9 - Change Management
9 - Change Management
9 - Change Management
Of Change
Change Management
Session Objectives
After completion of this session, students will be able to:
Define what mean by change
Describe types of change
Explain purpose of change
Describe factors that cause change
Explain Lewin’s three step of change process
Describe reasons for resistance of change
Explain technique to overcome resistance during change
Discuss about stress management during change
It will often have little impact on the way the remainder of the
organization works.
Types of Change…
To meet changing customer needs.
To meet changing market conditions.
To respond to internal pressures.
To take advantage of new opportunities.
To respond to competitive pressure.
To respond to government policy shift.
Factors that Cause Change
i. Internal forces
Pressures for change may arise from a number of
sources within the organization, particularly from :
New strategies – Top management decisions.
Factors that cause change…
10. Synergy : Synergy simply means that the whole is greater than
the sum of its parts.
This simply means that the previous nine factors involving a variety
of people, resources, energies, and activities result in synergy, if
they mutually support success and also if individually they are as
favorable to the program as possible.
Competence Required by the change agent
In three areas;
i. Technical competence : with respect to the substance of
the changes to be implemented.
For example if the change involves the introduction of a new
computerized management information system, the competence in
the analysis of such systems is important.
Target Example
Individual Change knowledge, skill, attitude, or behavior
Fire a person and replace him or her with some one new
Technology Replace existing technology with a more modern machine or way
of doing work.
Structure Change from a functional structure to a product division structure
Add a new department or division, or consolidate the existing ones.
1. Unfreezing:
It involves making the need for change so obvious that the
individual, group, or organization can readily see and accept it.
It is the process of creating a climate ready for change.
In this stage, the management realizes that the current strategy is
no longer appropriate and the organization must break out of
(unfreeze) its present shape.
As such, it tries to make other people (employees) realize that
some of the past ways of thinking, feeling, and doing things are
It convinces individuals and groups that present conditions or
behavior are inappropriate.
Three Step Change Process…
3. Contradictory assessments.
• No perceived benefits.
• An assessment that the proposed change is
wrong/ill thought-out.
4. Low tolerance of change
• Fear of the unknown.
• Fear of failure.
• Fear of looking stupid.
• Reluctance to experiment.
• Custom-bound (inertia-Unwillingness to disturb
status quo).
Techniques to overcome resistance
during changes