3.1 The First Fleet
3.1 The First Fleet
3.1 The First Fleet
Year 9 History
Source A The Founding of Australia, 26 January 1788, by Captain Arthur Phillip R.N. Sydney
Cove (1937). Oil painting by Algernon Talmage.
Questions we should try
to answer now as a class:
Source A The Founding of Australia, 26 January 1788, by Captain Arthur Phillip R.N. Sydney
Cove (1937). Oil painting by Algernon Talmage.
More advanced
questions to now
Source A The Founding of Australia, 26 January 1788, by Captain Arthur Phillip R.N. Sydney
Cove (1937). Oil painting by Algernon Talmage.
Read the source and
answer the questions
Source B Sir George Young’s proposal, made in 1785, for a settlement in Eastern Australia.
Read this excerpt of
“From the natural increase of corn and other vegetable food … after the instructions given to
ground has been cultivated, it cannot be expedient that all the convicts which Arthur Phillip.
accompany you should be employed in attending only to the object of
> What steps are given in
provisions. And as it has been humbly represented to us that advantages may the source for the officers
be derived from the flax-plant which is found in the islands no far distant from and convicts of the First
the intended settlement, not only as a means of acquiring clothing for the Fleet in the establishment
convicts and other persons who may become settlers, but from its superior of their new colony?
excellence for a variety of maritime purposes, and as it may ultimately be an
article of export, it is, therefore, our will and pleasure, that you do particularly > Define the coloured
attend to its cultivation, and that you do send home by every opportunity that words.
may offer samples of this article, in order that a judgement may be formed
> Do you think the
whether it may not be necessary to instruct you further upon this subject”
primary purpose of the
colony was to produce
flax? Why / why not?
A contagious disease
A person who has committed a crime
Punishment of exile from the home
country Prevented or stopped
A prison
Additional Information
On 24 March 1786 eight convicts were killed and
many injured after a riot aboard a hulk at Plymouth
Source G Historian Grace Karskens, Review of Botany Bay: The Real Story. (2011)