Advanced Programming Language Concepts

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Advanced Programming Language

CT006-3-3-APLC and Version VC1

Language Comparisons: Classes

Topic and Structure of the Lesson

1. Classes
2. Inheritance
3. Single Inheritance
4. Multiple Inheritances
5. Generic classes

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Learning Outcomes

At the end of this chapter, you should be

able to
• Critically evaluate the languages in terms
of classes concept

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Key Terms
1. Class
2. Object
3. Instances
4. Inheritance
5. Polymorphic type

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• An object is a group of variable components equipped with a group

of operations that access these variables.

• A class is a template for a set of similar objects. All these objects

would have the same variable components and be equipped with
the same operations. The variable components are private and the
operations are public.

• A constructor method is an operation that creates (and usually

initialises) a new object (called an instance) of the class. It must be

• An instance method is an operation that inspects and/or updates

one or more of the variables (attributes) of an existing object of the
class. It is normally public.

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A subclass of a class is a set of objects which are similar to each

other but richer than the superclass.

A subclass inherits all the attributes and methods from the

superclass. The subclass may have further attributes and methods
in order to achieve specialisation. It may also override some of
the superclass methods, using the same method names, with
functionally new versions.

The use of classes, especially with inheritance (see later), are

supposed to support re-usability, i.e. the reuse of classes and their
methods, and the developer time, maintenance and testing. These
ideas are supported by object-oriented languages, such as Java
and C++, but also, somewhat differently, by Ada 95 and Haskell.

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abstract class Shape

protected double x, y;
// this shape’s centre
// available to subclasses only
public double distance( )
{ // inherited by subclasses
return Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);

public final void move (double dx, double dy)

{ // cannot be overridden
x = x + dx;
y = y + dy;

public abstract void draw();

// must be overridden

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It would be artificial to have any actual shape as a superclass for all
other shapes. The idea of a shape is indeed abstract. So no draw
method can be defined.

Abstract classes can never have a constructor methods.

However, all shapes will have a centre, and all centres can be
moved, but we don’t allow subclasses to have their own move
methods (hence the word, final).

All actual shapes, i.e. subclasses, may have further methods and
attributes, to achieve specialisation.

Attributes, x and y, are available to all subclasses but not to any

uninherited classes (hence the word, protected).

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class Point extends Shape
{ // inherit from Shape
public Point ( )
x = 0.0; // constructor
y = 0.0; // initialises

public void draw ()

// details of draw
// must be defined

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class Circle extends Shape
private double r; // extra attribute

public Circle (double radius)

x = 0.0;
y = 0.0;
r = radius;

public void draw ()

// details of draw

public double getDiam ()

return 2.0 * r;

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class Box extends Shape
private double w, h;
public Box (double width, double height)
x = 0.0;
y = 0.0;
w = width;
h = height;
public void draw ( )
// details of draw
public double getWidth ( )
return w;
public double getHeight ( )
return h;
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class Square extends Box
// all methods inherited

public Square (double side)

// use superclass constructor
super (side, side);

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Class hierarchy for

Animal abstract

Flier abstract Bird abstract
wingSpan eggSize

Cat Bat Eagle Penguin


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class Animal
float weight;
float height;
// some methods

class Mammal: public Animal

{ // inherit everything from Animal
float gestationTime;
// extra methods

class Bird: public Animal

{ // inherit everything from Animal
float eggSize;
// extra methods
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class Flyer: public Animal
{ // inherit everything from Animal
float wingSpan;
// extra methods
// single inheritance form Mammal
class Cat: public Mammal
{ // inherit everything from Mammal
// extra methods
// multiple inheritance from Mammal and Flyer
class Bat: public Mammal, public Flyer
{ // inherit everything from both
float sonarRange;
// extra methods
// similarly for subclass Eagle

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Multiple inheritance does have some difficulties.

1) Conceptual difficulties include confusion regarding the nature of

superclasses – should they be mutually exclusive? For the
example above, should flyers be a superclass? Is this a confusion
of an action, such as flying, with an object, such as a bird?

2) Programming difficulties include inheritance of methods from

both classes. When a method of the same name exists in both
superclasses, which version should be used in the subclass?
Should the programmer specify it? C++ doesn’t allow this
scenario, this implies the programmer cannot always use multiple
inheritance involving someone else’s superclasses.

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Class hierarchy for

Animal abstract
Method1( )

Mammal Flier
Bird abstract
Method1( ) Method1( )
overridden overridden

Cat Eagle Penguin
Method1( )

Which version of Method1( ) is inherited? From Mammal or Flier?

NOT permitted in C++

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Multiple inheritance is also available in Haskell.

Polymorphic type, a, inherits from both classes Ord and Show:

vSort :: (Ord a, Show a) => [a] -> String

Function, vSort, given a list of any type, sorts the list giving the result as a
string (for printing). Class Ord is required for ordering any type (using < ) and
class Show is required for converting any type into a string (using show function).

vSort list = concat[ show x ++ “\n” | x <- sort list]

thus, for example:

vSort [33, 66, 22, 11]

putStr (vSort [(“fred”, 34), (“nick”, 33), (“al”, 44)]
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Parametric polymorphism is not available in OO

languages. However, the same effect can be achieved
using generic classes in C#, C++ and Java (since 2004).

Let us consider examples in Java: defining a

polymorphic Stack class:

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In “traditional” Java using the artificial umbrella class,
Object, as a polymorphic type:

class Stack
{ // a Stack has elements that are objects
private Object [ ] elements;
private int depth;

public Stack (int size) // constructor

depth = 0;
elements = new Object[size];
public void push(Object x)
elements[depth++] = x;
public Object pop( )
return elements[---depth];
} // end class Stack

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In an application, for a stack with a mixture of different kinds of
elements (as objects), we could write:

Stack st;
String s, t;
Circle c, d;
st = new Stack(100);
s = “Fred”;
c = new Circle(10.0);
t = (String)st.pop(); // casting
d = (Circle)st.pop(); // required

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Note that return types (of type Object) have to be casted as the actual type
required by the assignment (eventhough the type of the variable is known).

Furthermore, if the Stack had elements all the same type,

e.g. String, then the casting is still required:

st = new Stack(50);
s = “Fred”;
t = (String)st.pop(); // casting

Also, note that the elements must be objects and cannot be primitive (or
basic) types, such as int, float, etc)! To include such types, they would have to
be constructed and used as object types, such as Integer, Float (which are
classes rather than types!

This distinction between object and primitive types does not exist in
Haskell – nor in C#.

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In “modern” Java (2004) using a generic class definition for Stack as a
polymorphic type:

class Stack <Item>

{ // a Stack has items that are generic
private Item[ ] elements;
private int depth;

public Stack(int size)// constructor

depth = 0;
elements = new Item[size];
public void push(Item x)
elements[depth++) = x;
public Item pop( )
return elements[--depth];
} // end class Stack
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In an application, Stack items must be all the same type,
e.g. String, thus casting is NOT required:

Stack <String> st1;

Stack <Circle> st2;
Circle c, d;
String s, t;
st1 = new Stack <String>(200);
st2 = new Stack <Circle>(200);
s = “Fred”;
c = new Circle(1.5);
t = st1.pop(); // NO casting
d = st2.pop(); // NO casting

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Quick Review

• What are classes?

• Compare between classes and generic
• Define parametric polymorphism.

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Summary of Main Teaching Points

• Classes
• Inheritance
• Single Inheritance
• Multiple Inheritances
• Generic classes

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Any Questions?

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Next Session

• Imperative Programming - Comparative

study with other paradigm
– Language Comparisons – Side effects
• Simple exercises

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