Culture Types and Elements

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Culture Types and

Raja Umer
Abdul Samad
Irtza Qureshi
Ibtasam Khan

What is Culture?
Culture is one of the important concepts in Anthropology.
No human society can exist and develop without its

Culture 2

• The main difference between the animal and human societies is of culture only
• Animal societies have no culture because they do not have systems of learning and transmitting social

Types of Culture
There are two types of culture

• Material Culture
• Non-material Culture

Material Culture

From material culture we understand

material and physical objects. For
example, house, road, vehicles, pen, table,
radio set, book etc. these are the products
of human efforts to control his
environment and make his life
conformable and safe

Material 5
In non-material culture we include non material
objects. For example religion, art, ideas, customs,
values system, attitudes, knowledge etc. it does not
have physical shape. It is very important in
determining human behavior and has strong hold on
an individual. Both parts are inter-related with each

Non-material 6
Elements of

Culture is transmitted to
people in many ways. The
most significant are norms,
values, religion, material
symbols, and language.

Elements 7
There are some elements of culture about which the people
should be aware of.
• Languages,
• Norms,
• Symbols,
• Values,
• Attitude

Elements 8

Languages Norms
It is a primary means used to transmit Norm is a rule or standard of behavior shared by
information and ideas. Knowledge of local members of a social group.
language can help because: • Norms define how to behave in accordance
• It permits a clearer understanding of the with what a society has defined as good, right,
situation. and important, and most members of the
• It provides direct access to local people. society adhere to them.  
• It describes how people are expected to
• Understanding of implied meanings.
behave in certain situations for example, when
buying food or boarding a bus.

Elements 9

Symbols Values
• Every culture is filled with symbols of things • Values area society’s ideas about what is good
that stand for something else, which often or bad, right or wrong – such as the
suggests various reactions and emotions. widespread belief that stealing is immoral and
• Some symbols are actually types of nonverbal unfair.
communication, while other symbols are, in • Values determine how individuals will
fact, material objects probably respond in any given circumstances.


• Attitude is a persistent tendency to feel and behave in a particular way.

• Actually, it is the external displays of underlying beliefs that people use to signal to other people.


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