Impact of Societal Institutions On Caribbean People
Impact of Societal Institutions On Caribbean People
Impact of Societal Institutions On Caribbean People
Institutions on
Caribbean People
What are social institutions
2. Religion
• Africans –
• Extended network of support not necessarily
based on marriage.
• Matrifocal families
The origins and evolution of
Caribbean families
• European -
• Nuclear family – two parents who are legally
married with children of that union living
together as a household.
• Accepted as the most dominant form of the
The origins and evolution of
Caribbean families
• Indians
• Extended family in the form of joint
• Patriarchal
Caribbean family forms
• Slavery theory -
• Critics of the African Retention theory.
• Slaves were forced to adopt the family forms
outside of the nuclear family since marriages
were banned among slaves.
• Therefore the slaves had to resort to family
forms such as single parentage and visiting
Perspectives on reasons for
family forms in the Caribbean
• Economic thesis theory-
• Critics of both African retention theory and
slavery theory.
• Poor, unemployed or under-employed
mothers are willing to get involved in sexual
relationships for very practical reasons such
as financial help.
• Poor, unemployed or under-employed men
can only occasionally provide the kind of
support .
Economic thesis theory.
2. Enables social
cohesion by the
common curriculum
especially in culturally
plural societies.
• (Functionalist)
• Promotes national
values and ideals.
• (Marxism)
• Facilitates the division
among the classes
Purpose of Education
• Social mobility
– Limited Tertiary Education
• Sorting and allocating Education
– Streaming, special education
• Learning in school in too artificial
– Home schooling.
• Education for the middle class
• Academic achievement as an indicator for
3. Provides a set of
beliefs for interpreting
the causes and
consequences of a
person’s past,
present, and future
conduct. It provides
people with answers
to the “whys” of their
existence and future.
Purpose of Religion
4. Provides people
with an identity as
members of a
specific group and
a sense of
with past and
future. (social
Purpose of Religion
5. Provides emotional
support and
consolation in the
face of uncertainty,
anxiety, defeat,
alienation and
Impact of Religion
• Functionalist
• Mains social order,
social stability
• Marxism
• the justice system in
capitalist societies are
bias and favorable to
the elites.
The Legal system
• Constitutions – a
countries basic right