Participation, in effect, refers to the influence of the subordinates over decisions taken
by their superiors. A subordinate can influence his superior’s decisions at least in two
ways : (i) by giving suggestions and ideas for improvement in work-related areas in the
form of joint consultations (ii) by actually participating in the decision making process
before a decision is taken.
Primary objective:
a)industrial harmony
b)sense of commitment
c)sense of belongingness
d)good communication skills
e)handles the resistance
Secondary objectives
The main implications of workers’ participation in
management as summarized by ILO:
• Workers have ideas which can be useful
• Workers may work more intelligently if they are informed about the reasons
for and the intention of decisions that are taken in a participative
• Unique motivational power and a great psychological value.
• Peace and harmony between workers and management.
• Workers get to see how their actions would contribute to the overall growth
of the company.
• They tend to view the decisions as `their own’ and are more enthusiastic in
their implementation.
• Participation makes them more responsible.
• They become more willing to take initiative and come out with cost-saving
suggestions and growth-oriented ideas.
Merits of Workers participation in management
a)Increase productivity
b)Increase efficiency of employee.
c)Establish industrial peace
d)Establish industrial democracy
e)Well being of individual
f)Personality development
g)Mutual understanding
h)Social well being
i)Welcome changes
j)Rapid industrialization
• One view is that workers or the trade unions should, as equal partners, sit
with the management and make joint managerial decisions.
• The other view is that workers should only be given an opportunity, through
their representatives, to influence managerial decisions at various levels.
Scope and ways of participation:
• In practice, the participation of workers can take place by one or all the methods listed below:
• Board level participation
• Ownership participation
• Complete control
• Staff or work councils
• Joint councils and committee
• Collective Bargaining
• Job enlargement and enrichment
• Suggestion schemes
• Empowered teams
• Financial participation
• Quality circles – This is a group of labour and management personnel who belong to a single department, do
same or similar work, meet periodically to discuss manufacturing problems, analyze them and find solutions to
quality problems
• TQM - Total Quality Management is the management of quality, totally and fully in all respects, small areas and
all activities of organizations, right from top to bottom. It aims at continuous improvement in organizations and
focuses primarily on total satisfaction of consumers, both internal and external. The 3 terms required to make
this concept:
– (1)Total- Everyone associated with the company is involved in continuous improvement including
customers and suppliers
– (ii) Quality – Customers’ stated and implied requirements are fully met
– (iii) Management – Executives are fully committed.
Pre-requisites for successful participation:
• The beginning towards WPM was made with the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, which made
Works Committees mandatory in industrial establishments employing 100 or more workers.
• The Industrial Policy Resolution adopted by the government in stated that there should be
some joint consultation to ensure industrial peace, and improve employer-employee
(The functions of both these joint bodies were to be consultative and were not binding on the
management. The response to these schemes was encouraging to begin with, but gradually
• A study team was appointed in 1962 to report on the working of joint councils and
committees. The team identified some reasons for their failure-
–No concrete steps were taken to remove the difficulties, or change the pattern of
participative management.
– During the emergency of 1975-77, the interest in these schemes was revived by the then
Prime Minister by including Workers’ Participation in industry in the government’s 20-point
• The government started persuading large enterprises to set up joint consultative
committees and councils at different levels. The Janata Government who came to power in
1977 carried on this initiative. In was again emphasized by the Congress government who
came back n 1979. This continued in a “non-statutory vein” till the late 1980s, and the
response from the employers and employees stayed luke-warm.
• Then, the 42nd Amendment to the Constitution was made and Article 43-A reads:
‘The State shall take steps, by suitable legislation, or in any other way, to secure the
participation of workers in the management of undertakings, establishments or other
organizations engaged in any industry.’ Thus, participative management is a
constitutional commitment in India.
•On May 30,1990; the government introduced the Participation of Workers in
Management Bill in the Rajya Sabha. The bill requires every industrial enterprise to
constitute one or more `Shop-Floor Councils’ at the shop floor level, and
`Establishment Council’ at the establishment level. These councils will have equal
representation of employers and employees.
• Shop-Floor councils enjoy powers over a wide range of functions from
production, wastage control to safety hazards.
• The Establishment Council enjoys similar powers.
•The bill provides for the constitution of a Board of Management of every corporate
body owning an industrial establishment. The bill also provides for penalties on
individuals who contravene any provision of the bill.
•In spite of all these efforts, only the government and the academicians have been
interested in participative management. But participative management is staging a
comeback. The compulsions of emerging competitive environment have made
employee involvement more relevant than ever before. Managers and the managed
are forced to forget their known stands, break barriers, and work in unison. Managers
and workers are partners in the progress of business.
Workers’ Participation in Management in India -The major course
followed are:
In the West, formal representative participation has taken the following forms:
1. Joint Consultation
3. Workers Control