Globalization and The Global City
Globalization and The Global City
Globalization and The Global City
Global City
2 November 2020
Defining Globalization
Concluding Remarks
Globalization as an outcome
Globalization as a conjuncture
Globalization as a project
As the closer integration of the countries and peoples of the world … by the enormous reduction of
costs of transportation and communication , and the breaking down of artificial barriers to the flows
of goods, services, capital, knowledge, and (to a lesser extent) people across borders (Stiglitz, 2002:
Globalization as a conjuncture:
It is viewed as an ideological justification of the deployment of neoliberal policies privileging corporate rights
(Gill, 1992; McMichael, 2004).
The state itself is transformed, as an instrument of privatization, and its evident complicity in decomposing
modern citizenship fuels an alternative politics, informing a global counter movement.
The ideology of corporate globalization champions “free” exchange, the logic of which is to reduce the historic
frictions to global market relations in state regulations (sovereignty) and economic subsidies (rights). Corporate
globalization represents a sustained challenge to the citizen state, rolling back the political and social gains of the
counter movements of the last century and a half (the “citizenship” bundle of economic, political, and social
The five distinctions represent emphases, which are not unrelated to one another.
Each phase in the long history of the world economy raises specific questions about
the particular conditions that make it possible. One of the key properties of the current
phase is the ascendance of information technologies and the associated increase in the
mobility and liquidity of capital.
There have long been cross-border economic processes-flows of capital, labor, goods,
raw materials, tourists. But to a large extent these took place within the inter-state
system, where the key articulators were national states. The international economic
system was ensconced largely in this inter-state system.
This has changed rather dramatically over the last decade as a result of privatization,
deregulation, the opening up of national economies to foreign firms, and the growing
participation of national economic actors in global markets.
Emergence of global cities could be seen in this context where we see a re-scaling of
what are the strategic territories that articulate the new system.
With the partial unbundling or at least weakening of the national as a spatial unit
due to privatization and deregulation and the associated strengthening of
globalization come conditions for the ascendance of other spatial units or scales.
Among these are the sub-national, notably cities and regions; cross- border regions
encompassing two or more sub-national entities; and supra-national entities, i.e.
global digitalized markets and free trade blocs.
The dynamics and processes that get territorialized at these diverse scales can in
principle be regional, national or global.
In the case of global cities, the dynamics and processes that get territorialized are global.
The globalization of economic activity entails a new type of organizational structure.
To capture this theoretically and empirically requires, correspondingly, a new type of
conceptual architecture.'
Constructs such as the global city and the global-city region are, in my reading,
important elements in this new conceptual architecture. The activity of naming these
elements is part of the conceptual work.
There are other closely linked terms which could conceivably have been used: world
cities," "supervilles,'? in- formational city.? Thus, choosing how to name a configuration
has its own substantive rationality.
Saskia Sassen did not chose the obvious alternative, world city, because it had precisely the opposite
attribute: it referred to a type of city which we have seen over the centuries and in earlier periods in
Asia and in European colonial centers.
In this regard, it can be said that most of today's major global cities are also world cities, but that
there may well be some global cities today that are not world cities in the full, rich sense of that term.
This is partly an empirical question; further, as the global economy expands and incorporates
additional cities into the various networks, it is quite possible that the answer to that particular
question will vary.
Thus, the fact that Miami has developed global city functions beginning in the late 1980s does not
make it a world city in that older sense of the term.
While even ten years ago the key site for the production of these central headquarter functions
was the headquarters of a firm, today there is a second key site: the specialized service firms
contracted by headquarters to produce some of these central functions or components of them.
This is especially the case with firms involved in global markets and non-routine operations. But
increasingly the headquarters of all large firms are buying more of such inputs rather than
producing them in-house.
Third, those specialized service firms engaged in the most complex and globalized markets are
subject to agglomeration economies.
The complexity of the services they need to produce, the uncertainty of the markets they are
involved with either directly or through the headquarters for which they are producing the
services, and the growing importance of speed in all these transactions, is a mix of conditions
that constitutes a new agglomeration dynamic.
The mix of firms, talents, and expertise from a broad range of specialized fields makes a certain
type of urban environment function as an information center. Being in a city becomes
synonymous with being in an extremely intense and dense information loop.
The more headquarters outsource their most complex, unstandardized functions, particularly those subject to
uncertain and changing markets, the freer they are to opt for any location, because less work actually done in
the headquarters is subject to agglomeration economies.
This further underlines that the key sector specifying the distinctive production advantages of global
cities is the highly specialized and networked services sector.
The number of headquarters alone does not specify a global city. Empirically it may still be the case in many
countries that the leading business center is also the leading concentration of headquarters, but this may well
be because there is an absence of alternative locational options.
But in countries with a well-developed infrastructure outside the leading business center, there are likely to be
multiple locational options for such headquarters.
Fifth, these specialized service firms need to provide a global service which has meant a global network of affiliates or
some other form of partnership, and as a result we have seen a strengthening of cross border city-to-city transactions
and networks.
At the limit, this may well be the beginning of the formation of transnational urban systems. The growth of global
markets for finance and specialized services, the need for transnational servicing networks due to sharp increases in
international investment, the reduced role of the government in the regulation of international economic activity, and
the corresponding ascendance of other institutional arenas-notably global markets and corporate headquarters-all point
to the existence of a series of transnational networks of cities.
The economic fortunes of these cities become increasingly disconnected from their broader hinterlands or even their
national economies. We can see here the formation, at least incipient, of transnational urban systems. To a large extent
major business centers in the world today draw their importance from these transnational networks. There is no such
thing as a single global city-and in this sense there is a sharp contrast with the erstwhile capitals of empires.
A sixth hypothesis, is that the growing numbers of high level professionals and high profit
making specialized service firms have the effect of raising the degree of spatial and socio-
economic inequality evident in these cities.
The strategic role of these specialized services as inputs raises the value of top level
professionals and their numbers. Further, the fact that talent can matter enormously for the quality
of these strategic outputs and, given the importance of speed, proven talent is an added value, the
structure of rewards is likely to experience rapid increases.
Types of activities and workers lacking these attributes, whether manufacturing or industrial
services, are likely to get caught in the opposite cycle.
A seventh hypothesis, is that one result of the dynamics described in hypothesis six, is
the growing informalization of a range of economic activities which find their
effective demand in these cities, yet have profit rates that do not allow them to
compete for various resources with the high-profit making firms at the top of the
Global city, different from the world city, emerged in a specific historical time
assisted by IT and ITeS, and the power of the transnational corporation.
Seven hypothesis needs to be empirically tested.