Advocacy Communication
Advocacy Communication
Advocacy Communication
Communication is used for various reasons and
objectives. Usually, it is the instrument for
information and awareness, but it can also be used
to push people into action and put value in this
comes from the Latin ‘advocare’ and literally means ‘to call out for
FAITH the need to have beliefs, creed and religion e.g. Pray the
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT progress and community building
e.g. Pay your taxes
LITERACY education and skills-training e.g. the right to free
HEALTH good physiological and psychological condition and
well-being e.g. Get high with God, not with Drugs!
NUTRITION balanced diet e.g. eating of green leafy vegetables
Target Audience: Male and female in the Visayas regions (Regs. 6-8) ages 15
to 65 years old regardless of any economic and social status, most especially
those who are sexually active and blood donors and donees.
Presentation: AIDs has become a worldwide concern and knowing more about
the ailment is a step in the prevention of the spread of this deadly disease.
Fedback: in 1993, the government and the private sector have taken their share
in the education and awareness campaign through seminars. The education
sector has included discussion of AIDs in their curriculum. The enetertainment
industry has made movies tacking AIDs. More people have gone into testing and
victims have come out in the open to become spokespersons.
Message: 1) As provided by Philippine Law (RA 9211 series 2003)
smoking is prohibited in public places. 2) Smoking is hazardous to
one’s health. 3) Smoking can be kicked out from one’s habit.4) No
Smoking in Ram Marketing Corporation’s (RMC) premises.
Stay safe.