Recircle Final Pitch v2 - C4zRLRM3W
Recircle Final Pitch v2 - C4zRLRM3W
Recircle Final Pitch v2 - C4zRLRM3W
Final Pitch
Jan 2021
Aditi Biswas
The plastic problem
Annual plastic production
• Plastic pain : rise in food delivery companies in India with CAGR of 7.9%
• Food companies add 22,000 tons of plastic waste every month 43%
Yarn Economy
Lack of
incentives in
Low During the recycling process, bottles
waste stream
rates are crushed, washed and flaked
Solution in Circular Economy
• Container deposit laws
• Mandatory recycling legislation
• Reverse Vending Machines
• ReCircle360 aims to improve the Customers segments :
plastic waste collection & • Mall mgmt. companies
separation process in India by • Hotels
installation of state of art RVMs • Corporate canteens
• Subscription based service – • PROs & Municipal corporations
bottle pickers will pick bottles • Retail companies
from complexes, hotels etc. • Airports/Railways
• Rewards in form of earthmiles
recognition/t-shirts & badges,
Holiday vouchers to individuals
• Recognition at UNDP for
Current competitive scenario
Others: International
Engineering, manufacturers
Establishment 2016 2017 • Tomra
RVM variants 3 4 1 – basic shredders • Incom recycle
• TRautwein SB
Rewards Mostly discount Cashback in Paytm Technik
coupons/ Chocolates coupons • Diebold
• Nixdorf
# bottles it can accept 2000 1 ltr PET bottles 1500 PET bottles of 1 • RVM Systems
ltr on avg AS
Turnover 2.5 cr • Envipco
• Kansmacker
# of users 150 users/day/mc
Zeleno started with 2 Biocrux started with GEM india, GG
machines installed in basic shredders and engineering
Delhi, currently has have progressed into manufactures RVMs
105 mcs it caters to production of used in India. But
retail chains, malls & indigenous RVMs their footprint is
FMCG giants unknown
Current RVMs cannot take plastic bags & food containers. Also they can’t remove plastic labels, caps
before shredding/compacting leading to mixed waste streams that will require sorting later
Challenges to RVM
• High chances of misuse
• Not enough motivation for
• Each bottle/can has to be feeded
one after another. High volumes
will be frustrating to manage
• Lack legal backing
Our business model
• How do we make money Costs & Revenue stream
– Grants & CSR, incubation money Machine cost Rs. 3.5 lacs to 4.5 lacs
What stage we are at?
Website & social media pages are Detailed study of EPR rules and
set-up waste management challenges of 2
target states
Expectations from NSRCEL
• Support for a Green initiative
• The enormity of the problem - challenges
of already established system of waste
• Existing extensive & robust PET collection
and recycling system in India- difficult to
Together we can
Roadmap & Futuristic numbers
Create footfall through Drive plastic waste awareness Collaborate with UNDP,
influencer marketing on the among youth through earthmiles org,
website & social media pages marketing at nature events,
marathons, gyms etc
Approach 2-5 hotels, retail Analyze adoption statistics for 6 Collaborate with In 3 years, roll out
stores and mall - apartment months, seek tie-up with govt. for FMCG & Retail in atleast 2 different
complexes in Bangalore to installation at railway stations, giants to improvise cities, preferably
subscribe to services & install airports, popular tourist spots. on the machine tier 2