Toeic: By: Ayu, Weng, Yusufa, Baso, Andi
Toeic: By: Ayu, Weng, Yusufa, Baso, Andi
Toeic: By: Ayu, Weng, Yusufa, Baso, Andi
B Y : AY U , W E N G , Y U S U FA , B A S O , A N D I
Will be listened to a number of questions and short conversations in English, and participants are
asked to answer based on the information heard.
Participants will read materials and are asked to answer questions based on reading content.
• TOEIC and TOEFL are designed for different purposes. TOEFL is intended for students or
students who wish to continue their studies in the United States and Canada. While TOEIC is
aimed at those whose native language is not using English dialogue and want to show the
ability to communicate in English in the world of work and take part in globalization.
• TOEIC has two kinds of tests that are reading and listening tests with a score range of 10-990.
While TOEFL has three kinds of test options including PBT (Paper Based Test), CBT
(Computer Based Test), and IBT (Internet Based Test). TOEFL scores based on the test are
PBT (310-677), CBT (30-300), and IBT (8-120).