Communicating Across Cultures
Communicating Across Cultures
Communicating Across Cultures
MBA 2020 Spring
Communication describes the process of
sharing meaning by transmitting messages
through media such as words, behavior, or
material artifacts.
Culture and Communication Process
“Culture not only dictates who talks with whom, and
how the communication proceeds, it also helps to
determine how people encode messages, the
meanings they have for messages, and the
conditions and circumstances under which various
messages may or may not be sent, noticed, or
interpreted. In fact, our entire repertory of
communicative behaviors is dependent largely on
the culture in which we have been raised. Culture,
consequently, is the foundation of communication.
And, when cultures vary, communication practices
also vary.”
Samovar, Porter, and Jain
The Communication Process
Cultural communications are deeper and more
complex than spoken or written messages.
The essence of effective cross-cultural
communication has more to do with releasing
the right responses than with sending the
“right” messages.
—Hall and Hall
Defining Culture
Culture shapes a person’s values and identity
Cultural identities stem from the differences:
cultural communications
Cultural noise occurs in intercultural
communication because the message intended
by the sender (encoder) was transformed by the
cultural lens of the receiver (decoder).
Cultural Noise – cultural variables that
Consider you as a manager of a US based
company. You are a Nepalese and have
Swedish, Pakistani, and Indian as your
subordinates. You want to get the report on
the new project get done by the earliest.
Andrea, the Swedish guy offers to present by
the next day. You are sure its not possible. As
the boss who do you think, from among the
three subordinates, can finish the task
perfectly and on time? Why?