 kPa (abs)

If pres  p* then pth  pres . If pres  p* then pth  p* and flow is choked

(a) pres  p* pth  pres  80 kPa

Ma th  0.587 th  1.04 kg/m3 Tth  269 K Vth  193 m/s
m  0.0201 kg/s

(b) pres  p* pth  p*  53.3 kPa

Ma th  1 th  0.78 kg/m3 Tth  240 K Vth  310 m/s
m  0.0242 kg/s
Example (cntd)

Temperature-entropy diagrams
(b) for flow situations (a) and (b) (c) for flow downstream from the exit of the converging duct
Converging-Diverging Duct Flow

Isentropic flow equations k 1

  k 1   k 1

T 1 p  1    1 
      
T0  k 1  p0   k  1  2  0   k  1  2 
1   Ma
 1   2  Ma   1   2  Ma 
 2         

have been used to construct tables and graphs of T/T0, p/p0 and /o for air (k = 1.4) as a function of
Mach number
These graphs can also be used to solve compressible flow problems (Examples 11.6, 11.7)

The useful concept for isentropic duct flow is the ratio of local area, A, to critical area, A*, as a function of
Mach number:

k 1

1 1   k  1 2  Ma 
2 2 k 1
  
A* Ma  1   k  1 2 

Graph of this ratio is also shown in Figure

Converging-Diverging Duct Flow
Example 11.8

Air enters subsonically from standard atmosphere and flows isentropically through a choked
converging-diverging duct having a circular cross-section area, A, that varies with axial distance
from the throat, x, according to the formula
A  0.1  x 2
where A is in square meters and x is in meters. The duct extends from x  0.5 m to x  0.5 m.
For this flow situation, sketch the side view of the duct and graph the variation of Mach number,
static temperature to stagnation temperature ratio, and static pressure to stagnation pressure ratio,
through the duct from x  -0.5 m to x  0.5 m.

Radius of the duct

0.1  x 2
r .

Ratio of local area to throat area

A 0.1  x 2

A* 0.1 Side view of the duct
Converging-Diverging Duct Flow
Example (cntd)

A/A* values are used to get values of Ma number, T/T0 and p/p0 from the graph
Results are given in table
With the air entering the choked converging-diverging duct subsonically, only one isentropic solution
exists for the converging portion of the duct. Flow becomes sonic at the throat.
Two isentropic solutions are possible for the diverging portion of the duct – one subsonic, the other
supersonic. If p/p0 is set at 0.98 at outlet (x = +0.5 m) the subsonic flow will occur. If p/p0 is set at 0.04 at
outlet (x = +0.5 m) the subsonic flow field will exist.
Converging-Diverging Duct Flow

Repeat previous example with the air entering the choked converging-diverging duct supersonically
With the air entering the duct supesonically, a unique isentropic solution is obtained for the converging
portion of the duct. Flow decelerates to the sonic condition at the throat.
Two isentropic solutions obtained in the previous example for the diverging portion are still valid
Converging-Diverging Duct Flow

Repetition of the example for not choked converging-diverging duct shows that:
1. There are an infinite number of subsonic, isentropic flow solutions
2. There are an infinite number of supersonic flow solutions

Thus, variety of flow situations can occur for flow in a converging-diverging duct
Converging-Diverging Duct Flow

Isentropic flow solutions

(a) Subsonic to subsonic isentropic
flow (not choked)
(b) Subsonic to subsonic isentropic
flow (choked)
(c) Subsonic to supersonic
isentropic flow (choked)
(d) Supersonic to supersonic
isentropic flow (choked)
(e) Supersonic to subsonic
isentropic flow (choked)
(f) Supersonic to supersonic
isentropic flow (not choked)

a b c
Converging-Diverging Duct Flow

Isentropic flow solutions

Variation with axial distance of (a) duct radius, (b) Mach number, (c) temperature, (d) pressure
Converging-Diverging Duct Flow
Nonisentropic choked flows
Nonisentropic Flow of an Ideal Gas
Adiabatic Constant-Area Duct Flow with Friction
(Fanno Flow)

h  h0  constant

Adiabatic constant-area flow

Fanno Flow

 V 
T2 T p
T  T0  constant s  s1  c p ln  R ln

2c p p R 2 2
 T1 p1

T-s diagram for Fanno flow

Fanno Flow
Maximum entropy corresponds to sonic condition
Fanno Flow
Frictionless Constant-Area Duct Flow with Heat
Transfer (Rayleigh Flow)

 V 
RT T p
p  constant s  s1  c p ln  R ln
p T1 p1

Rayleigh line
Rayleigh Flow
Rayleigh Flow
Normal Shock Waves

Consider steady compressible flow of

ideal gas across a normal shock wave

Continuity, linear momentum, and energy equations for thins flow are:

 V  RT  V  T 2
2 2

V  constant; p  constant; T  T0 =constant

p 
2c p p R 2 2

Thus, the energy equation for Fanno flow and the momentum equation for Rayleigh flow as
well as Tds equation are valid for flow across normal shocks
Normal Shock Waves
For a given density-velocity product ( V), gas (R, k), and conditions at the inlet of the normal shock
(Tx, px, and sx), the conditions downstream of the chock (state y) will be on both a Fanno line and a
Rayleigh line that pass through the inlet state (state x)

Relationship between a normal shock and Fanno and Rayleigh lines

Normal Shock Waves
Flow across a normal shock wave can only proceed from supersonic to subsonic flow

(a) Normal shock in a Fanno flow. (b) Normal shock in a Rayleigh flow.
(c) Normal shock in a frictionless and adiabatic flow.
Normal Shock Waves
Rations of thermodynamic properties across a normal shock are functions of the Mach numbers
( (see also graph)

py 1  k Ma 2x Ty 1   k  1 2  Ma 2x
 
px 1  k Ma 2y Tx 1   k  1 2  Ma 2y

Ma 2x   2  k  1 
Ma 2y 
 2k  k  1  Ma 2x  1

Flow changes from supersonic to subsonic across a normal shock

Normal Shock Waves
End of ‘Compressible Flow’

End of Course
Speed of Sound

Continuity equation:  Ac       A  c   V 

or  c   c   V  c       V 

Neglecting higher order terms:  V  c (a)

Momentum equation: c  cA   c   V        c   V  A  pA   p   p  A

Using continuity equation: c  cA   c   V   Ac   pA

or  V  (b)

From (a) and (b), speed of sound: c
p2  p1  k  1  k 1
 1  Ma12   1 (compressible) (3.25)
p1  2 

p2  p1 k Ma12
 (incompressible) (3.26)
p1 2
Variation of the drag coefficient of a
sphere with Reynolds number and
Mach number

Radius of the wave emitted at time = twave: r   t  t wave  c

Pressure waves at t = 3 s, V = 0

Radius of the wave emitted at time = twave: r   t  t wave  c

Pressure wave pattern is symmetrical

Observer anywhere in the pressure field

would hear the same sound frequency

Stationary point source and stationary fluid

are representative of incompressible flow

Communication of pressure information is


Pressure waves at t = 3 s, V = 0

Point source moves in fluid at rest
(or fluid moves past a stationary point source)

Pressure wave pattern is asymmetrical

Flow is subsonic and compressible

Doppler effect is observed

Pressure communication is unrestricted but


Pressure waves at t = 3 s, V < c

Pressure waves are not present ahead
of the moving point source

Flow is sonic

Mach wave is formed

Pressure communication is restricted to

zone of action

Pressure waves at t = 3 s, V = c

Flow is supersonic

c 1
Mach cone is formed sin   
V Ma

There is significant pressure (density)

variation across the cone surface

Pressure waves at t = 3 s, V > c

0.1  x 2 A 0.1  x 2
r 
 A* 0.1

Frictionless Constant-Area Duct Flow with Heat
Transfer (Rayleigh Flow)

Rayleigh flow
Fanno Flow
For Fanno flow, the Mach number is a function of the distance to the critical state

1 1  Ma

k  1   k  1 2  Ma  f l  l
ln 

 
2 
k Ma 2 2k 1   k  1 2  Ma  D

For any two section in a Fanno flow (figure):

f l *  l2   f l *
 l1   f  l l 
1 2

For Fanno flow, the length of duct needed to produce a given change in Mach number can be
determined from above equations or graph
Thermodynamic and flow properties can also be determine for Fanno flow
12 12
   
 k  1 V   k  1 2  Ma  1   k  1 2 
T 2 p
     
T*  k 1  V *   k 1  p* Ma   k  1 
1   Ma
1 Ma 2 
1 Ma 2 
 2    2     2  
Rayleigh Flow
Using the state of the Rayleigh flow at point a as the reference state (Ma =1) we can obtain
equations to quantify the Rayleigh flow (see also graph)

T   1  k  Ma    1  k  Ma 
p 1 k  V
     Ma  2 
pa 1  k Ma 2 Ta  1  k Ma 2   a Va  1  k Ma 

 k 1 
2  k  1 Ma 2  1  Ma 2 
T0  2 

 
T0 ,a 1  k Ma 2

k  k 1

 1  k   2   k  1
1  Ma 2 
  
p0 ,a  
1  k Ma 2  k  1   2 

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