Hire Purchase Agreement
Hire Purchase Agreement
Hire Purchase Agreement
By :
Pradeep Gautam
Ghyasang Ghising
Pukar K.C
Meaning and Definition
• With some installment plans, the buyer gets the ownership rights as soon
as the contract is signed with the seller.
• The Dealer, contracts with finance co. for financing his hire purchase
• The customer selects the goods for HP, and dealer arranges for the
complete set of documents.
Formation of Hire Purchase Agreement
• Dealer sends documents to finance co. with request to purchase the goods,
and accept the HP transaction.
• The finance co. signs the agreement and sends copy along with EMI
details to dealer.
Formation of Hire Purchase Agreement
• Under hire purchase agreement, you have to know that you are the hirer,
and the owner is the financial institution that gives you the loan.
• Once you become the hirer under the HPA 1967, you are entitled the
following statutory rights:
1. Right to copy of agreement and statement of your current position
You may request the owner to provide a copy of hire purchase agreement and a written
statement showing the amount paid, unpaid and payable under the hire purchase
agreement and the amount derived from interest or overdue installments.
Statutory Rights Of Hirers
2. Right to the appropriation of payment when you have more than one
agreement with the same owner
You have the right to appropriate payment (divide the payment) where you have more
than one agreement, and the payment is insufficient to discharge the total amount due.
For example, you have two hire purchase agreement where the total amount of monthly
installment is RM1,000. For May 2015, you have only RM800. You have the right to
discuss with the owner to appropriate the payment.
Statutory Rights Of Hirers