Simple Present Tense PPT 50

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Simple Present Tense



What is simple present tense?

• Simple Present Tense is the tense used to

express an action or activity taking place or
happening at the present time in a simple
form, or activities performed repeatedly, or
daily habits, or acts that have nothing to do
with time.
Time information that can be used in the Simple
Present Tense is:

1  Everyday setiap hari

2  every week setiap minggu
3  every month setiap bulan
4  every year setiap tahun
5  every night setiap malam
6  every afternoon setiap sore
7  every minute setiap menit
8  every hour setiap jam
9  once a week satu kali seminggu
10  twice a week dua kali seminggu
A. Verbal Sentence
• Verbal sentence in the form of Simple Present
Tense, generally used for
a. Declared an act of a habit or performed at
certain times.
• Example:
- He visits my house twice a week.
- They go to campus everyday
- She eats meat ball everyday.
1.Positive form

• For I, you, we, they subject

we used :
Subject + infinitive
(Verb 1)

• For she, he, it subject

we used:
Subject + infinitive
(Verb 1) + s/es
I write a letter everyday.
(Saya menulis surat setiap hari)

She reads a magazine every morning.

(Dia membaca majalah setiap pagi)

They visit their grandmother every Friday.

(Mereka mengunjungi neneknya setiap hari Jum'at)
There are several rules that must be observed
when adding s/es on a verb (infinitive), as follows:
Verb 1
No The addition of the suffix "-s" Meaning
1 read reads membaca
2 work works bekerja
3 write writes menulis
4 set sets terbenam
5 shine shines bersinar
6 sing sings menyanyi
7 bring brings membawa
8 eat eats makan
9 help helps menolong
10 give gives memberi
2. Verb (infinitive) that ends in the letters "ch, o, s,
sh, x, z" the suffix is "-es"

No Verb 1 (infinitive) Penambahan akhiran “-es” Arti kata

1 teach teaches mengajar
2 reach reaches menjangkau
3 do does mengerjakan
4 go goes pergi
5 kiss kisses mencium
6 discuss discusses mendiskusikan
7 pass passes melewati
8 wish wishes mengharapkan
9 finish finishes menyelesaikan
10 fix fixes memperbaiki
3. verb (infinitive) that ends with the letter "y" and is preceded
by a consonant (consonants), then the suffix "-y" was changed to
"i" and then added "-es".

Verb 1 Penambahan akhiran

(infinitive) “-es” Arti kata
1 Cry Cries Menangis

2 Carry Carries Membawa

3 Fly Flies Terbang

4 Study Studies Belajar

5 Reply Replies Menjawab

6 Try tries Berusaha

4. The verb (infinitive) that ends with the letter "y"
is preceded by a vowel (vocals), plus enough with
the suffix "-s'.

Verb 1 Penambahan
No Arti kata
(infinitive) akhiran “-s”
1 Buy Buys Membeli
2 Play Plays Bermain
3 Lay Lays Berbaring
4 Say says Berkata
2. Negative Form
• For I, you, we, they subject
we used :
Subject + do + not +
infinitive (Verb1)

• For she, he, it subject

we used : Subject + does + not +
infinitive (Verb1)

• Information :
In the form of negative verbal sentence, the additional "s /
es" to the verb does not exist.

They do not/ don’t visit their grandmother every Friday.

(Mereka mengunjungi neneknya setiap hari Jum'at)

She does not/doesn’t read a magazine every

(Dia tidak membaca majalah setiap pagi)
I do not/ don’t write a letter everyday.
(Saya tidak menulis surat setiap hari)
3. Introgative Form
• For I, you, we, they subject
we used :
Do + Subject + Infinitive
(Verb 1) ?
• For she, he, it subject
we used :
Does + Subject +
Infinitive (Verb 1) ?
• Information :
In the form of negative verbal sentence, the additional "s / es" to the
verb does not exist
• Do I write a letter everyday?
(Apakah saya menulis surat setiap hari?)
• Does She read a magazine every morning?
(Apakah dia membaca majalah setiap pagi?)
• Do they visit their grandmother every Friday?
(Apakah mereka mengunjungi neneknya setiap hari
# And the answer is yes i do or no I don’t.
B. Nominal Sentence
1. Positive Form
Information :
Non verb or not a verb (verb), can be a noun (noun),
adjectives (adjective) or an adverb.

Subject + To be + Noun Adjective/Adverb

To be (is, am, are) adjusted to the subject of the


• - Is on the subject of He, She, It

• - Are on the subject, You, They, We
• - Am on the subject I

I am in the library. -----> Adverb

You are sad. ---------> Adjective

She is a teacher.
2. Negative Form
Subyek + To be + not +Noun Adjective/Adverb

Information :
Negative nominal sentence is formed by adding
notes behind to be.

Example :
- You are not sad. -------------> Adjective
  (Kamu sedih)
- I am not in the library. -----> Adverb
  (Kami ada di perpustakaan)
- She is not a teacher.
  (Dia seorang guru)
• Nancy and James are good friends .They speak
good German . Nancy works in a restaurant
downtown and James is a librarian . The
children play in the garden every weekend .
James and Nancy visit church together every
• Yang mana saja merupakan kalimat simple
present tense?
3. Introgative Form
To be + Subyek + Noun Adjective/Adverb

Information :
Kalimat nominal ini dibentuk dengan to be di awal kalimat.

Example :

Are you sad? (Apakah kamu sedih?)

Are you in the library? (Apakah kami ada di perpustakaan?)
Is she a teacher? (Apakah dia seorang guru?)
1.   She always ________ in dance competitions.(participate/participates)

2. Mohan ________ every morning.(jog/jogs)

3. I _______ in France.(live/lives)

4. Jane ______ in a multinational company.(work/works)

5. Doctors ______ that junk food be avoided.(recommend/recommends)

6. He _____ angry very quickly.(get/gets)

a)My mother is a teacher. She _______ English.

b)Rohan is my best friend. He _______ soccer.

c) _____ you know the way out of this building?

d) What ______ your father do?

e) You can't ______ without water.


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