Commissioning and Configuration

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Commissioning and Configuration

Configuring the MSAG

Configuring ADSL data
Configuring EPON data
Configuring The MSAG
 We have to plug out the control board(GIS) the one which is not
connected to the PC(slave control board)
 We have to use a serial port to transfer the version files. The Serial
port is connected on one side to the MSAG’s back plane side and
on the other side to the Host.
 We have to also use an IP address for the host (debugging
PC)which is in same IP to the MSAG
i.e. AG IP =
Host IP =
 Set WFTP
Step 1: Open the WFTP
Step 2: Go to <Security> Then <Users/Rights>
Step 3: New window will be opened. Click <New User>To Create a
new user Enter (username and password)
Step 4: Set the path from which folder the files will be transferred to
the MSAG. Go to <Home Directory> write the path
Step 5: go to <logging> then <Log Options>
Step 6: Check all the check boxes on the new window.
 Restart the MSAG, on the FTP side there is a log file. Press ‘S’ to stop the log file enter
to ICS boot and start transferring the version file from the HOST to the MSAG.
 Some helpful commands
p //show out-band ip, and ftp server ip
c //modify ip (out-band) and username,password
inet on ethernet(e) : 9 SLOT GIS OUT-BAND IP
host inet(h) : PC IP
username/password su3/su3
M //modify the MAC for the out band you can check from GIS card
q //modify the MAC for the CNIC and INBAND you can check from GIS card

 Format all the disks

E C:
E D:
E E:
 Transfer Version file
T icsVer.z
T icsFpga.bin
T icsSlav.bin
T icsSlav1.bin
 Save and restart the MSAG
 TELNET:- We use this mode for configuration, troubleshooting maintaining the
MSAG. We use 2 ports for this purpose
 8888 Port
 1123 Port

First, connect a network cable to the MSAG’s master GIS card front side In band
port and your PC . The MSAGs IP address is already set to ( by default,
Set your PC IP address (
 Go to telnet 8888 mode to transfer the version files
 telnet 8888
 Pass: zxmg
 r07_pc2mp <Host IP> <Filename>
i.e. r07_pc2mp agcmd.cfg
Card File names

Main shelf icsFpga.bin, icsSlav.bin, icsSlav1.bin, icsver.z, bootSlav.bin, bootIcs.bin

MP_Config File agcmd.cfg,ntimer.cfg,license.dat

Slave shelf icsfpga_sf.bin ,icsSlav.bin,icsSlav1.bin,icsver_sf.z,

CNIC bootcnic.bin, pp5.img

MPRB pp53.img, bootMPRB.bin

MPRB Firewall pp53fw1.img,pp53fw2.img,pp53fw3.img,


GILCA gilcaVer.z
 You can check that weather all the versions are transferred to the MSAG or not
r07_fileshow 0 // for the master GIS card
r07_fileshow 1 // for the slave GIS card
r07_vershow 1 0 9 // to see the version files for rack 1 shelf 0 slot 9
 After the file transfer is finished you can restart the MSAG
 Go to telnet 1123 mode to configure the MSAG.
telnet 1123
user: root
pass: root
MSAG(config)# hostname ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST //setting equipment address name

 Add rack
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)# add-rack rack 1 type 1 //you must select the right rack type
3 - ONU100
5 - OUT50C
6 - OUT50D
7 - 23INCH_EX

 Add shelf (master and slave)

ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-shelf rack 1 physhf 0 type 6 //shelf type must be checked from

equipment site
8 - ONU100
9 - OUT50C
10 - OUT50D
12 - MBSL_EX
13 - TPU_EX
14 - PP_EX
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)# add-shelf rack 1 physhf 1 type 5
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)# add-shelf rack 1 physhf 2 type 5
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)# add-shelf rack 1 physhf 3 type 5
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)# add-shelf rack 1 physhf 4 type 5
 Add Control Card (master and slave shelfs)

Add GIS card:

ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)# add-board-mics slot 9 type 3
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)# add-board-sics rack 1 shelf 1 slot 9 type 2 hw1 8
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)# add-board-sics rack 1 shelf 2 slot 9 type 2 hw1 9
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)# add-board-sics rack 1 shelf 3 slot 9 type 2 hw1 10
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)# add-board-sics rack 1 shelf 4 slot 9 type 2 hw1 11

 Add Softswitch SS (MGC)

ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-mgc mgcid 1 mgctype 1 mgcip mgcport 2944

ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-mgc mgcid 2 mgctype 1 mgcip mgcport 2944
 Config Voip and Manage ip:

in-band management:
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config)#vlan add 300 //VOIP vlan
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config)#vlan add-port 300 port 0/9/0 untagged // 0/9/0 is uplink port,tagged or
untagged must be confirm.
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config)#route interface ipaddress mask vid 300
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config)# route static ipaddress mask nexthop
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-mg protype 1 mgport 2944 mgcid1 1 mgcid2 2
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-voip-interface type 1 ipaddr submask
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-voip-route nexthop
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config)#vlan add 2102
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config)#vlan add-port 2102 port 0/9/0 untagged //0/9/0 is uplink port,tagged or
untagged must be confirm.
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config)#vlan voipmed add 2102
 Add the user card,test card and subscribers to the user card
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-board-slc slot 3 type 27 //add ralc board
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-board-slc slot 4 type 47 //add GILCA board
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-board-tslc rack 1 shelf 0 slot 17 //add TSLC board
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-slctermid rack 1 shelf 0 beginslot 3 beginindex 0 num 32 tmidfix USER type 1
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-slctermid rack 1 shelf 0 beginslot 4 beginindex 16 num 16 tmidfix USER type 1
 Add mpr/b card, circuits media net for the mpr/b cards
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-board-mprb slot 11
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-board-mprb slot 12
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-ipstermid slot 11 subcard 1 tmidfix RTP
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-ipstermid slot 12 subcard 1 tmidfix RTP
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)# add-mednat slot 11 subcard 1 nicslot 9 inphyport 5 exphyport 5 exipaddr udpport 8000
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config-ag)#add-mednat slot 12 subcard 1 nicslot 9 inphyport 5 exphyport 5 exipaddr udpport 10000
 Enable the Uplink port
ETC-BOLE-MSAG-TEST(config)#port enable 0/9/0 // 0/9/0 is uplink port

 Save what you have done


ADSL Configuration
The configuration is as follows:-
MSAG-TEST(config)#show vlan num *to see the vlans data*
MSAG-TEST(config)# vlan del 2999 *to delete vlan *
MSAG-TEST(config)#vlan del 1001-1210 *to delete vlan *
MSAG-TEST(config)#vlan add 1001-1600 *to add vlan *
MSAG-TEST(config)#vlan add-port 1001-1600 port 0/9/2 tagged *to tag the uplink
port to the vlans *
MSAG-TEST(config)#vlan add-port 1001-1144 port 0/5/0-0/16/15 untagged one-to-
one *to tag the subscriber port to the vlans *
MSAG-TEST(config)#vlan add-port 1211-1258 port 1/3/0-1/5/15 untagged one-to-one
*to tag the subscriber port to the vlans *
MSAG-TEST(config)#port-location format china-telecom *to set the port location*
MSAG-TEST(config)#pppoe vendortag enable *to enable the pppoe service*
MSAG-TEST(config)#pppoe uplink port 0/9/2 *to set the pppoe’s uplink port*
MSAG-TEST(config)#dsl port-log enable *to enable log*
MSAG-TEST(config)#save *to save data*
MSAG-TEST(config)#are you sure you want to save configure data ?[y/n] y
Many Thanks !!!

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