Environmental Science Module 1
Environmental Science Module 1
Environmental Science Module 1
Most Essential Learning Competencies
After going to this module, you are expected to:
1. define Environmental Science
2. discuss Environmental Science as an interdisciplinary
3. give examples of sciences under environmental science
4. identify common environmental issues in one’s locality
Read each item carefully.
Choose the letter of the correct
answer for each question.
What I Know
1. What is Environmental Science?
A. It is the study pertaining to the environment only
B. It answers questions about how the natural world functions, how
humans interact with the environment, and also how humans
influence their environment.
C. It is all about natural things.
D. It is the course that teaches how to manage the surroundings.
What I Know
2. Which of the following is not a natural
What I Know
3. Which of the following is considered the main
cause of all the environmental problems or issues
around the world?
A. Over-population
B. Deforestation
C. Pollution
D. Climate Change
What I Know
4. Why Environmental Science is considered
A. Because it tells us about the changes taking place in the
B. Because it warns us for upcoming disaster.
C. Because it incorporates information and ideas from
multiple disciplines.
D. Because it welcomes all events.
What I Know
5. Which do you think is NOT a goal of
Environmental Science?
A. To develop all areas that we owned.
B. To learn how the natural world works.
C. To understand how we as humans interact with
the environment.
D. To determine how we as humans affect the
What I Know
6. Which field studies the living
A. Ecology
B. Biology
C. Geophysics
D. Paleontology
What I Know
7. What is ozone layer depletion?
A. warming of the surroundings
B. destruction of the ozone layer
C. thickening of the ozone layer
D. extinction of species
What I Know
8. Which of the natural sciences deals with
the study of the earth surface?
A. Ecology
B. Geology
C. Physics
D. Chemistry
What I Know
9. What will happen if environmental issues
cannot be minimized or resolved?
A. All things will be still the same.
B. There will soon be no life on earth.
C. All species will have a rapid increase in their
D. Life will be stabled
What I Know
10. Which natural sciences study the
relationships between living things and their
A. Geology
B. Chemistry
C. Physics
D. Ecology
What Is It
Environmental Science
-studies the interactions of the
physical, chemical, and
biological components of the
3 Main Goals
• Learn how the natural world works
• Understand how we as humans interact with
the environment, and also to determine how
we affect the environment.
• Determining how humans affect the
Environmental science is also
referred to as an interdisciplinary
field because it incorporates
information and ideas from
multiple disciplines.
Environmental issues are the harmful
effects of human activities on the
environment. Environmental issues are a
WARNING of the upcoming disaster. If
these issues are not controlled, there will
What’s New
Natural Sciences Humanities Social Sciences
Engineering Political Science
Chemistry Sociology
Environmental Issues Effects
Global warming • Melting glaciers, early snowmelt
• Rising sea levels
• Forests, farms, and cities will face heat
Deforestation • Cause climate change
• Desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops,
• Increased greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere, and a host of problems for
indigenous people.
Climate change • Drought
• Losses to property and crops
• Declining water supplies, reduced
agricultural yields, health impacts in
cities due to heat
Over-population • Increased demand for resources
• Starvation and malnutrition
Ozone depletion • Increased UV radiation
• Skin cancers, eye cataracts and immune
deficiency disorders.
Pollution • Chronic respiratory disease
• Cause birth defects
• Increasing the levels of carbon dioxide
Environmental issues physical geography
interdisciplinary political science chemical
biological natural sciences humanities
Environmental science is the field of science that studies the interactions of the
(1) physical, (2)chemical and (3)biological components of the environment.
Environmental science is also referred to as an (4) interdisciplinary field
because it incorporates information and ideas from multiple disciplines. The
social science fields that are incorporated into environmental science include
(5)geography, (6)economics, and (7)political science. By combining aspects of
the (8)natural sciences, social sciences, and the(9)humanities, the field of
environmental science can cover more concepts and also examine problems and
topics from many different points of view. (10)Environmental issues are the
results of human interventions in the environment.
1. What is Environmental Science?
A. It is the study pertaining to the environment only
B. It answers questions about how the natural world functions, how
humans interact with the environment, and also how humans
influence their environment.
C. It is all about natural things.
D. It is the course that teaches how to manage the surroundings.
2. Which is NOT a goal of Environmental
A. To develop all areas that we owned.
B. To learn how the natural world works.
C. To understand how we as humans interact with
the environment.
D. To determine how we as humans affect the
3. Which of the following does NOT
belong to natural sciences?
A. Biology
B. Chemistry
C. Geology
D. Sociology
4. Why Environmental Science is considered
A. Because it tells us about the changes taking place in the
B. Because it warns us for upcoming disaster.
C. Because it incorporates information and ideas from
multiple disciplines.
D. Because it welcomes all events.
5. Which of the following is considered the main
cause of all the environmental problems or issues
around the world?
A. Over-population
B. Deforestation
C. Pollution
D. Climate Change
Environmental Issues
6. Air pollution
Assessment Description
a. change in the climatic pattern
7. Over-population b. damage in the ozone layer E
8. Ozone depletion c. result of emissions from the
industries, automobiles, and B
increasing use of fossil fuels.
9. Climate change d. Depletion of trees and forests at
an alarming rate.
10. Deforestation e. Drastic increased in the number
of population.