ME Week 9 Waveguides

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EE342: Microwave Engineering

Lecture 9: Waveguides
Instructor: Mohaira Ahmad
Different Types of a Waveguide
• Rectangular Waveguide
• Circular Waveguide
• Coplanar Waveguide
• Flexible Waveguide
Types of Waveguides
• Simple to fabricate
• High frequency
• Less attenuation
▫ Dielectric WG
• High power
▫ Circular WG
Applications of waveguides
• Bulky
• Cost
• Rigidity
• Frequency limitations
▫ Limited range of frequencies
▫ Dispersion
• One disadvantage of waveguide is its high cost. Manufacturing volumes
are low, and waveguide materials such as copper and silver are relatively
expensive. Other disadvantages include unwieldy size and mass,
particularly at lower frequencies. If your cell phone employed waveguide
components, it would need wheels because it would be too heavy to lift! A
final disadvantage of waveguide is that you can't pass DC currents along
with your RF signal. Fear not, the advantages of power handling often
outweigh all of waveguide's perceived shortcomings!

EE342 Microwave

Transmission Lines
• Used for guided transmission of
power / signal
• Earlier breakthrough in microwave
engineering was the development
of low-loss transmission lines and
Various coaxial cables of
waveguides different frequency

Rectangular waveguides Microstrip transmission-


EE342 Microwave

Transmission Lines
What is a Plane Wave
• In the physics of wave propagation, a plane
wave (also spelled planewave) is a constant-
frequency wave whose wavefronts  are infinite
parallel planes of constant peak-to-
peak amplitude normal to the phase
velocity vector.
Polarized Plane Wave
Transverse Electromagnetic Wave (TEM)
Rules for Propagation in a Waveguide
• According to Maxwell’s there are three rules of
 Electromagnetic waves do not pass through a
conductor, they are reflected by conductors
 Electric field lines that touch a conductor must be
perpendicular to it
 Magnetic field lines close to conductor must be
parallel to it
• Because of these rules only certain modes of
propagation can exist
Different Types of wave propagation modes
• TE
• TM

EE342 Microwave

General Solution for TEM, TM and TE Waves

• The propagating modes along the transmission line or
waveguide may be classified according to which field
components are present or not present in the wave.
• The field components in the direction of wave propagation
are defined as longitudinal components while those
perpendicular to the direction of propagation are defined as
transverse components.
• Four possible modes
▫ Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) modes
▫ Transverse electric (TE) modes
▫ Transverse magnetic (TM) modes
▫ Hybrid modes
General Solution for TEM, TE and TM waves
• For a source free region
General Solution for TEM, TE and TM waves
General Solution for TEM, TE and TM waves
General Solution for TEM, TE and TM waves
• Equations 1 to 6 can be manipulated to get the
following equations
General Solution for TEM, TE and TM waves

  is the cutoff wavenumber


EE342 Microwave

General Solution for TEM, TM and TE Waves

k 2   2  c
These equations give Cut-off wave number
the transverse field any exciting frequency lower than
components in terms
of the cutoff frequency will attenuate,
2 2
longitudinal 𝑘  𝑐 = √ 𝑘 − 𝛽 rather than propagate.
components, Ez and

EE342 Microwave

TEM Waves
 E z  0, H z  0
In general, Ex, Ey, Hx, Hy  0

All field compoents are equal to zero if Ez and Hz are

both zero. ( From the previosuly derived equations)
Unless kc2  0
For TEM waves 𝑘 2 2 2
  𝑐 =𝑘 − 𝛽 =0

Hence, we have

  √ 𝜇𝜀
TEM Waves
• The
  transverse fields of TEM wave are the same as
the static fields that can exist between the
• The voltage between the conductors can be given as

• The current flow on the given conductor can be

found using the Ampere’s Law

• =

EE342 Microwave

TE Waves
The electric field is “transverse”
 Ez  0 (perpendicular) to z.  2 
  2 2 kc2  k 2  k z2
  2  2  k z  k  hz  x, y   0

In general, Ex, Ey, Hx, Hy, Hz  0  x y

  
kc2 

To find the TEz field solutions (away from any sources), solve
( 2  k 2 ) H z  0  2 2 
  2  2  kc2  hz  x , y   0
 x y 

 2 2 2 
(  k ) H z  0   2  2  2  k 2  H z  0
2 2

 x y z   2 2 
  2  2  hz  x, y   kc2 hz  x, y 
 x y 
 jk z z
 H z ( x , y , z )  hz ( x , y ) e
(This is an eigenvalue problem.)
The eigenvalue kc2 is always real.

EE342 Microwave

TE Waves
Once the solution for Hz is obtained, we use

The procedure to analyze TE line is

• Solve the reduced Helmholtz equation for the
longitudinal component
• Find the transverse components from the
longitudinal components
• Apply boundary conditions to find the unknowns
and cutoff wave number

EE342 Microwave

TM Waves
• Solving the Helmholtz
equation for , we get a 2D
wave equation

The procedure to analyze TM line is

• Solve the reduced Helmholtz equation for the
longitudinal component
• Apply boundary conditions to find the unknowns
and cutoff wave number
• Find the transverse components from the
longitudinal components
Difference between TEM, TE and TM
A TEM Wave
Rectangular Waveguide

a is always greater than b

Rectangular Waveguide
Rectangular Waveguide Wave Propagation

EE342 Microwave

Solution for TEM, TE, TM Waves

To solve for TEM To solve for TE / TM
mode: mode:
• Solve the Laplace’s equation
for electric potential
 Solve the reduced Helmholtz
equation for the longitudinal
• Find the unknowns by component
applying the boundary  Compute other field components
conditions using the longitudinal component
• Compute E by taking the
gradient of electric potential
 Find the unknowns by applying
boundary conditions
• Compute H by taking curl of
E  Find the cutoff frequency
Solution for TEM Wave
• For
  a TEM wave
• In this case for TEM wave all equations on
previous slide will become zero
• Cutoff wavenumber for a TEM wave is zero
• This means there is no cutoff wavelength for a
TEM wave.
• Wave equation solution for a TEM wave is
HE Modes
• Hybrid Modes E and H fields in the transverse
direction are non zero

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