Advocacy Communication

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Communication is used for various reasons and
objectives. Usually, it is the instrument for
information and awareness, but it can also be used
to push people into action and put value in this

The power of communication through spoken and

written words drive people into belief and approval.

That is the reason why there is Advertising of

products and services using the traditional and new
Product Advertising

Jollibee owes its household brand recall

through advertising and promoting its food
products. Same with Safeguard, as your
anti-bacterial soap. This communication
(to its target market) is to generate profits.
Service Advertising
The University of Santo Tomas, on the
other hand does not offer any material
product but gives off service by training
and educating students to become
professionals and highly equipped with
special skills.

These are promoted and marketed

through its brochures and webpage. This
brings information and action for students
to seek admission and to enroll later.
However, there is communication which is
intended for the good of the greater
majority. It doesn’t communicate a product
nor a service but a cause for the good of all.

This cause is tied around value system,

social responsibility, love for humanity,

This is what is known as Advocacy.


 comes from the Latin ‘advocare’ and literally means ‘to call out for

 The origins of advocacy date back to ancient Rome and Greece

when well-established orators would perform as advocates or wrote
orations specifically for pleading someone’s cause. Personalities
such as Cicero and Caesar were among the greatest Roman
lawyers and advocates.
 “a social change
 “putting a problem on the process affecting
agenda, providing a solution to attitudes, social
that problem and building relationships and power
support for acting on both the relations, which
problem and the solution.” strengthens civil society
and opens us
democratic spaces” says
-Ritu R.Sharma,from the Academcy the handbook by Save
for Educational Development the Children Fund.
Usually, advocacy communications are about:

FAITH the need to have beliefs, creed and religion e.g. Pray the
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT progress and community building
e.g. Pay your taxes
LITERACY education and skills-training e.g. the right to free
HEALTH good physiological and psychological condition and
well-being e.g. Get high with God, not with Drugs!
NUTRITION balanced diet e.g. eating of green leafy vegetables

INDIGENOUS PEOPLE respect for cultural and social minorities

e.g. respecting ancestral lands of the Igorots, Mangyan etc.
ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS ecological preservation e.g.
right garbage disposal, Earth day celebration.
HUMAN RIGHTS respect for the lives and conditions of human
beings especially women and children e.g. No to child labor,
ANIMAL WELFARE love for the plight of animals e.g. No dog
POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT inclusivity and the free exercise of
political affiliation, will etc.. e.g. Vote wisely during elections.
■ 1. Message

■ The message is the subject being conveyed

or the general idea behind the words,
illustrations, infographics, colors, shapes.

■ In advocacies, the message is a global or

national concern that must be addressed or
given action with. The message of “Re-use,
Reduce, Recycle” is a world-wide issue
towards environmental preservation that
everyone in the planet must observe and
■ 2. Purpose/Objective

■ The underlying reason forms the purpose for the

advocacy. The reasons for coming up with an
advocacy could be numerous and may be
understood at different standpoints.

■ It could that a social problem like the growing

number of out-of-school youth can lead to a much
bigger problem economically and morally that a
solution or an immediate action is needed.
■ 3. Presentation/Execution

The presentation of an advocacy can be given

in so many ways to make it effective.
Usually, advocacies would cite the benefits of
the practice or observance. But it can also be
the other way around, that is conscientizing
people of the bad effects or the harm it may
give if not addressed.
Eating non-nutritious food can lead to obesity.
And proper diet and exercise lead to a healthy
4. Target Audience

Advocacies communicate specifically to a group of

readers, publics, audience whom it is directed to.
It is segmented to include, age bracket, economic
and social status, gender, age, creed etc.

So UST’s advocacy as a smoke-free zone is a

gentle reminder for students, faculty members,
employees, guests to refrain from smoking inside
the university.
■ 5. Feedback

■ Feedback is knowing the reaction of

target audience. It is a means as to
whether the message was effective
and there was adoption of the

■ Feedbacks can be gained by doing

interviews, surveys and seeing
changes from people, themselves.
Let us examine and study an advocacy material
Message: The Acquired Immune eficiency Syndrome (AIDS) affects everyone
regardless of age, creed, sex etc.

Target Audience: Male and female in the Visayas regions (Regs. 6-8) ages 15
to 65 years old regardless of any economic and social status, most especially
those who are sexually active and blood donors and donees.

Presentation: AIDs has become a worldwide concern and knowing more about
the ailment is a step in the prevention of the spread of this deadly disease.

Purpose: AIDs as an ailment has no found medicine yet, so prevention is better

than cure through literacy.

Fedback: in 1993, the government and the private sector have taken their share
in the education and awareness campaign through seminars. The education
sector has included discussion of AIDs in their curriculum. The enetertainment
industry has made movies tacking AIDs. More people have gone into testing and
victims have come out in the open to become spokespersons.
Message: 1) As provided by Philippine Law (RA 9211 series 2003)
smoking is prohibited in public places. 2) Smoking is hazardous to
one’s health. 3) Smoking can be kicked out from one’s habit.4) No
Smoking in Ram Marketing Corporation’s (RMC) premises.

Target Audience: All Male and female employees of RMC ages

most especially smokers and victims of passive smoking.

Presentation: Gentle reminder to employees that smoking can

sacrifice one’s health and life. Through direct communication, the
advocates tell that smoking is prohibited in the area as provided by the
law (see Tobacco Regulation Act). And will cost one’s lives.

Purpose: RMC would like to implement a “No Smoking” culture

within its premises. Not only to clean its premises bit also for the well-
being of its employees.

Feedback: RMC has installed hidden cameras and ordered security

guards to check from time to time the canteen, the lounge, comfort
rooms. So far, they have attained 100% compliance.
Creating an Advocacy Campaign
■ Work in groups (5 members per group).
■ Refer to current social, environmental, or political issues/problem
confronting the Philippine society.
■ Identify specific groups in society that need help and/ or attention (refer
to Slides 8 & 9).
■ Create or make advocacy poster which can be printed and tacked around
and be shared in facebook for the information and action of people.
■ Provide an explanation of your work through its elements (refer to Slides
17 & 18)
■ You group will present and discuss your advocacy campaign which will
serve as your Final Exam on Dec. 16, 2020 from 7 to 10 am.
Thank you very much.

Nice teaching all of you.

Stay safe.

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