IKM Risk Management System

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Risk Management

It makes good business sense; most clients’ request


Because We said We would (Policy Statement).

Requirement of IKM’s Integrated Management


It is a legal requirement.
Some Definitions

The job you are undertaking
Something that has the potential to do harm or damage to YOU,
Initial Risk:-
The amount of harm or damage that a HAZARD can do if it happens
Control Measure:-
What you can do to reduce the INITIAL RISK
Residual or Final Risk:-
What the RISK posed by the HAZARD will be if the CONTROL
MEASURES are implemented
STEP 1 (Task Analysis)

Split the TASK into all the small steps you take to
complete the job. Be aware that different steps may
take place in different locations.

You can usually get this by reading the procedure.

The procedure gives you instructions in a
step by step format.
STEP 2 (Hazard Identification)

Think of all the things that can go wrong when you

are carrying out a particular step.

These are the HAZARDS associated with this step. It

may be what you do or where you are doing it.

You decide who or what it affects if it happens.

You also decide what the result/outcome would be if

it happens.

Don’t forget things that can affect the Environment
STEP 3 (Risk Analysis)

Having identified all the hazards

You decide how likely it is that the hazard will take

place. (Likelihood)

You decide how severe the result would be if the

hazard actually took place. (Severity)

There is a table to enable you to determine what

kind of risk these two factors produce

SEVERITY: Negligible, Slight, Moderate, High and Very

N=1 S=2 M=3 H=4 VH=5
LIKELIHOOD: Very Likely, Likely, Possible, Unlikely
and Very Unlikely.

VL=5 5 10 15 20 25

L=4 4 8 12 16 20

P=3 3 6 9 12 15

U=2 2 4 6 8 10

VU=1 1 2 3 4 5
Very Unlikely:- Little or no chance of occurrence
Unlikely:- Could possibly occur; but less than 50/50 chance
Possible:- 50/50 Chance
Likely:- Probable; better than 50/50 Chance
Very Likely:- Almost certain; More than 90% likely to occur
Negligible:- No personal injury, no lost time. Limited equipment
damage. Controlled minor Environmental emission
Slight:- Personal injury, First Aid Treatment, Minor equipment
damage, Minor uncontrolled Environmental emission
Moderate:- Lost Time Accident (LTA), Some equipment
damage. Significant controlled Environmental emission
High:- Reportable Lost Time Accident (RLTA), Significant
Damage, Serious uncontrolled Environmental emission.
Very High:- Fatal accident, Disabling injury. Major damage.
Major Reportable Environmental emission.
What Next?
STEP 4 (Control Measures)

Having assessed all the RISKS

You decide what you can do to reduce the risk.

Normally it will not be possible to reduce the severity

of a hazard.
You will have to find methods of preventing the
hazard happening as often.

NOTE: Controls measures must be practical.

What Next?
STEP 4 (Control Measures) continued

When determining Control Measures or considering

changes to existing controls consideration should be
given to the following hierarchy:
•Engineering Controls
•Signs, Warnings, barriers and/or administrative
controls (Preventative Measures)
•Use of PPE
and Then?
STEP 5 (Re-assessment)

Re-assess the risks with the control measures in place

as in STEP 3.

This is called the RESIDUAL or RESULTANT RISK.

15 or higher – Totally Unacceptable - Work must not commence
until additional control measures are in place to reduce the risk.
8 to 12 – Safety Critical - Work can commence but it is preferable
that further control measures be added to reduce the risk to Low,
the work must be authorised by the Country Manger.
1 to 6 – Adequate - Work can commence without further control
measures being introduced.

It should be As Low As Reasonably Practical (ALARP)

When to Carry out Risk Assessments

The Risk Assessments shall be reviewed at least

annually or earlier when the any of following
• New process/procedure is introduced
• Current process/procedure is modified
• New information related to environmental aspects
/ occupational health & safety surface
• Any new hazard is identified
• Incident (including accident / near-miss) occurs

Continuous risk assessment is mandatory on site.
Model Risk Assessments for each of our services have
been produced to assist you in carrying out a Risk

They are to be used as guidelines only; they are by no

means comprehensive or complete.

There is a template available for you to use to

generate a new risk assessment.

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