Resolve Customer Queries Presentation
Resolve Customer Queries Presentation
Resolve Customer Queries Presentation
What is a query?
• a question, especially one expressing doubt or requesting information.
ELEMENT 1: Identify and analyse the
complaint to establish the underlying cause
Establish the query through active listening,
questioning and empathy.
In order to successfully identify our customer's requst you need
the communication skills of listening,empathy and questioning
Empathy- seeing a
Active listening-
situation from the other
Concentrating on both
person's point of vies and
the person who is
trying to udesrtand his/her
speaking and what
situation,motives and
he/she is saying.
Good listening skills are essential in helping you to interpret
your customer's queries and identify his/her needs.
Your ability to listen and empathise with your customer is
fundamental when it comes to building a relationship with them.
Your cusomer will continue to do buisness with your company if
their interaction with you makes them feel that:
• care about them
• listen to them
• respect their point of view
• will try to resolve their queries
When you listen actively, you'll not only be able to repeat what
the customer has said, but how he/she feels about it. You can
demonstrate that you are listening actively by:
• Using verbal encouragers such as 'um', 'yes', 'of course', 'I
understand at appropriate moments
• Paraphrasing what your customer has said, and seeking
his/her agreement
• Asking questions to elicit details or clarification of requests
• Asking the customer to repeat what he/she has said if you do
not understand
• Staying focused on the conversation
An empathetic response requires that your comments reflect
what your customer has told you. When you listen with
empathy you are able to read between the lines, and listen
for what is not being said. You will be able to do this if you:
• Listen with your heart as well as your head-this means
listening to the customer's feelings as well as his/her words
• Show him/her that you understand how he/she feels
• Apologize when necessary
• Commit to finding mutually acceptable ways of resolving the
• Use warm, friendly and encouraging tone
• Be sincere in your interactions with the client you must avoid erecting
barriers to active listening and empathy
Questioning Techniques
Ask questions
If the customer says something that is not clear ensure to ask clarifying
questions. Questioning helps you to get additional information from customers
to help resolve queries.
Summarize and agree on underlying cause of the query
with the customer
Once you have identify the underlying cause of the customer
query ,summarize the query with customer to ensure you get
the key points or facts .
Ensure to leave out detail that may distract from the most
important information. Used correctly, summarizing can save
time, increase understanding, and give authority and
credibility to your work.
Summarizing and gathering key points can help call centre agents
to determine the underlying cause of the customer query.
ELEMENT 2: Comply with enterprise
standards and procedures when resolving queries
Demonstrate an appropriate level of ownership of the customer
Taking ownership simply means accepting responsibility
for ensuring the problem gets solved.
Research has identified that the single most important
factor in creating positive word of mouth is to take
ownership in customer service situations. Studies also
identified that, when we take ownership over customer
service situations, customers are more likely to perceive
that you actually care about them. Taking ownership of a
problem ensures you make the customer happy and
advance your career.
After apologizing it is important you demonstrate to the
guest/customer you will take responsibility for resolving the
complaint. There is little point acknowledging a problem and
then ignoring it – this will only make a bad situation worse.
Proving you want to be involved in resolving the complaint is
critical because this is usually what the guest/customer wants
you to do – fix the problem
How to take ownership of customer query?
• Express empathy.
Customers need to know you hear and understand them.
Listen to their feelings and let them know you empathize with
where they’re coming from. Say something as simple as, “I
understand how frustrating it is when a product doesn’t work as
expected.” Focus on recognizing a customer’s feelings even if
they don’t speak up. If you detect a customer sounds uncertain
or angry, take the time to ask if they have questions or
• Make the customer’s problem your problem.
Sometimes, a customer has an issue that’s not directly the
fault of your company. If you can still step in and help solve the
problem, you’ll earn that customer’s brand loyalty because you
went the extra mile.
• Find out answers you don’t know.
If the customer has questions you cannot answer, don’t wash
your hands of the situation. Let the customer know you’ll look
into the issue and provide a reply back. Talk to your supervisor
ASAP and find out how to get the question answered – then
get back to the customer.
• Know company policy.
When a customer has an issue, know what you are authorized
to do. If you cannot offer a refund, find out if you can provide a
discount or learn who to talk to so you can get permission to
offer the customer an appropriate remedy.
• https://
Observe time management when dealing with queries in accordance with workplace guidelines/standards
By knowing your limits and being familiar with your you should be able to offer them a
deal to resolve their complaint
Agree and communicate a preferred plan of action to resolve the
query of stakeholders.
Plan of action- is a detailed plan outlining the steps to be taken in
order to resolve a query. It outlines what resources you’ll need to
resolve the query and the timeline.
Return to the caller,thank them for holding and transfer the call
Give all data relevant to the query to person to whom it was referred to.
You will find that when you are dealing with a complaint, being
proactive is useful in making sure that your customers are kept
happy. Never leave your customer wondering what is going on,
call them at every step of the process and make sure they
know the status of what is going on. Do not leave the customer
on their own.
A feedback after any query is a very good way of ensuring the
customer will be a repeat customer.
Always let customers know about the outcome of an
investigation into their complaint. If the customer has no idea
what you have done or are doing about their complaint, they
are likely to become angrier or more frustrated and make
further complaints. Some complaints may be particularly
complex and the investigation process may be long. By the
time you come to the end of it, you may forget to tell the
customer. You need to tell them briefly what was involved in
the investigation process, the outcome of the complaint and
the justification behind the outcome.
Even if some parts of the complaint are being finalized, the
customer should be informed of any decisions reached. You
can inform the customer verbally or in writing. It is usually
recommended that you respond verbally for smaller complaints
and in writing for more complex complaints. If the complaint
was lodged in writing then it is customary to respond in writing.
Always explain the outcome in a way that the customer can
understand. Ensure you respond to each point made by the
customer. This will help them to see that you have investigated
their complaint in full. A thorough explanation of any decisions
reached should be provided, as well as an outline of the next
course of action to be taken.
Determine customer satisfaction on the resolution of the query.
• You may be required to prove that you took action following a customer
complaint. For example, a customer may say nothing was done after
they made a complaint to you. If you have a record stating the actions
taken following the complaint and the date the actions were taken, it is
easier to prove your competence as a customer service officer. You may
also need a record of the customer’s details for future reference
• Helps to recall information accurately rather than just relying on memory