3g Radio Parameter Huawei Ver 1 0

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3G Radio Parameter




Prepared by : Adithya Yudha © Confidential Proprietary


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3G Cell Selection
S Criteria for Cell Selection
Squel > 0 , Squal = Qqualmeas-QqualMin (only for WCDMA cells) and
Srxlev > 0 , Srxlev = Qrxlevmeas-QrxLevMin Pcompensation (for all cells)

Pcompensation = max (maxTxPowerUl P, 0)

Qqualmeas > QqualMin (-18dB) and
Qrxlevmeas > QrxLevMin (-115dBm) max (MaxAllowedUlTxPower(24dB) P, 0)

QqualMin : indicates the minimum required quality value in the cell. It is sent in
system information, in SIB3 for the serving cell, and in SIB11 for adjacent cells
QrxLevMin : indicates the minimum required signal strength in the cell. It is sent in
SIB3 for the serving cell and in SIB11 for adjacent cells
MaxAllowedUlTxPower : indicates the maximum allowed transmission power
when the UE accesses the system on RACH. It is broadcast in SIB3

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3G Cell Selection

Qqualmeas (dB)
(CPICH Ec/N0) Squal >0 AND
Squal > 0 Srxlev > 0


Squal = Qqualmeas – QqualMin

QrxLevMin Qrxlevmeas (dBm)


cell? Pcompensation = max(MaxAllowedUlTxPower – P, 0) (dB)
Srxlev > 0

Srxlev = Qrxlevmeas QrxLevMin – Pcompensation

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3G Cell Reselection
Cell Selection is according to S criteria
Squal > 0 (only WCDMA cells)
Srxlev > 0

For Cell Reselection, the cells are ranked according to the R criteria:
R(serving) = Qmeas(s) + qHyst(s)
R(neighbor) = Qmeas(n) qOffset(s,n)

IdleQhyst1 : Based on CPICH RSCP

IdleQhyst2 : Based on CPICH Ec/No

IdleQoffset1sn : Based on CPICH RSCP

IdleQoffset2sn: Based on CPICH Ec/No
(1 ) qHyst(s) and qOffset(sn) based on CPICH RSCP only
(2 ) With this setting the UE first makes qHyst(s) and qOffset(sn)
QualMeas =x based on CPICH RSCP . If a GSM cell is highest ranked, no more
ranking is done. If a WCDMA neighbor is highest ranked, a second
ranking takes place, this time according to CPICH Ec/No, and
excluding all GSM neighbors
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3G Cell Reselection
The decision about when intra or inter frequency measurements are performed is made
using the parameter in relation to Squal:
• If the Squal > IdleSintrasearch/ IdleSintersearch the UE does not need to perform intrafrequency or
inter frequency measurements.
• If the Squal <= IdleSintrasearch / IdleSintersearch the UE performs intrafrequency or
inter frequency measurements.
• If the IdleSintrasearch/ IdleSintersearch = 0 , is not sent to the serving cell, the UE performs
intrafrequency or inter frequency measurements.

The decision about when GSM measurements are performed is made using the SsearchRat
parameter in relation to Squal :
• If the Squal > SsearchRat, the UE does not need to perform measurements on
GSM cells.
• If the Squal <= SsearchRat , the UE performs measurements on GSM cell
Squal <= IdleSintrasearch
Qqualmeas Qqualmin <= IdleSintrasearch
Qqualmeas <= Qqualmin (-18dB) + IdleSintrasearch (10dB)

Squal <= IdleSintrasearch

Qqualmeas Qqualmin <= IdleSintersearch
Qqualmeas <= Qqualmin (-18dB) + IdleSintersearch (8dB)

Squal <= SsearchRat

Qqualmeas-Qqualmin <= SsearchRat
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3G Cell Reselection

Squal <= IdleSintrasearch

Qqualmeas Qqualmin <= IdleSintrasearch
Qqualmeas <= Qqualmin (-18dB) + IdleSintrasearch (10dB)

Squal <= IdleSintrasearch

Qqualmeas Qqualmin <= IdleSintersearch
Qqualmeas <= Qqualmin (-18dB) + IdleSintersearch (8dB)

Squal <= SsearchRat

Qqualmeas-Qqualmin <= SsearchRat
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Qqualmeas <= Qqualmin Planning
(-18dB) & Packet Data (4dB)
+ SsearchRat © Confidential Proprietary
3G Cell Reselection

qHyst1 = 4 dB
GSM cell measurements First ranking of all the cells based on
CPICH RSCP (WCDMA) and RSSI (GSM) qOffset1sn = 0 dB
available If : qQualMin = -18 dB

CPICH Ec/No – qQualMin < SRatSearch sRATsearch = 4 dB
Rn= CPICH_RSCP(n) or RXLEV(n) Qoffset1
qOffset1sn = 7 dB
Rs = Serving WCDMA cell
calculation, with qRxlevMin = -107 dBm
hysteresis parameter

Rn = Neighbour WCDMA or GSM

cell calculation with offset Yes
parameter Rn higher in GSM cell No

Qhyst2 = 4 dB
qOffset2sn = 0 dB
Cell re-selection
to GSM
Second ranking only for WCDMA cells based on
If a TDD or GSM cell is ranked as the best cell, then the UE must perform CPICH Ec/No
cell re-selection to that TDD or GSM cell.
Rs = CPICH Ec/No + Qhyst2
If a FDD cell is ranked as the best cell and cell_selection_and_reselection- Rn= CPICH Ec/No -Qoffset2
quality_measure is set to CPICH RSCP, the UE shall perform cell re-
selection to that FDD cell.

If a FDD cell is ranked as the best cell and cell_selection_and_reselection- Cell re-selection to
quality_measure is set to CPICH Ec/No, the UE shall perform a second WCDMA cell of highest
ranking of the FDD cells according to the R criteria using the measurement R value
quantity CPICH Ec/No calculating the R values of the FDD cells.

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2G to 3G Cell Reselection
Measurements on 3G Neighbors
The parameters QSI and QSC define thresholds and also indicate whether these
measurements shall be performed when the signal strength (SS) of the serving cell is below or
above the threshold. QSI is used for idle and packet switched modes and broadcast on BCCH
and PBCCH (if enabled), while QSC is used for active mode, sent on SACCH
There are 4 different scenarios to choose from. Parameters QSI and QSC are set per GSM cell and define
both the scenario and the necessary threshold, at the same time:
• UTRAN neighboring cells are measured only when the signal strength of the GSM serving cell is above

the threshold set by QSI and QSC

• UTRAN neighbor cells are measured only when the signal strength of the GSM serving cell is below
threshold set by QSI and QSC .
• UTRAN neighbor cells are always measured.
• UTRAN neighbor cells are never measured. This can be used to turn off the cell reselection/handover
UMTS, per cell, even if COEXUMTS is ON for the BSC.
Value 0 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 … 14 15

dBm -98 -94 … -74 Always -78 -74 -70 … -54 Never

If RLA_C < -94 UE starts UE always measures 3G If RLA_C > -70 UE starts 3G UE never measures 3G
3G measurements cells measurements cells
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2G to 3G Cell Reselection

Example 1: If an UTRAN cell should serve purely to extend the coverage for Multi-
RAT MSs in GSM, it is logical to set QSI /QSC values from 0-6, since it's only
needed to make cell reselection and handovers to UMTS when the GSM coverage
falls low.

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2G to 3G Cell Reselection

Example 2: If an UTRAN cell is co-sited with a GSM cell, there is a certain

correlation between signal strengths of the two systems. If the GSM is for example
using 900MHz band it is very probable that the GSM signal strength will always be
higher than the UTRAN signal, for a number of dBs. Therefore, there is no point in
measuring UTRAN cells in low GSM signal conditions and values 8-14 can be
selected accordingly.

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2G to 3G Cell Reselection
Criteria :
CPICH Ec/No > FDDQMIN (-10 dB) and
CPICH RSCP > RLA(s+n) + FDDQOFF (-infinite)


Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

dBm -20 -6 -18 -8 -16 -10 -14 -12


Value 0 1 2 3 … 8 … 14 15

dBm -32 -28 -24 -20 … 0 … 24 28


Always select irrespective Reselect in case RSCP >

of RSCP value GSM RXLev (RLA_C) +28dB

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2G to 3G Cell Reselection
Cell Reselection List fdd
fdd cellreselect
cell reselectoffset:
BCCH: FDDQMIN, FDDQOFF select always
select always
QSI = 7(always)
Rxlev fdd
threshold = -10dB
= -10 dB
Check levels every 5s running average (RLA_C) is below or above
running average (RLA_C) is below or above
from serving GSM cell certain
and best 6 GSM RLA_C 
neighbour cells

FDDQOFF = -32 dB
Compare levels UE
WCDMAcell cellifif the
of all GSM cells serving
serving GSM and non-serving GSM cells hasbeen
GSM and non-serving GSM cells has been

05.08:This may take up to 30s

to WCDMA exceeded by certain offset for a period of
exceeded by certain offset for a period of 5 s: 5 s:
neighbour CPICH
RSCP > (aveRxLev) +-32
> (aveRxLev) + -32 cell
FDDQMIN = -10 dB reselectio
Check quality n
of neighbour UE
WCDMA cells, no UEwill
WCDMAcell cellinincase
quality is acceptable:
quality is acceptable:
priorities between
neighbours EcNo  -10
EcNo  -10
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Handover Types

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Intra-Frequency Handover
To enable intra-frequency soft handover

To enable intra-frequency hard handover


Measurement quantity of the inter-frequency handover is based on Ec/No

IntraFreqMeasQuantity (Ec/No)

Maximal number of cells in the active set

MaxCellInActiveSet (3)

Maximal number of cells in the active set of HSUPA

MaxEdchCellInActiveSet (3)

Minimum Quality (Ec/No) of the target cell

SHOQualmin (-18)

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Intra-Frequency Soft Handover

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Event Trigger 1A
Adding cell to the active set

IntraRelThdFor1ACSVP (3dB)
IntraRelThdFor1ACSNVP (3dB)
IntraRelThdFor1APS (3dB) TrigTime1A (320ms)
1A hysteresis (0dB)

Event 1A is triggered and Cell

B is included in the active set

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Event Trigger 1B
Removing cell from the active set

IntraRelThdFor1BCSVP (6dB)
IntraRelThdFor1BCSNVP (6dB)
IntraRelThdFor1BPS (6dB) TrigTime1B (640ms)
1B hysteresis (0dB)

Event 1B is triggered and Cell

B is excluded from the active

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Event Trigger 1C
Replace worst active set cell

TrigTime1C (640ms)
Hystfor1C (4dB)

Event 1C is triggered and Cell

C is replaced by Cell D in the
active set

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Event Trigger 1D
Replace Best active set cell

TrigTime1C (640ms)
Hystfor1D (4dB)

Event 1D is triggered and Cell

A (Best Active Set) is replaced
by Cell B in the active set

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Event Trigger 1D
Replace Best active set cell The following parameters need to be set on the
• Hystfor1J: hysteresis of event 1F
• TrigTime1J: time to trigger event 1J
• PeriodMRReportNumfor1J: number of
periodic reports for event 1J
• ReportIntervalfor1J: report interval for
TrigTime1J (640ms) 1J after change to the periodic report
Hystfor1J (0dB)
measurement control switch for event 1J.
When the switch is ON, the UE version is R6
and event 1J is included in the
intra-frequency measurement control message.

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Inter-Frequency Handover

InterFreqHOSwitch parameter is used to determine the type of

inter-frequency handover. According to the switch, the RNC
chooses the inter-frequency measurement control
INTER_FREQ_COV: The cell supports coverage-based inter-
frequency handover.
INTER_FREQ_COV_NCOV: The cell supports coverage-
based and speed-estimation-triggered inter-frequency handover.
INTER_FREQ_TA: The inter-frequency handover is
triggered by HCS traffic absorption.
This function itself contains the coverage-based function.

used to determine whether
to allow load-based inter-frequency handover.

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Coverage & Qos based Inter-Frequency HO

In the triggering phase

For the coverage-based handover, the RNC requests the
UE to measure through an inter-frequency measurement
control message. If the CPICH Ec/No or CPICH RSCP of
the current cell is lower than the corresponding threshold,
the UE reports event 2D.
For the QoS-based handover, if the service quality of the
current cell deteriorates, the Link Stability Control Algorithm
makes a handover measurement decision.

In the measurement phase

The RNC sends an inter-frequency measurement control
message to the UE, requesting the NodeB and UE to start
the compressed mode. The RNC also requests the UE to
perform the inter-frequency or inter-RAT handover
measurement. In this phase, the method of either periodical
measurement report or event-triggered measurement report
can be used.

In the decision phase

After the UE reports event 2B, the RNC performs the
handover. Otherwise, the UE periodically generates
measurement reports, and the RNC makes a decision after

In the execution phase

The RNC executes the handover procedure.

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Coverage & Qos based Inter-Frequency HO

InterFreqHThd2DRSCP *

QUsed ≤ TUsed2d - H2d/2 *) HO_ALGO_OVERLAY_SWITCH should be ON

Mother_Freq + CIOother_Freq ≥ Tother_Freq + H/2

Inter-Frequency TargetFreqCsThdRscp
Hard HO is TargetFreqR99PsThdEcN0
triggered TargetFreqR99PsThdRscp
Trigger event 2D 500ms
and start measure TargetFreqHThdRscp
neighbors TimeToTrigForPrdInterFreq

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Coverage & Qos based Inter-Frequency HO
InterFreqHThd2DEcN0 *
InterFreqHThd2DRSCP *

QUsed ≤ TUsed2d - H2d/2
QUsed ≤ TUsed2b - H2b/2
QNoused ≥ TNoused2b + H2b/2

Inter-Frequency TargetFreqCsThdEcN0
Hard HO is TargetFreqCsThdRscp
triggered TargetFreqR99PsThdEcN0
Trigger event 2D
and start measure

If HO Fail It will wait and try

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Load based Inter-Frequency HO
In the triggering phase
The Load Reshuffling (LDR) module directly determines whether the current cell is overloaded and whether an inter-
frequency handover needs to be performed. The LDR module provides the target cell information for the current cell,
and the RNC performs the handover procedure.

In the decision phase

The RNC decides to trigger an inter-frequency blind handover if the conditions are met.
− If the inter-frequency blind handover can be triggered, the RNC enters the decision phase.
− If the inter-frequency blind handover cannot be triggered, the RNC does not perform the handover.
After the inter-frequency handover is triggered, the RNC chooses a decision algorithm according to whether the
conditions of direct blind handover are met.

If the UE is not in soft handover state, the UE directly performs inter-frequency blind handover based on load.

If the UE is in soft handover state, the UE operates based on the following conditions:
1. If the HO_ALGO_LDR_ALLOW_SHO_SWITCH is set to ON, the RNC determines whether the cell that
triggers LDR is the best cell.
− If this cell is the best cell, the RNC initiates an intra-frequency measurement for inter-frequency blind
handover based on load.
− If this cell is not the best cell, the RNC does not initiate an inter-frequency blind handover based on load.

2. If the HO_ALGO_LDR_ALLOW_SHO_SWITCH is set to OFF, the RNC does not initiate an inter-frequency
blind handover based on load.

In the execution phase

The RNC performs the blind handover according to the decision result.

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Load based Inter-Frequency HO
In the execution phase
The RNC performs the blind handover according to the decision result.



CPICH RSCP of the cell in the measurement report >= BlindHOQualityCondition

Initiate Blind





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Speed based Inter-Frequency HO
In the triggering phase
The RNC receives the handover request according to the HCS
speed estimation. The handover based on HCS speed
estimation is of two types: handover from the macro cell to the
micro cell and handover from the micro cell to the macro cell.
For different types of handover, the RNC acts differently.

In the measurement and decision phases

− If the handover is performed from a macro cell to a micro
cell, the RNC sends an inter-frequency measurement control
message. After the UE reports event 2C, the RNC performs
the handover decision. For inter-RAT handover, the UE reports
event 3C.
− If the handover is performed from a micro cell to a macro
cell, the RNC directly performs blind handover, ignoring the
measurement procedure.

In the execution phase

The RNC initiates a handover procedure.
− If the handover is performed from a micro cell to a macro
cell and the target cell of blind handover is configured (through
the parameter BlindHOFlag), the RNC performs blind
handover to the target cell.
− If the blind handover fails or the handover is performed from
a macro cell to a micro cell, the RNC starts the inter-frequency
(or inter-RAT) measurement procedure. If the inter-frequency
measurement mode is employed, the RNC performs the inter-
frequency handover procedure to the cell with the best quality
after receiving event 2C from the UE.
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Inter-RAT Handover

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Inter-RAT Handover


HO_INTER_RAT_PS_OUT_SWITCH: The switch decides

whether the RNC will initiate inter-RAT measurement to
trigger inter-RAT handover of the PS domain from the

HO_INTER_RAT_CS_OUT_SWITCH: The switch decides

whether the RNC will initiate inter-RAT measurement to
trigger inter-RAT handover of the CS domain from the





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Coverage Based 3G-to-2G Handover

In the triggering phase

For the coverage-based handover, the RNC requests the
UE to measure through an inter-frequency measurement
control message. If the CPICH Ec/No or CPICH RSCP of
the current cell is lower than the corresponding threshold,
the UE reports event 2D.
For the QoS-based handover, if the service quality of the
current cell deteriorates, the Link Stability Control Algorithm
makes a handover measurement decision.

In the measurement phase

The RNC sends an inter-frequency measurement control
message to the UE, requesting the NodeB and UE to start
the compressed mode. The RNC also requests the UE to
perform the inter-frequency or inter-RAT handover
measurement. In this phase, the method of either periodical
measurement report or event-triggered measurement report
can be used.

In the decision phase

After the UE reports event 3A, the RNC performs the
handover. Otherwise, the UE periodically generates
measurement reports, and the RNC makes a decision after

In the execution phase

The RNC executes the handover procedure.

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Coverage Based 3G-to-2G Handover
InterFreqHThd2DRSCP *

QUsed ≤ TUsed2d - H2d/2 *) HO_ALGO_OVERLAY_SWITCH should be ON

Mother_RAT + CIOother_RAT ≥ Tother_RAT + H/2

Inter-RAT HO is TargetRatR99PsThd
triggered TargetRatHThd
Trigger event 2D 500ms
TimeToTrigForVerify (with BSIC ACK)
and start measure TimeToTrigForNonVerify
neighbors TimeToTrigForVerify


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Coverage & Qos 3G-to-2G Handover
InterFreqHThd2DEcN0 *
InterFreqHThd2DRSCP *

QUsed ≤ TUsed2d - H2d/2
QUsed ≤ TUsed - H3a/2
MOtherRAT + CIOOtherRAT ≥ TOtherRAT + H3a/2

Inter-Frequency TargetRatCsThd
Hard HO is TargetRatR99PsThd
triggered TargetRatHThd
Trigger event 2D HystforInterRAT
and start measure
neighbors If HO Fail It will wait and try

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Load-based 3G-to-2G Handover

In the triggering phase

When the load of the 3G cell that the UE accesses is
higher than the related threshold, the Load Reshuffling
(LDR) algorithm makes a handover decision. For detailed
information of the LDR, see Load Reshuffling in the Load
Control Parameter Description.

In the measurement phase

The RNC enables the compressed mode and starts the
inter-RAT handover measurement.

In the decision phase

After the UE reports event 3C, the RNC makes a
handover decision.

In the execution phase

The RNC initiates a handover procedure.

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Load-based 3G-to-2G Handover
In the execution phase
The RNC performs the blind handover according to the decision result.


MOtherRAT + CIOOtherRAT ≥ TOtherRAT + H3c/2 Maximum 3G-2G HO Attempt Fail for

Load and Service Based HO

If HO Fail It will wait and try


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Service-based 3G-to-2G Handover

In the triggering phase

When a service is established, the RNC requests the
handover to the GSM based on the service type and service
handover indicator assigned by the CN.

In the measurement phase

The RNC enables the compressed mode and starts the
inter-RAT handover measurement.

In the decision phase

After the UE reports event 3C, the RNC makes a handover

In the execution phase

The RNC initiates a handover procedure.

Switches for Service-based 3G-to-2G Handover



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Overview of Rate Control

AMR Narrow Band (NB) 1. 4.75 kbps

AMR Rate
2. 5.15 kbps
Control 3. 5.9 kbps
4. 6.7 kbps
5. 7.4 kbps
Best Effort
6. 7.95 kbps
Service 7. 10.2 kbps
Rate Control 8. 12.2 kbps

AMR Wide Band (WB) 1. 6.6

2. 8.85
3. 12.65
4. 14.25
5. 15.85
6. 18.25
7. 19.85
8. 23.05
9. 23.85
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Procedure of Rate Control
Measurement Control Rate Adjustment
1. RNC learn about stability of AMR services from Methods:
a. UL TX Power a. AMRC/AMRC-WB for
Link Stability Measurement

b. DL TX Power AMR service

b. DCCC (Dynamic
2. RNC learn about UL stability of BE service from Channel Configuration
a. UE TX Power Control) for BE services
3. RNC learn about DL stability of BE service from Link Stability Control
a. DPDCH TX Power Is performed through
b. Retransmission Rate of RLC PDU a. Rate Decrease
b. Inter-freq HO
Traffic Volume & Throughput

4. RNC learn about traffic volume from c. Inter-RAT HO

a. RLC Buffer Occupancy

5. RNC learn about throughput from

a. Traffic Volume measured from MAC-d

6. RNC learn about terminal activity from

a. Traffic Volume
b. Throughput


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Link Stability Measurement for BE Services
UL Quality Measurement :

DL Quality Measurement
DL TX Power of DPCCH
DL RLC PDU Retransmission Rate

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Rate Adjustment - DCCC
DCCC – Dynamic Channel Configuration Control

• DCCC Based on Traffic Volume

• DCCC Based on Throughput
• DCCC Based on Link Stability
• DCCC Based on Basic Congestion
• Ue State Transition
• Service Release due to absence of data

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DCCC Based on Traffic Volume
Measurement and Event Triggering
The RNC can increase or decrease service rates according to the reported
Traffic volume (buffer usage of RLC entities) events.

• Event 4a indicates that the traffic volume is excessively high, and thus the
RNC needs to decrease service rates.
• Event 4b indicates that the traffic volume is excessively low, and thus the
RNC needs to increase service rates.

Rate Adjustment
• After receiving a report on event 4b, the RNC triggers rate decrease.
After receiving a report on event 4a, the RNC triggers rate increase.
• DCCC strategy can be for UL only or both UL&DL
• The minimum value to which the rate can be decreased is the UL/DL
rate threshold for DCCC.
• The maximum value to which the rate can be increased is the MBR
• If the Adjustment Level setting is “3_rates” instead of “2_rates” than
there is middle rate that could be set
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DCCC Based on Traffic Volume
Event 4a (Traffic Volume over RLC Buffer Threshold)

Event4aThd (1024 byte)

TimetoTrigger4A (240 ms)

PendingTime4A (4000 ms)

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DCCC Based on Traffic Volume
Event 4b (Traffic Volume below RLC Buffer Threshold)

Event4bThd (D256)

TimetoTrigger4B (DL:30000 ms, UL:5000ms)

PendingTime4B (4000 ms)

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DCCC Based on Traffic Volume
UlRateUpAdjLevel = 3_Rates (UL Rate Adjustment Level for Rate increase)
UlRateDnAdjLevel = 3_Rates (UL Rate Adjustment Level for Rate increase)
DLRateUpAdjLevel = 3_Rates (UL Rate Adjustment Level for Rate increase)
DLRateDnAdjLevel = 3_Rates (UL Rate Adjustment Level for Rate increase)
DCCC Strategy ( DcccStg ) could be set for UL only

UlMidRateThd (128 kbps)

DLMidRateThd (128 kbps)

If UlMidRateCalc set to HAND_APOINT

UlDcccRateThd (64 kbps) instead of AUTO_CALC then we
DLDcccRateThd (64 kbps) Can set ULMidRateThd. It also work for DL

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DCCC Based on Throughput
Measurement and Event Triggering
• In each measurement period, the MAC-d measures the traffic volume of radio bearers
(RBs) then, it divides the measurement result by the measurement period to obtain the
• The throughput measurement period can be specified by the parameter
E2FThrouMeasPeriod for services on the E-DCH and DchThrouMeasPeriod for services
on the DCH.
• If the AvgThroughput is above the threshold of event 4a for a period of time specified
by EdchTimetoTrigger4A and the current time is not in the pending time after trigger,
then event 4a is triggered. After event 4a is triggered, it cannot be triggered any more
in the period of time specified by EdchPendingTime4A. Event 4a DCCC based on
throughput only for E-DCSH for DCH event 4a triggering is not available
• If the AvgThroughput is below the threshold of event 4b for a period of time specified
by EdchTimetoTrigger4B or DchThrouTimetoTrigger4B and the current time is not in the
pending time after trigger, then event 4b is triggered. After event 4b is triggered, it
cannot be triggered any more in the period of time specified by EdchPendingTime4B or

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DCCC Based on Throughput
Rate Adjustment
• To enable throughput-based rate adjustment on the DCH, set the subparameter
THROU_DCCC_SWITCH of the parameter CfgSwitch to ON through the SET
• To enable throughput-based rate adjustment for HSUPA, set the sub parameter
DRA_HSUPA_DCCC_SWITCH of the parameter DraSwitch to ON through the SET
• For services on the DCH, the Ri adjustment rate set is {rate threshold for DCCC,
middle rate,maximum rate}. For details, see Table 3-1. The throughput threshold is as
follows: Rt-1 = Rt-1 x 90%.
For example : If current rate is middle rate (128 kbps) then event 4b will be triggered if
rate decrease until 90% x DCCC rate threshold (64kbps) = 57.6kbps

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DCCC Based on Throughput

Get from Traffic Volume (RLC Buffer Data) / DchThrouMeasPeriod

90% of
UlMidRateThd (128 kbps)
DLMidRateThd (128 kbps)

DchThrouTimetoTrigger4B 90% of
UlDcccRateThd (64 kbps)
DLDcccRateThd (64 kbps)

NO DCCC Based on Throughput for Event 4a (Rate increase)

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DCCC Based on Link Stability on Uplink
Measurement and Event Triggering (UPLINK)
• According to the measurement result of UE TX power in the UL, event 6A,
6B,or 6D is triggered. The following new triggering time parameters are
introduced: UlBeTrigTime6A1, UlBeTrigTime6A2, UlBeTrigTime6B1,
UlBeTrigTime6B2, and UlBeTrigTime6D. The threshold is define as the delta
between max Ue TX power and UlThd6A1, UlThd6B1, UlThd6A2, UlThd6B2.

• The UL BLER measurement may trigger event 5A. The RNC defines a sliding
window of a certain length through the parameter StaBlkNum5A. Each time
the RNC receives a data block, it compares the number of error blocks in the
sliding window with the threshold of event 5A specified by the parameter
Thd5A. If the number of error blocks is above or equal to the threshold of
event 5A, event 5A is triggered. Then, the RNC can trigger again event 5A
only after the number of received error blocks reaches HangBlockNum5A, to
avoid excessive reporting of event 5A.

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DCCC Based on Link Stability on Uplink

MaxUlTxPowerforInt (24 dBm)


UlThd6B1 UlThd6B2


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DCCC Based on Link Stability on Uplink
Rate Adjustment
• If the RNC receives a report on event 6A1 (Ue TX Power over the threshold
of event 6A1), In This case rate decrease
a. If the current rate is equal to the MBR, it is decreased to the middle rate threshold
specified by UlMidRateThd.
b. If the current rate is higher than the full-coverage rate specified by UlFullCvrRate or
but lower than the MBR, it is decreased to UlFullCvrRate



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DCCC Based on Link Stability
Rate Adjustment
• If the RNC receives a report on event 6B2 but does not receive any report on
event 6A2,the channel power is sufficient. In this case, rate increase based
on traffic volume can be triggered by event 4a.
• If the RNC receives a report on event 6A2, no rate increase based on traffic
volume can be triggered by event 4a. If the RNC receives a report on event
6B1, rate decrease is stopped and no rate increase can be triggered.

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DCCC Based on Link Stability
Measurement and Event Triggering (DOWNLINK)
• Event E is used to check whether the DL power is excessively high. Event E can
trigger a DLrate decrease. Event E consists of event Ea and event Eb. Event F is used
to check whether the current TX power allows a rate increase. Event F consists of
event Fa and event Fb.
• If the TX power in the pilot field of the DPCCH is above the threshold of event Ea or Fa
for a period of time specified by DlBeTrigTimeE or DlBeTrigTimeF, event Ea or Fa is
triggered. Then, the NodeB periodically reports the measurement results of TX power
to the RNC. The period for the NodeB to report measurement results is specified by
the parameter ChoiceRptUnitForBeE, TenMsecForBeE, or MinForBeE for event E
and by the parameter ChoiceRptUnitForBeF, TenMsecForBeF, or MinForBeF for
event F
• If the TX power in the pilot field of the DPCCH is below the threshold of event Eb or Fb
for a period of time, event Eb or Fb is triggered. For BE services, this period is set to
640 ms. Then, the NodeB stops reporting the measurement results of TX power.

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DCCC Based on Link Stability

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Load Control

The load control functions are applied to the different UE access phases as follows:
􀁺 Before UE access: Potential User Control (PUC)
􀁺 During UE access: Intelligent Access Control (IAC) and Call Admission Control (CAC)
􀁺 After UE access: intra-frequency Load Balancing (LDB), Load Reshuffling (LDR), & Overload Control (OLC)

Load Control Function
Power Code NodeB Credit Iub Bandwidth
CAC (Call Admission Control) X X X X
IAC (Intelligent Access Control) X X X X
PUC (Potential User Control) X
LDB (Intra-frequency Load Balancing) X
LDR (Load Reshuffling) X X X X
OLC (Overload Control) X X
Dynamic power sharing among carriers X
–: not considered
X: considered

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Potential User Control
The function of PUC is to balance traffic load between cells on different frequencies. The RNC uses PUC to modify cell
selection and reselection parameters, and broadcasts them through system information. In this way, UEs are led to
cells with a light load. The UEs can be in idle mode, CELL_FACH state, CELL_PCH state, or URA_PCH state.

The PUC function is enabled only when the PUC subparameter of the NBMLdcAlgoSwitch parameter is set to 1
(TRUE). The RNC periodically monitors the downlink load of the cell. Current default setting is FALSE

􀁺 If the cell load is higher than the upper threshold (SpucHeavy) plus the load level division
hysteresis (SpucHyst), the cell load is considered heavy.
􀁺 If the cell load is lower than the lower threshold (SpucLight) minus SpucHyst, the cell load is
considered light.

SpucHeavy SpucHyst


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Potential User Control

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Potential User Control

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Intelligent Access Control
The function of IAC is to increase the access success rate with the current QoS guaranteed through
rate negotiation, queuing, preemption, and Directed Retry Decision (DRD).

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Call Admission Control
Code and Iub resource-based
admission control are mandatory
and can not be disabled. Other
admission control strategies may be
enabled/disabled through the ADD

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CAC Based on Code Resource
Code resource–based admission is implemented as follows:
For RRC connection setup requests, the code resource–based admission is successful if the current
remaining code resource is sufficient for RRC connection setup.

For handover services, the code resource–based admission is successful if the current remaining
code resource is sufficient for the service.

For other R99 services, the RNC has to ensure that the remaining code does not exceed
the DlHoCeCodeResvSf (SF32) parameter after admission of the new service.

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CAC Based on Power Resource
The algorithm switches are set by the

Algorithm 1 (ALGORITHM_FIRST): admission decision based on predicted load increment upon

admission of a new service
Based on the current cell load (indicated by the uplink load factor and downlink TCP) and the
predicted load increment due to admission of the new service, the RNC determines whether the cell
load will exceed the threshold upon admitting the new service. If yes, the RNC rejects the access
request. If not, the RNC accepts the access request.

Algorithm 2 (ALGORITHM_SECOND): admission decision based on the ENU

Depending on the current ENU and the access request, the RNC determines whether the ENU will
exceed the threshold upon admitting a new service. If yes, the RNC rejects the request. If not, the
RNC accepts the request.

Algorithm 3 (ALGORITHM_THIRD): admission decision based on no load increment upon admission

of a new service
This algorithm assumes that load increment upon admission of a new service is 0. Based on the
current cell load (indicated by the uplink load factor and downlink TCP), the RNC determines whether
the cell load will exceed the threshold upon admitting the new service. If yes, the RNC rejects the
access request. If not, the RNC accepts the access request.

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CAC Based on Power Resource
Admission Decision for RRC Connection Setup Request

The admission decision for RRC connection setup request is as follows:

1) When power-based admission is based on power or interference (algorithm 1 and algorithm 3):
- For the RRC connection setup request for the reason of emergency call, detach or registration,
direct admission is used.
- For the RRC connection setup request for other reasons, the UL or DL OLC trigger threshold
(UlOlcTrigThd or DlOlcTrigThd (95)) is used for admission.

2) When power-based admission is based on the ENU (algorithm 2):

- For the RRC connection setup request for the reason of emergency call, detach or registration,
direct admission is used.
- For the RRC connection setup request for other reasons, the admission decision is made as follows:
a. When UL_UU_OLC or DL_UU_OLC is set to 1, RRC connection setup request is rejected when
the cell is in the overload congestion state. If the cell is not in the overload state, the UL or DL OLC
trigger threshold is used for power-based admission.
b. When UL_UU_OLC or DL_UU_OLC is set to 0, the UL or DL OLC trigger threshold is used for
power-based admission.

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CAC Based on Power Resource
Power-Based Admission Algorithm 1
Downlink Power–Based Admission Decision for R99 Cells Based on Algorithm 1

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CAC Based on Power Resource
Power-Based Admission Algorithm 1
Downlink Power–Based Admission Decision for R99 Cells Based on Algorithm 1

The procedure of downlink power–based admission decision is as follows:

1. The RNC obtains the cell downlink TCP and calculates the downlink load factor η DL by dividing the
maximum downlink transmit power Pmax by this TCP.

2. The RNC calculates the downlink load increment Δη DL based on the service request and the
current load.

3. The RNC uses the following formula to predict the downlink load factor:
ηDL,predicted = ηDL + ΔηDL + ηDLccch

In the formula, ηDLccch is the percentage of reserved DL common channel load

(DlCCHLoadRsrvCoeff (0)).

4. By comparing the downlink load factor η DL,predicted with the corresponding threshold
(DlConvAMRThd (80), DlConvNonAMRThd(80), DlOtherThd(75), and DlHOThd(85)), the RNC
decides whether to accept the access request.

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DL access threshold for handover (UlNonCtrlThdForHo or DlHOThd)
- UL/DL threshold of conversational AMR service (UlNonCtrlThdForAMR or
- UL/DL threshold of conversational non-AMR service (UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR
or DlConvNonAMRThd)
- UL/DL threshold of other services (UlNonCtrlThdForOther or DlOtherThd)

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UE State Transition

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UE State Transition
UE State Transition from CELL_DCH to CELL_FACH




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UE State Transition
UE State Transition from CELL_FACH to CELL_DCH

BeF2DTvmThd (1024 byte)

BeF2DTvmTimeToTrig (0s)

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